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Children see Santa at the train stop.()



更多 “ Children see Santa at the train stop.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。 ” 相关考题
考题 () has written a note to the boy on a Christmas card. A、Santa# #his MomB、his DadC、the Conductor

考题 () has found a baby to the gorilla groups. A、kala, gorilla motherB、TerkC、KerchakD、Santa

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考题 The()are having a parade at the North Pole when the train arrives.A、Santa# #elvesB、reindeerC、theConductor

考题 The young boy is waiting for ().A、Santa# #his MomB、his DadC、theConductor

考题 At the train stop, children see ().A、Santa# #elvesB、reindeerC、their parents

考题 7、下载波士顿房价数据集,将训练集放入test_x中,则执行______语句可以获得其中的前5行数据。A.print(train_x[:, 5])B.print(train_x[:, 4])C.print(train_x[0:5])D.print(train_x[:4])

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考题 5、对手写数字数据集MNIST中的train_x训练集(60000,28,28)进行切片,下面对切片结果描述错误的是_______。 import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np mnist = tf.keras.datasets.mnist (train_x, train_y), (test_x, test_y) = mnist.load_data()A.train_x[0, :, :]:第1张图片B.train_x[0:10, :, :]:前10张图片C.train_x[:, 0:28:2, :]:对所有图片隔行采样D.train_x[0:28:2, :, :]:对所有图片隔列采样