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10. —My sister goes swimming every Sunday.

—Oh? But she __________hate swimming.

A. used to

B. use to

C.uses to

D.is used to


更多 “ 10. —My sister goes swimming every Sunday.—Oh? But she __________hate swimming.A. used toB. use toC.uses toD.is used to ” 相关考题
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考题 Which of the following statements is NOT used by the speaker to perform. certain acts A “I name this ship Elizabeth.’’B “I visited my uncle last Sunday.’’C “I give and bequeath my watch to my brother.’’D “I bet you sit pence it will rain tomorrow.’’

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考题 BMrs Morgan is an old woman. She is seventy-four years old. Although she is old,she is very healthy. She also looks young. Why? Because she has a healthy lifestyle.Mrs Morgan often exercises. She likes going shopping.She goes shopping three times a week on foot. She thinks walking is good for health. Mrs Morgan has a dog. Every morning she takes her dog for a walk for half an hour, Sometimes she works on the farm. She often washes clothes and cleans her house. She says,"l don't want my daughter to wash my clothes,because she is busy working. "Mrs Morgan has a good eating habit. She eats vegetables every day. She eats meat once a week. She drinks milk and eats an egg for breakfast. She eats an apple every day. She often says," Eating an apple every day is good for health.Sometimes Mrs Morgan watches TV after dinner. Her favorite program is Beijing Opera.She doesn't like soap operas. She often goes to bed at nine thirty in the evening. And she sleepsfor eight hours.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)*( )26. Mrs Morgan is too old to go shopping.

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