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You and I could hardly work together, ( ) ?

A. could you B. couldn’t I C. couldn’t we D. could we


更多 “ You and I could hardly work together, ( ) ?A. could you B. couldn’t I C. couldn’t we D. could we ” 相关考题
考题 —Sorry, do you mind if I smoke here?—Yes,A. you could B. go ahead C. I do D. my pleasure

考题 You and I could hardly work together, ?A. could you B. couldn’t I C. couldn’t we D. could we

考题 —I don’t care what people think .—Well , you _______A. could B. wouldC. should D. might

考题 -- Why don't you stay a little longer?-- _____A. I wish I could, but it's already late.B. I don't want to.C. I couldn't.D. Thank you very much.

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考题 They could hardly believe what he said, _________. A、so could IB、neither could IC、neither couldn't ID、neither I could

考题 –– Host: Jack, come and sit in the sofa. Dinner will be ready in a minute. Could I get you something to drink?–– Guest: ____.A: No, don ’t trouble. I ’ve drunk enoughB: No, you couldn't. I'm not thirstyC: Yes, you could. I ’d like some Coca colaD: Yes, please. I'd like some Sprite

考题 A:Could you ring them up please? I'm sometimes quite nervous on the phone. B:( ).A. Are you? I am fine.B. Yes, why don't you call them?C. Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.

考题 Nancy: Could you help me with my physics, please?Cathy: ___________A、No,no way.B、No,I couldn't.C、No,I can't.D、Sorry I can't.I have to go to a meeting right now.

考题 —Could you show me _______ I can use the MP4, please? 学科网 —Of course.学科网A. tha —Could you show me _______ I can use the MP4, please?—Of course.A. that B. how C. whether

考题 下列教学片段选自某一高中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题:? (1)该片段反映了教学中哪两个环节?(10分) (2)分析这两个教学环节的目的。(10分) (3)从教学有效性的角度评价这个教学片段(至少写两个要点)。(10分) T: Could you play games on Internet every evening, boys and girls? Ss: Sorry, I couldn't. T: On what day could you play them every week? Ss: Only on Saturday and Sunday. T: Oh!We could say you could play games twice a week. I could go visit friends on Monday and Tuesday evenings. So we could say I could visit my friends twice a week. What does TWICE here mean? Ss: It means "两次". T: Great! Then you will be divided into groups, four in one group, to make as many sentences as possible by "Could you ... every week?" and "twice a week". After 5 minutes, I'll invite one speaker out of each group to present in class.

考题 ――Excuse me,could you tell me if there is a hospital near here?――____A.Yes,why no B.no,I couldn' C.Sorry,I'm a stranger here mysel D.My pleasur

考题 You and I could hardly work together,__________?A.could you B.couldn't I C.couldn't we D.could we

考题 Could you help me with English?()ANo, no wayBNo, I couldn't.CNo, I can't.DSorry I can't. I have an appointment right now.

考题 Could you help me with my physics, please?()ANo, no way.BNo, I couldn't.CNo, I can't.DSorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now.

考题 Could you show me your passport?()AYes, I could.BSure.CI haven't got it with me.DI don't want to.

考题 Could you pass me the salt and pepper?()ASorry, I didn't know what you mean.BOk, here you are.CNo, I won't.DI don't know.

考题 Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office?()A、You can't miss iB、t I don't knowC、No, I can'tD、Sorry, but I am a stranger here myself

考题 Could you show me your passport?()A、Yes, I could.B、Sure.C、I haven't got it with me.D、I don't want to.

考题 Could you pass me the salt and pepper?()A、Sorry, I didn't know what you mean.B、Ok, here you are.C、No, I won't.D、I don't know.

考题 Why didn’t you tell me you could me the money? I()(本来不必从银行借钱的)

考题 单选题Could you help me with English?()A No, no wayB No, I couldn't.C No, I can't.D Sorry I can't. I have an appointment right now.

考题 单选题Could you help me with my physics, please?()A No, no way.B No, I couldn't.C No, I can't.D Sorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now.

考题 单选题Could you say it again? I can’t understand ______ you are talking about.A howB whenC whatD which

考题 单选题Could you show me your passport?()A Yes, I could.B Sure.C I haven't got it with me.D I don't want to.

考题 单选题You and I could hardly work together, ______ ?A could youB couldn’t IC couldn’t weD could we