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A impact B incident C inference D issue


更多 “ A impact B incident C inference D issue ” 相关考题
考题 You glance quickly through a text in order to find a specific piece of ination, this skill is called _____. A.scanningB.skimmingC.inference

考题 【C17】A.impactB.incidentC.inferenceD.issue

考题 __________[A] freedom [B] origin [C] impact [D] reform.

考题 The () increased the contradicitons between the two countries. A.accidentB.residentC.incident

考题 Friday 's shooting ()in East London led to several arrests. A、accidentB、accidentalC、incidentsD、incident

考题 ()refers to the language that surrounds or accompanies a piece of utterance or discourse under analysis.A、linguistic contextB、IndirectC、PragmaticsD、Inference

考题 Inference means that we often infer or make guesses as to what the speaker intends to mean when he says somethingA、implicatureB、DeixisC、PragmaticsD、Inference

考题 A) impactB) incidentC) inferenceD) issue

考题 Medical care reform has become this country's most Medicalcarereformhasbecomethiscountrysmostimportantpublichealth_____.(A)question(B)stuff(C)matter(D)issue

考题 There have been quite a number of road ______today because of yesterday's snowstorm.A. incidentsB. accidentsC. accidentD. incident