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Please insure the goods ( )breakage






更多 “ Please insure the goods ( )breakage A.OnB.AgainstC.WithD.In ” 相关考题
考题 [A\] ensure\[B\] assure\[C\] insure\[D\] reassure

考题 We must _______ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible. A.assureB.ensureC.secureD.insure

考题 When there is no indication of damage to the ______ , a bill of lading is said to be ______.A.documents.., clearB.goods.., clearC.documents.., cleanD.goods.., clean

考题 Mr. William wanted to have a batch of porcelain ware().A、insuredB、being insuredC、insuringD、insure

考题 The packing of goods offered does not meet our standards. Could you use packing which is secure ()breakage?A、uponB、ofC、atD、from

考题 Newman: I have an appointment with Mr. Brown.Receptionist: Mr. Brown is expecting you now. ____________A、Come this way, please.B、Go this road, please.C、Follow this direction, please.D、Move here, please.

考题 The Owners _______ to have secured and carry on board the necessary certificates to comply with Safety and Health Regulations and all current requirements in all ports of call.A.EnsureB.AssureC.WarrantD.Insure

考题 以下不能表示“确信”这个含义的词是:A.assureB.convinceC.ensureD.insure

考题 1.复制数据库shop中的sh_goods表结构到数据库mydb的my_goods表中。(5分) 2.查看mydb.my_goods表的数据。(5分) 3.复制shop.sh_goods表数据到mydb.my_goods表中。(5分)。 4.向mydb.my_goods表中插入部分数据 (id为20, NAME为橡皮, content为修正书写错误, keyword为文具)(5分)。

考题 7、显示所有商品的商品编号,商品名称,顾客编号,购买时间(包括有人购买的和没人购买过的),写法正确的是()。A.select goods.gno,gname,vno,btime from sale right join goods on sale.gno=goods.gnoB.select goods.gno,gname,vno from sale right join goods on sale.gno=goods.gnoC.select goods.gno,gname,vno,btime from sale left join goods on sale.gno=goods.gnoD.select gno,gname,vno,btime from sale right join goods on sale.gno=goods.gno