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The city has decided to get rid of all the old buildings in its center.

A:do away with
B:set up


解析:动词短语get rid of意为“除去”,do away with也是“去掉”的意思,所以A 是答案。set up“建立”,repair“修理”,paint“油漆、描绘”。该句句意是:人们已经决定把位于市中,心的所有旧建筑物都拆掉。
更多 “ The city has decided to get rid of all the old buildings in its center.A:do away with B:set up C:repair D:paint” 相关考题
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考题 The city has decided to do away with all the old buildings in its center.A:get rid of B:setup C:repair D:paint

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考题 问答题Read the passage carefully and answer Questions 1 to 5. Answer each question in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.Preserving the Past  Today, many old buildings are being torn down so new ones can be built. But some older buildings are both beautiful and interesting. They need to be saved.  The city of San Antonio, Texas, was settled by the Spanish in the early 1700s. Later, it was governed by Mexico. If you go to San Antonio, you can see many missions or churches that were built by the Spanish. All were started between 1720 and 1731. You can also find other buildings from early periods in the history of Texas. Some of these buildings are still standing because a group of women worked to save them.  In 1924, the city of San Antonio was going to cement over the San Antonio River and turn it into an underground sewer. A group of women felt that the beauty of San Antonio should be preserved. They formed a club to keep the river from being destroyed.  The women saved the river. Then they worked together to preserve several old buildings that were going to be torn down. In the 1930s, the women saved an old mill and granary. They raised money to buy these buildings by giving tea parties and selling cakes.  More recently, the ladies in San Antonio have worked to save a Spanish convent. They could not afford to buy the whole building, so they paid for only half. Even so, the women are still looking for other old buildings to save. They want people to know about the city’s long and interesting history.  Questions:  1.What is the passage mainly about?  2.What does the word “ones” in Sentence 1 refer to?  3.What can you see if you go to San Antonio?  4.The word in Paragraph 3 that means savedis ________.  5.Why have the women worked to save the river and old buildings?

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