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The first and last scenic spots to he visited in Xi’an are .

A. the Terracotta Warriors and the Great Mosque

B. the Terracotta Warriors and shanghai provincial Museum

C. little wild goose Pagoda and Great Mosque

D. Little wild goose Pagoda and the Muslim Quarter


更多 “ The first and last scenic spots to he visited in Xi’an are .A. the Terracotta Warriors and the Great MosqueB. the Terracotta Warriors and shanghai provincial MuseumC. little wild goose Pagoda and Great MosqueD. Little wild goose Pagoda and the Muslim Quarter ” 相关考题
考题 Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table:Column name Data type RemarksEMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary KeyLAST_NAME VARCNAR2(30)FIRST_NAME VARCNAR2(30)JOB_ID NUMBERSAL NUMBERMGR_ID NUMBER References EMPLOYEE_ID column DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBERYou need to create an index called NAME_IDX on the first name and last name fields of the EMPLOYEES table. Which SQL statement would you use to perform this task? ()A. CREATE INDEX NAME _IDX (first_name, last_name);B. CREATE INDEX NAME _IDX (first_name, AND last_name)C. CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON (First_name, last_name);D. CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON employees (First_name, AND last_name);E. CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON employees (First_name, last_name);F. CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX FOR employees (First_name, last_name);

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考题 阅读下列说明和C代码,回答问题 1 至问题 3,将解答写在答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】 假币问题:有n枚硬币,其中有一枚是假币,己知假币的重量较轻。现只有一个天平,要求用尽量少的比较次数找出这枚假币。 【分析问题】 将n枚硬币分成相等的两部分: (1)当n为偶数时,将前后两部分,即 1...n/2和n/2+1...0,放在天平的两端,较轻的一端里有假币,继续在较轻的这部分硬币中用同样的方法找出假币: (2)当n为奇数时,将前后两部分,即1..(n -1)/2和(n+1)/2+1...0,放在天平的两端,较轻的一端里有假币,继续在较轻的这部分硬币中用同样的方法找出假币;若两端重量相等,则中间的硬币,即第 (n+1)/2枚硬币是假币。 【C代码】 下面是算法的C语言实现,其中: coins[]: 硬币数组 first,last:当前考虑的硬币数组中的第一个和最后一个下标 include stdio.h int getCounterfeitCoin(int coins[], int first,int last) { int firstSum = 0,lastSum = 0; int ; If(first==last-1){ /*只剩两枚硬币*/ if(coins[first] coins[last]) return first; return last; } if((last - first + 1) % 2 ==0){ /*偶数枚硬币*/ for(i = first;i ( 1 );i++){ firstSum+= coins[i]; } for(i=first + (last-first) / 2 + 1;i last +1;i++){ lastSum += coins[i]; } if( 2 ){ Return getCounterfeitCoin(coins,first,first+(last-first)/2;) }else{ Return getCounterfeitCoin(coins,first+(last-first)/2+1,last;) } } else{ /*奇数枚硬币*/ For(i=first;ifirst+(last-first)/2;i++){ firstSum+=coins[i]; } For(i=first+(last-first)/2+1;ilast+1;i++){ lastSum+=coins[i]; } If(firstSumlastSum){ return getCounterfeitCoin(coins,first,first+(last-first)/2-1); }else if(firstSumlastSum){ return getCounterfeitCoin(coins,first+(last-first)/2-1,last); }else{ Return( 3 ) } } }【问题一】 根据题干说明,填充C代码中的空(1)-(3) 【问题二】 根据题干说明和C代码,算法采用了( )设计策略。 函数getCounterfeitCoin的时间复杂度为( )(用O表示)。 【问题三】 若输入的硬币数为30,则最少的比较次数为( ),最多的比较次数为( )。

考题 15、数组q[M]存储一个循环队,first和last分别是首尾指针。当前队中元素个数为_____。A.(last- first+M)%MB.last-first+1C.last-first-1D.last-first

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考题 数组q[M]存储一个循环队,first和last分别是首尾指针。如果使元素x出队操作的语句为“first=(first+1)%m, x=q[first];”。那么元素x进队的语句是_____。A.last=(last+1)%m,q[last]=x;B.x=q[last], last =(last+1)%m;C.q[last+1]=x;D.q[(last+1)%m]=x;

考题 数组q[M]存储一个循环队,first和last分别是首尾指针。当前队中元素个数为_____。A.(last- first+M)%MB.last-first+1C.last-first-1D.last-first

考题 20、以下代码的输出结果是() let obj = { first: 'hello', last: 'world' }; let { first: f, last: l } = obj; console.log(f);A.firstB.helloC.lastD.world

考题 11、数组q[M]存储一个循环队,first和last分别是首尾指针。如果使元素x出队操作的语句为“first=(first+1)%m, x=q[first];”。那么元素x进队的语句是_____。A.last=(last+1)%m,q[last]=x;B.x=q[last], last =(last+1)%m;C.q[last+1]=x;D.q[(last+1)%m]=x;

考题 1、数组q[M]存储一个循环队,first和last分别是首尾指针。当前队中元素个数为_____。A.(last- first+M)%MB.last-first+1C.last-first-1D.last-first