网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:
1、下面程序段运行,输入2,-1后,输出 。 Dim x,y As Integer x =Val(InputBox("请输入数据")) y = Val(InputBox("请输入数据")) If x > 0 Then If y > 0 Then MsgBox("第一象限") Else MsgBox("第四象限") End If Else If y > 0 Then MsgBox("第二象限") Else MsgBox("第三象限") End If End If
更多 “1、下面程序段运行,输入2,-1后,输出 。 Dim x,y As Integer x =Val(InputBox("请输入数据")) y = Val(InputBox("请输入数据")) If x > 0 Then If y > 0 Then MsgBox("第一象限") Else MsgBox("第四象限") End If Else If y > 0 Then MsgBox("第二象限") Else MsgBox("第三象限") End If End IfA.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限” 相关考题
在窗体上从左到右有Text1、Text2两个文本框(见图),要求运行程序时在Text1中输入—个分数后按回车键,则判断分数的合法性,若分数为0~100中的—个数,则光标移到Text2中;否则光标不动,并弹出对话框“分数错”。下面程序中正确的是______。A.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then '回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Va1(Text1) If a>=0 Or a<=100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1.SetFocus : MsgBox("分数错") End If End If End SubB.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then '回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Val(Text1) Ifa>=0 And a<=100 Then Text1.SetFocus Else Text2.SetFocus : MsgBox("分数错") End If End If End SubC.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then '回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a<0 And a>100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1.SetFocus : MsgBox("分数错") End If End If End SubD.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then '回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a>=0 And a<=100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1.SetFocus : MsgBox("分数错") End If End If End Sub
下面的程序是计算给定函数的值,自变量x,y的值用InputBox函数输入,函数如下:f(x,y) =程序不完整,请填空,将程序的补充完整。Option ExplicitDim x As SingleDim y As SingleDim z As SinglePrivate Sub Command1_Click()x=Val(InputBox("x=") )y=Val(InputBox("y=") )End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()If 【13】 Thenz=x ^ 2 + y ^ 2ElseIf 【14】 Thenz=x ^ 2 - 2 * y ^ 2【15】z=y ^ 2 - 3 * x ^ 2End IfForm1.Print "当x,y的值为:"; x, yForm1.Print "f(x,y) 的值为:"; zEnd Sub
在窗体上画1个命令按钮,名称为Command1,然后编写如下程序: Dim Flag As Boolean Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim intNum As Integer intNum=InputBox(“请输入:”) If Flag Then Print f(intNum) End If End Sub Function f(X as Integer)As Integer If X<10 Then Y=X Else Y=X+10 End If f=Y End Function Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X as Single,Y As Single) Flag=True End Sub 运行程序,首先单击窗体,然后单击命令按钮,在输入对话框中输入5,则程序的输出结果为______。A.0B.5C.15D.无任何输出
在窗体上画一个名称为Commandl的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序: Dim SW As Boolean Function func(X As Integer)As Integer If X<20 Then Y=X Else Y=20+X End If func=Y End FunctiOn Phvate Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) SW=False End Sub Phvate Sub Form_MouseUp(BuRon As Integer,Shin As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single) SW=Tree End Sub Pdvate Sub Commandl-Click() Dim intNum As Integer intNum=InputBox("") If SW Then Print func(intNum) End If End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,将显示一个输入对话框,如果在输入对话框中输入25,则程序的执行结果为______。A. 输出0B.输出25C.输出45D.无任何输出
下面程序段中正确的是()。A.If x=2 Then y=3B
下面程序段中正确的是( )。A.If x<0 Then y=0 If x<1 Then y=1 If x<2 Then y=2 If x>=2 Then y=3B.If x>=2 Then y=3 If x>1 Then y=2 If x>=0Then y=1 If x>0 Then y=0C.If x<0 Then y=0 Else If>=0Then y=1 Else y=3 End IfD.If x>=2 Then y=3 Else If>=1 Then y=2 Else y=0 End If
下面程序运行结果是( )。 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim x As Single,y As Single x=InputBox("请输入数据25"):y=InputBox("请输入数据10") Print x+y;InputBox("请输入数据25")+InputBox("请输入数据10") End SubA._35_2510B.25102510C._35_35_D.2510_35_
在窗体上画一个命令按钮,命名为Command1。程序运行后,如果单击命令按钮,则显示一个输入对话框,在该对话框中输入一个整数,并用这个整数作为实参调用函数过程F1,在F1中判断所输入的整数是否是奇数,如果是奇数,过程F1返回1,否则F1返回1,否则返回0。能够正确实现上述功能的代码是 。A.Private Sub Command1_Click() x=InputBox("请输入整数") a=F1(Val(x)) Print a End Sub Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) If b Mod 2=0 Then Return 0 Else Return 1 End If End FunctionB.Private Sub Command1_Click() x=InputBox("请输入整数") a=F1(Val(x)) Print a End Sub Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) If b Mod 2=0 Then F1= 0 Else F1= 1 End If End FunctionC.Private Sub Command1_Click() x=InputBox("请输入整数") F1(Val(x)) Print a End Sub Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) If b Mod 2=0 Then F1= 1 Else F1= 0 End If End FunctionD.Private Sub Command1_Click() x=InputBox("请输入整数") F1(Val(x)) Print a End Sub Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) If b Mod 2=0 Then Return 0 Else Return 1 End If End Function
在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程:Private Sub Command1_Click()X=0Do While X<>-1X=Val(InputBox("请输入数据X:"))Y=Val(InputBox("请输入数据Y:"))If X*Y<X+Y Then Print X,YLoopEnd Sub程序运行后,依次输入7,2,-3,8,-5,-10,18,-1,-1,则输出结果是【 】
在窗体上从仨到右有Text1、Text2两个文本框,如图所示,要求程序运行时,在Text1 中输入1个分数后按回车键,则判断分数的合法性,若分数为0~100中的1个数,则光标移到Text2中;否则光标不动,并弹出对话框显示“分数错”。下列程序中正确的是( )。A.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii==13 Then 回车符的ASCIl码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a=0 Or a=100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1.SetFocus:MsgBox("分数错") End If End If End SubB.Private Sub Textl—KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAseii=13 Then 回车符的ASCIl码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a=0 And a=100 Then Textl.SetFocus Else Text2.SetFocus:MsgBox("分数错") End If End If End SubC.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii=13 Then 回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a0 And a100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1.SetFocus:MsgBox("分数错") End If End If End SubD.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KevAscii=13 Then 回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Val(Textl) If a=0 Aad a=100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1.SetFocus:MsgBox("分数错") End If End If End Sub
在窗体上画一个命令按钮,名称为Commandl,然后编写如下程序:Privme Sub Commandl_Click()Dim intNum As IntegerintNum=InputBox(“请输入:”)MsgBox f(intNum)End SubFunction f(X As Integer) As Integerf=IIf (X10,X,X+5)End Function运行程序,单击命令按钮,在输入对话框中输入5,则程序的输出结果为______。
在窗体上画一个命令按钮,命名为CommandI。程序运行后,如果单击命令按钮,则显示一个输入对话框,在该对话框中输入一个整数,并用这个整数作为实参调用函数过程 F1,在F1中判断所输入的整数是否是奇数,如果是奇数,过程F1返回1,否则返回0。 能够正确实现上述功能的代码是A.Privme Sub Command1_Click() x=InputBox(“请输入整数”) a=F1(Val(x)) Print a End Sub Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) If b Mod 2=0 Then Return 0 Else Return 1 End If End FunctionB.Private Sub Command1_Click() x=InputBox(“请输入整数”) a=F1(Val(x)) Print a End Sub Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) If b Mod 2=0 Then F1=0 Else F1=1 End If End FunctionC.Private Sub Command1_Click() x=InputBox(“请输入整数”) F1(Val(x)) Print a End Sub Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) If b Mod 2=0 Then F1=1 Else F1=0 End If End FunctionD.Private Sub Command1_Click() x=InputBox(“请输入整数”) F1 (Val(x)) Print a End Sub Function F1(ByRef b As Integer) If b Mod 2=0 Then Return 0 Else Return 1 End If End Function
设有以下程序:Private Sub Form_ Click() x=50 For i=1 To 4 y=InputBox(“请输入—个整数”) y=Val(y) If y Mod 5=0 Then a=a+ y x=y Else a=a+ x End If Next i Print aEnd Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,在输入对话框中依次输入15、24、35、46,输出结果为 ______。A.100B.50C.120D.70
阅读下列程序: Dim SW As Boolean Function func(X As Integer)As Integer If X<20 Then Y=X Else Y=20+X End If func=Y End Function Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single, Y As Single) SW=False End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single, Y As Single) SW=True End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim intNum As Integer intNum=InputBox(" ") If SW Then Print func(intNum) End If End Sub 程序运行后,单击一次窗体,再单击命令按钮,将显示一个输入对话框,如果在对话框中输入20,则程序的输出结果为A.0B.20C.40D.无任何输出
有如下事件程序,运行该程序后输出结果是( )。 PrivateSub Command33_click Dim x AsInteger,Y AsInteger x=1:y=0 Do Untily=25y=y+x*xx=x+1 Loop MsgBox”x=&x&”,y="Y End SubA.x=1,y=0B.x=4,y=25C.x=5,y=30D.输出其他结果
在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程: Prevate Sub Command1_ Click() x=0 Do Until x=-1 a= InputBox(“请输入A的值”) a= Val (A)b=InputBox(“请输入B的值”) b=Val (B)x=InputBox(“请输入x的值”) x=Val (x) a=a+ b+ x Loop Print a End Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮,依次在输入对话框中输入5、4、3、2、1、-1,则输出结果为______ 。A.2B.3C.14D.15
在窗体上画一个名称为Commana1的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序: Dim SW As Boolean Function func(X As Integer)As Integer If X<20 Then Y=X Else Y=20+X End If func = Y End Function Private Sub Form. MouseDown(Button As Integer,_ Shift As Integer,X As Single, Y As Single) SW = False End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseUp( Button As Integer,_ Shift As Integer ,X As Single, Y As Single) SW = True End Sub Private Sub Commandl_Click( ) Dim intNum As Integer intNum = InputBox(" ") If SW Then Print func(intNum) End If End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,将显示一个输入对话框,如果在对话框中输入25,则程序的执行结果为A.输出0B.输出25C.输出45D.无任何输出
下列程序的输入值分别为100,10则执行结果为非作歹______ 。 m=Val (inputbox (“请输入数学1”) ) n=Val (inputbox (“请输入数学2”) ) If n*m=0 Then MsgBox “两数能不能为0” Exit Sub If m<n Then t=m: m=n: n=t End If End If DO R=m Mod n m=n n=f Loop While r<>0 Print mA. 10B.100C.50D.250
设有下列程序 Private Sub Form. Click( ) X=50 For i=1 T0 4 y=InputBox("请输入一个整数") y=Val(v) If y Mod 5=0 Then a=a+y x=y Else a=a+x End If Next i Print a End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,在输入对话框中依次输入15、24、35、46,输出结果为( )。A.100B.50C.120D.70
下面程序: Private Sub Form_Click() Dim x,y,z As Integer x=5 y=7 z=0 CallPI(x,y,z) Print Str(z) End Sub SubP1(By Val a As Integer, By Val b As Integer, c As Integer) C=a+b End Sub 运行后的输出结果为______。A.0B.12C.Str(z)D.显示错误信息
有如下程序 x=InputBox("input value of x") Select Case x Case Is0 y=y+l Case Is=0 y=x+2 Case Else y=x+3 End Select. Print x: y 运行时,从键盘输入—5,输出的结果是( )。A.-7B.-9C.-8D.-10
在窗体上画一个名称为Text1的文本框,要求文本框只能接收大写字母的输入。以下能实现该操作的事件过程是A.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii 65 Or KeyAscii 90 Then MsgBox "请输入大写字母" KeyAscii = 0 End If End SubB.Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode 65 Or KeyCode 90 Then MsgBox "请输入大写字母" KeyCode = 0 End If End SubC.Private Sub Text1_MouseDown(Button As Integer,_ Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) If Asc(Text1.Text) 65 Or Asc(Text1.Text) 90 Then MsgBox "请输入大写字母" End If End SubD.Private Sub Text1_Change() If Asc(Text1.Text) > 64 And Asc(Text1.Text) < 91 Then MsgBox "请输入大写字母" End If End Sub
在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下代码。运行程序后,单击命令按钮,依次在输人对话框中输入2,7,5,3,8,5,12,6,12,在窗体上输出的结果是______。 Private Sub Command1 Click() z=5 Do Until z<>5 x=InputBox“请输入x值”) x=Val(x) y=InputBox(“请输入y值”) y=Val(y) z=InputBox(“请输入z值”) z=Val(z) y=x+y+2 * z Loop Print y End SubA.19B.21C.42D.19
运行下列程序: x=InputBox("input value of x") Select Case X Case Is>0 y=y+1 Case Is=0 y=x+2 Case ELse y=x+3 End Select Print x;y 运行时,从键盘输入-5,输出的结果是( )。A.-7B.-9C.-8D.-10
有如下程序 x=InputBox("input value of x") Select Case x Case Is>0 y=y+1 Case Is=0 y=x+2 Case Else y=x+3 End Select Print x ;y 运行时,从键盘输入-5,输出的结果是( )。A.-7B.-9C.-8D.-10
有如下程序: x = InputBox("Input value of x") Select Case x Case Is > 0 y=y+1 Case Is = 0 y=x + 2 Case Else y=x + 3 End Select Print x, y运行时,从键盘输入-5,输出的结果是( )。A.-7B.-9C.-8D.-10
有如下函数过程: Function fun1(By Val x As Integer,By Val y As Integer)As Integer Do While y<>0 reminder=x Mod y x=y y=reminder Loop fun1=x End Function 在下列按钮单击事件中调用该函数,则该程序的运行结果是( )。 Private Sub Command1_CliCk() Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer a=100 b=25 x=fun1(a,b)Print x End SubA.0B.25C.50D.100
在窗体上画一个名称为Coramandl的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序; Dim SW As Boolean Function func(X As Integer)As Integer If X<20 Then Y=X Else Y=20+X End If func=Y End Function Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Dim a As Boolean SW=False End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) SW=True End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim intNum As Integer intNum=InputBox("") If SW Then Print flmc(intNum) End If End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,将显示一个输入对话框,如果在对话框中输入25,则程序的执行结果为A.输出0B.输出2C.输出45D.无任何输出
在窗体上添加一个命令按钮(名为Command1),然后编写如下程序:Function m(x as Integer,y as Integer) as Integerm=IIf(x>y,x,y)End FunctionPrivate Sub Commandl Click()Dim a as Integer,b as Integera=1b=2MsgBox m(a,B)End Sub打开窗体运行后,单击命令按钮,消息框的输出结果为【 】。