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Mike was dismissed.

A: criticized
C: fired


解析:句意为:Mike被开除了。criticized意为“批评”,exhausted意为“筋疲力尽”,fine意为 “罚款”,dismiss和fire都是“解雇,开除”的意思。
更多 “Mike was dismissed.A: criticized B:exhausted C: fired D:fined” 相关考题
考题 His (one) name is Mike. But I don’t know his family name.

考题 Mike will enter the competition, so ________his brother. (A) does(B) is(C) will(D) be

考题 Dialogue one Tom: Do you go to college?Mike: Yes. __1__Tom: What college do you go to?Mike: I go to Pasadena City College.Tom: Do you like it?Mike: Oh, yes. __2__Tom: why do you like it?Mike: Because it has great teachers.Tom: __3__Mike: I like all my classmates, too.Tom: Anything else? Mike: Yes. __4__A. It’s not expensive!B. You bet.C. I think I do.D. what else?1______2______3______4______请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 30. Who found a book?A. John.B.Mary.C.Lisa.D.Mike.

考题 27._______are broken.A. Mike's shoes and kiteB. Mike's watch and knifeC. Ann's shoes and kiteD. Tom's things

考题 29. Which one is wrong?A. Mike always puts his things away.B. Tom can mend the kite.C.Mike is not a careful boy.D. Mike's shoes are worn out

考题 -Wherewouldyouliketogoonyoursummerholiday,Mike?-I’dliketogo______.A.nowhereinterestingB.interestinganywhereC.somewhereinterestingD.interestingsomewhere

考题 28. Mike likes eggs and bread.

考题 The lonely boy's name is Mike.()

考题 -Hi, Lily, what’s up with Mike I heard the boss yelling at Mike earlier today. -() A、It is better to tell someone to get it fixed.B、He was so scared.C、It’s said that Mike made a mistake and then tried to cover it up.

考题 -I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier. -() A、We should also find what the customers think.B、So be careful with our job.C、Well, Mike isn’t a fool, he won’t do that again.

考题 Nobody but Jack and Mike ( )in the lab last night. A、had beenB、wasC、areD、were

考题 More than one ___________ dismissed. A. have beenB. has beenC. wereD. has

考题 下述代码执行后,可以被垃圾收集器收集的对象是哪一个()Studentstua;stua=newStudent(Mike”);Studentstub;stub=stua;stua=newStudent(Jack”); A.Student(“Mike”)B.stuaC.stubD.以上都不是

考题 Mike was in a () mood yesterday.

考题 Mike’suncleinsists______________inthishotel.A)whateverB)whomeverC)whicheverD)whoever

考题 管理员为一名普通账户Mike设置的登录时间如下图所示:那么下列说法正确的是()。 A.Mike在周六到公司加班时无法登录到域中B.Mike始终无法登录到域中C.在周一到周五18:00后Mike还可以继续他未完成的工作,但当他注销后就无法再登录到域中D.在周一到周五,当17:30时Mike将收到系统提示,告诉他将于30分钟后自动由系统注销

考题 25. Where is the nurse-s house?A. Behind Mike's.B. Beside Jack's.C. Beside Mike's.D. Under Jack's.

考题 Jackie Chan is Mike's f______ movie star. Mike likes his movies best.

考题 行为分析师Mike遭到了家长的投诉,因为Mike没有出具儿童的月度数据追踪表和图给家长,家长以此质问Mike所在的学校,要求必须提供数据记录。Mike觉得很委屈,并向家长说明由于行为分析师承担了大量的个案,不仅是自己,同事们也都不会为所有孩子制作月度数据追踪表和图。Mike的回应()A、不符合伦理要求,教学决策必须以数据为依据。B、是合理的,行为分析师应该把更多时间花在直接干预服务上。C、是合理的,和同事们的做法相一致。D、是Mike个人的问题,和机构的伦理文化五关。

考题 下述代码执行后,可以被垃圾收集器收集的对象是哪一个()  Student stua;  stua = new Student(“Mike”);  Student stub;  stub = stua;  stua = new Student(“Jack”);  A、Student(“Mike”)B、stuaC、stubD、以上都不是

考题 单选题Jean: Mike, I’m exhausted. How much further is it?  Mike: Not far, I promise.  Jean: ______  Mike: Oh, come on, Jean.A That’s great. B But you said that half an hour ago.C Let’s quicken our pace.D Now, I’m as energetic as you.

考题 单选题以下是一些C#中的枚举型的定义,其中错误的用法有()。A public enum var1{Mike=100,Nike=102,Jike}B public enum var1{Mike=100,Nike,Jike}C public enum var1{Mike=-1,Nike,Jike}D public enum var1{Mike,Nike,Jike}

考题 单选题Mike: Look, Ann, it’s Wednesday already and we still haven’t decided what to buy Jill and Tony for their wedding.  Ann: ______They’re not getting married until the weekend.  Mike: Typical. You leave everything to the last minute.A Oh, let’s decide what to buy them right now.B Oh, relax, Mike, there’s plenty of time.C Don’t worry, Mike. Guess what I have bought them.D I don’t think it’s necessary to send any gift.

考题 单选题Mike is better than Peter()swimming.A forB atC onD in

考题 单选题类Account中字段声明正确的是?()A class Account{  name;  amount;  }B class Account{  String name;  double amount;  }C class Account{  String name=1.0;  double amount=”Mike”;  }D class Account{  String name=”Mike”,double amount=1000.0;  }

考题 单选题Mike: Eve. I wasn’t expecting you.  Eve: I hope I’m not disturbing you.  Mike: No, I just couldn’t imagine who it was.  Eve: Is Joey here? Where’s Joey?  Mike: Joey’s in the shower. Can I get you anything?  Eve: ______  Mike: No, it’s no trouble at all.A I’ll just have a cup of coffee, if you don’t mind.B I’d like to sit down for a while, thanksC No, thanks, I’ll show you something.D If it doesn’t cause too much trouble, I’d like to see Joey.

考题 多选题以下是一些C#中的枚举型的定义,其中错误的用法有()。Apublicenumintvar1{Mike=100,Nike=102,Jike}Bpublicenumvar1:int{Mike=100,Nike,Jike}Cpublicenumintvar1{Mike Nike=102,Jike}Dpublicenumvar1:long{Mike,Nike,Jike}