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Sharp injury maay cause () infection.


B.food borne

C.blood borne



更多 “ Sharp injury maay cause () infection. A.airborneB.food borneC.blood borneD.aterborne ” 相关考题
考题 Which of these could cause blood clots? () A、severe infectionB、increasing WBCC、certain types of cancerD、venous injury

考题 ( ) Which of the following can cause hepatitis? A、Viral bacterial infection.B、Liver poisoningC、Traumatic injury to the liverD、All of the above-mentioned.

考题 What we can do on decreasing infection caused by sharp injuries? () A. Make assessment to sharp injury controlB. Enhance educational interventionC. Improve awareness of College studentsD. Supply consultation

考题 Using a seatbelt will reduce the _________ of serious injury in a car accident.A likelihoodB likenessC likingD dislike

考题 In any major injury to a person,first aid includes the treatment for the injury and ______.A.application of CPRB.removal of any foreign objectsC. administration of oxygenD.for traumatic shock

考题 What requires a Report of Marine Accident,Injury or Death?A.Collision with a bridgeB.Injury beyond first aidC.loss of lifeD.All of the above

考题 uring the course of a voyage,a seaman falls on the main deck and injures his ankle. The Master should submit a Report of Marine Accident,Injury or Death if the ______.A.injury results in loss of life onlyB.injury is the result of misconductC.injured is incapacitatedD.injured needs first aid

考题 Every seaman injured on a fishing vessel must reportthe injury to the Master,individual in charge,or otheragent of the employer ______.A.before the end of the voyageB.no later than 24 hours after the vessel docksC.no later than 7 days after the injury occurredD.only if the injury prevents him from working

考题 CASE OF DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY TO A PERSON IN AN ACCIDENT OR SHIPPING DISASTER is ______.A.SalvageB.Operations of the salvageC.CasualtyD.Injury

考题 After the collision,he examined the considerable wreck to his car.A:ruin B:destruction C:damage D:injury

考题 The author suggests the Dr. Mahathir's comments on the currency problems (  ).A.are poor because they weaken his own credibility B.are sharp in identifying the cause of the problem C.prove that he has been a poor leader in general D.reveal his keen insight into the complex issue

考题 Birds have a sharp sense of sight and dogs have a sharp sense of smelling.A:sensitive B:acute C:edgy D:bright

考题 损伤(injury)

考题 心肌缺血再灌注损伤(myocardial ischemic reperfusion injury)

考题 机械性损伤(mechanical injury)

考题 造作伤(artificial injury)

考题 亚致死性损伤(sublethal cell injury)

考题 冷害(chilling injury)

考题 A technician has a user that consistently picks up viruses and malware no matter what kind ofsoftware is installed to prevent infection. Which of the following should be a cost-effective logical step in preventing future infections?()A、Place the user behind a high end NIPS device.B、Migrate the user to a Virtual Machine environment.C、Educate the user on browsing habits.D、Install multiple antivirus programs on the machine to decrease the chances for infection.

考题 问答题After completing her examination of thepatient, the medical intern informed thechief resident that the patient was      A                               B                     Cnot onlyfeeling sick, but dizzy, and thereforemight have an infection. No error             D                         E

考题 名词解释题损伤(injury)

考题 单选题Every seaman injured on a fishing vessel must reportthe injury to the Master,individual in charge,or otheragent of the employer().A before the end of the voyageB no later than 24 hours after the vessel docksC no later than 7 days after the injury occurredD only if the injury prevents him from working

考题 名词解释题机械性损伤(mechanical injury)

考题 名词解释题果实冻害(frozen injury)

考题 单选题Only sharp _____ can enable man to be just right and good in his conduct, and can produce such a sharp sense in the highest degree.A energyB capacityC volumeD intuition

考题 单选题In any major injury to a person,first aid includes the treatment for the injury and().A application of CPRB removal of any foreign objectsC administration of oxygenD for traumatic shock

考题 单选题The primary concern in aiding a back injury patient is().A relieving the patient's pain by giving aspirin or stronger medicationB avoiding possible injury to the spinal cord by incorrect handlingC preventing convulsions and muscle spasms caused by the painD providing enough fluids to prevent dehydration