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SOLAS requires a lifesaving training manual be provided in each crew cabin or in the ______.


B.engineering control station

C.recreation and messrooms

D.fire control room


更多 “ SOLAS requires a lifesaving training manual be provided in each crew cabin or in the ______.A.bridgeB.engineering control stationC.recreation and messroomsD.fire control room ” 相关考题
考题 SOLAS Stands for the International ConventionA.for the Safety of the Life at SeaB.for the Prevention from shipsC.on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for SeafarersD.for the Control and Management of Ship's Ballast Water and Sediments

考题 The______Convention is the first to establish basic requirements on training, certification and watch-keeping for seafarers on an international level.A.STCW78B.STCW95C.SOLAS74D.SOLAS88

考题 The Master or person in charge of a ship is required to log ______.A.the names of all persons on boardB.only the names of the crew members on boardC.only the names of passengers on boardD.information on emergency training drills

考题 ______ is a room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.A.Captain's cabinB.Chief Officer's lockerC.ChartroomD.Pilot's cabin

考题 Which log includes a statement of the conduct,ability,and character of each crew member on the completion of a voyage ________.A.Official LogbookB.Department LogbookC.Crew LogbookD.Smooth Logbook

考题 The transfer procedures required to be followed on tankers shall contain ______.A.A list of each port of dischargeB.A line diagram of the vessel's transfer pipingC.A current crew listD.The duties by name of each person in charge required for each transfer operation

考题 You are on a multiple-product chemical tanker with orders to load diethylamine.What is NOT a requirement for transporting this cargo ________.A.You must have two toxic vapor detectors or the pumproom must meet special requirementsB.Each crew member must be provided with an emergency escape breathing apparatusC.A person taking cargo samples must wear protective clothingD.If you are also carrying allyl alcohol,the venting systems must be segregated

考题 ______ is not a proper form for Muster lists.A.A separate card given to each crew memberB.A separate instruction booklet given to each crew memberC.A card fixed in each cabin with instructions for the occupant of the cabinD.A well prepared notice posted on water-tight doors and/or in chart-room

考题 The minimum amount of lifesaving equipment required aboard an 85-foot uninspected towing vessel consists of ______.A.One approved flotation cushion for each person on boardB.One approved life preserver for each person on board and one life ringC.One approved inflatable vest for each person on boardD.Lifeboat capacity equal to 1 1/2 times the number of persons on board

考题 DO NOT RETURN TO YOUR CABIN TO COLLECT YOUR PROPERTY. This sentence is properly used when ______.A.allocating / directing crew to assembly stations to escapeB.exercising evacuation and boat drillC.taking protective measures to control the oil pollutionsD.holding course and sounding signals to avoid collision with other vessels

考题 In this factory each worker must receive a()training course.Atwo-monthBtwomonthsCtwo-monthsDtwo-months‘

考题 A 35000 ton product oil tanker will be delivered in a few days, as a surveyor, you go on board for finally confirming the documentations required by SOLAS, which shall be equipped on board. Which of them as below are correct:()A、Fire control planB、Muster list and Emergency proceduresC、Nautical publicationsD、International code of signals and Inmarsat manualE、Training manual


考题 当机长决定不撤离时,发布的口令是()A、旅客留在原位!旅客留在原位!Passengers remain seated!Passengers remain seated!B、乘务员各就各位!乘务员各就各位!Cabin crew at stations!Cabin crew at stations!C、撤离!撤离!Evacuate!Evacuate!D、以上都错

考题 单选题For the purpose of training and drills,if reasonable and practicable,rescue boats on an OSV must be launched with their assigned crew().A once a weekB once a monthC once a yearD twice a year

考题 单选题An emergency bilge pumping system is provided and should be () of the main bilge pumping system, according to the SOLAS 74 Convention.A dependentB in dependentC in seriesD in parallel

考题 单选题()is a room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.A Captain's cabinB Chief Officer's lockerC ChartroomD Pilot's cabin

考题 单选题The Master or person in charge of a ship is required to log().A the names of all persons on boardB only the names of the crew members on boardC only the names of passengers on boardD information on emergency training drills

考题 单选题The video tape for job training is affordable; in addition, ______ comes with a manual in three different languages without an additional charge.A heB itsC itD she

考题 单选题It may be ()(补充)by individual cards issued to each member of the crew.A supplyB supplementedC suppliedD supplies

考题 单选题In this factory each worker must receive a()training course.A two-monthB twomonthsC two-monthsD two-months‘

考题 单选题Instructions to the crew in the use of all the ship’s lifesaving equipment shall be completed().A before sailingB within one week of sailingC in one month and repeated quarterlyD within any two month period

考题 单选题SOLAS requires a lifesaving training manual be provided in each crew cabin or in the().A bridgeB engineering control stationC recreation and messroomsD fire control room

考题 单选题The minimum amount of lifesaving equipment required aboard an 85-foot uninspected towing vessel consists of().A one approved flotation cushion for each person on boardB one approved life preserver for each person on board and one life ringC one approved inflatable vest for each person on boardD lifeboat capacity equal to 1 1/2 times the number of persons on board

考题 单选题()A room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.A Captains cabinB Chief officer;s lockerC ChartroomD Pilots cabin

考题 单选题Allowance for fresh water refers to().A the provision to be provided when the vessel sails in fresh water areaB the fresh water to be carried by a vesselC the allowance of fresh water for each crew member when in distress at seaD the amount of free board decreased when sailing in fresh water area

考题 单选题Which log includes a statement of the conduct,ability,and character of each crew member on the completion of a voyage().A Official LogbookB Department LogbookC Crew LogbookD Smooth Logbook