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It was not exactly a perfect night in Washington for Fourth of July fireworks this year, when fog and rain blanketed the sky and made the Independence Day show from the National Mall less impressive than usual to those who had staked out a spot nearby.
But if you had tuned in on Monday to watch the fireworks on PBS or watched it on your cell phone, you might have figured the sky was cloudless and the fireworks were crystal clear. You might also have wondered if someone had removed the scaffolding that has been on the Capitol dome for two years.
But many eagle-eyed viewers suspected something was not quite right, and PBS later admitted as much: It had spliced in firework footage from previous years with live shots.
The show did not inform viewers that they were watching a highlight reel of past colorful explosions. But "Seinfeld" reruns are one thing; fireworks reruns are quite another. And angry viewers vented.
"Because this year′ s fireworks were difficult to see due to the weather, we made the decision to intercut fireworks footage from previous A Capitol Fourth concerts for the best possible television viewing experience," the show′s organizers said Tuesday in a statement. "We apologize for any confusion this may have caused."
One Twitter user said it "could have been announced at the time", while another called it "a deceptive thing to do." A PBS Twitter account cast the decision as "the patriotic thing to do," but viewers were not convinced.
The best title for this passage is ___________.查看材料
It was not exactly a perfect night in Washington for Fourth of July fireworks this year, when fog and rain blanketed the sky and made the Independence Day show from the National Mall less impressive than usual to those who had staked out a spot nearby.
But if you had tuned in on Monday to watch the fireworks on PBS or watched it on your cell phone, you might have figured the sky was cloudless and the fireworks were crystal clear. You might also have wondered if someone had removed the scaffolding that has been on the Capitol dome for two years.
But many eagle-eyed viewers suspected something was not quite right, and PBS later admitted as much: It had spliced in firework footage from previous years with live shots.
The show did not inform viewers that they were watching a highlight reel of past colorful explosions. But "Seinfeld" reruns are one thing; fireworks reruns are quite another. And angry viewers vented.
"Because this year′ s fireworks were difficult to see due to the weather, we made the decision to intercut fireworks footage from previous A Capitol Fourth concerts for the best possible television viewing experience," the show′s organizers said Tuesday in a statement. "We apologize for any confusion this may have caused."
One Twitter user said it "could have been announced at the time", while another called it "a deceptive thing to do." A PBS Twitter account cast the decision as "the patriotic thing to do," but viewers were not convinced.
The best title for this passage is ___________.查看材料
A.How to Make a Full Fireworks Show
B.Smart Viewers and Clumsy Film Producers
C.An Apology Statement From PBS
D.PBS Admits Using Old Fireworks Footage in Fourth of July Broadcast
B.Smart Viewers and Clumsy Film Producers
C.An Apology Statement From PBS
D.PBS Admits Using Old Fireworks Footage in Fourth of July Broadcast
更多 “根据下面资料,回答题 It was not exactly a perfect night in Washington for Fourth of July fireworks this year, when fog and rain blanketed the sky and made the Independence Day show from the National Mall less impressive than usual to those who had staked out a spot nearby. But if you had tuned in on Monday to watch the fireworks on PBS or watched it on your cell phone, you might have figured the sky was cloudless and the fireworks were crystal clear. You might also have wondered if someone had removed the scaffolding that has been on the Capitol dome for two years. But many eagle-eyed viewers suspected something was not quite right, and PBS later admitted as much: It had spliced in firework footage from previous years with live shots. The show did not inform viewers that they were watching a highlight reel of past colorful explosions. But "Seinfeld" reruns are one thing; fireworks reruns are quite another. And angry viewers vented. "Because this year′ s fireworks were difficult to see due to the weather, we made the decision to intercut fireworks footage from previous A Capitol Fourth concerts for the best possible television viewing experience," the show′s organizers said Tuesday in a statement. "We apologize for any confusion this may have caused." One Twitter user said it "could have been announced at the time", while another called it "a deceptive thing to do." A PBS Twitter account cast the decision as "the patriotic thing to do," but viewers were not convinced. The best title for this passage is ___________.查看材料A.How to Make a Full Fireworks Show B.Smart Viewers and Clumsy Film Producers C.An Apology Statement From PBS D.PBS Admits Using Old Fireworks Footage in Fourth of July Broadcast” 相关考题
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根据下面资料,作答题。【资料】教师在检查学生知识掌握的情况时,通常其试卷不单纯选用选择题和判断题,而常常借助于填空题、简答题和论述题等。教师采用的这种方法符合学生的记忆规律。( ) 查看材料A.√B.×
关于可转债的回售条款,下面说法正确的是( )。A.股票下跌时可转债持有人可以行使回售条款
单选题关于可转债的回售条款,下面说法正确的是( )。A