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26. Diana,together with her friends,__________Chinese in China.

A. study

B. have studied

C. studies

D. are studying


更多 “ 26. Diana,together with her friends,__________Chinese in China.A. studyB. have studiedC. studiesD. are studying ” 相关考题
考题 In writing assignments in English classes my students frequently raise the topic of friendship. Reading what they write, I start to understand Chinese friendship obligations. Chinese can usually expect more from their friends than Americans can. For instance, once a student wrote that she understood that her friend wanted to go shopping. My student was busy and really had no time to do that, but she kept silent, put her work aside and went shopping with her friend. This is quite different from what American young people would say about friendship. In the U.S. you feel free to ask your friend for help, but you recognize that the friend may say no, if they give you a reason. A friend in China is someone who, sensing that you are in need in some way, offers to assist you without waiting to be asked. In China there are few limits on what you can ask or expect of a friend.Another difference is that Chinese expect friendships to be more lasting. They think a true friendship is a relationship that endures through changes in the lives of the friends. In the U.S. a person is likely to change even “best friends” several times over the years. Even the relationship in which people feel close emotionally and tell each other their secrets and personal problems may not survive life changes such as a move to another city, graduation from university, a significant change in economic circumstances, or the marriage of one of the friends. I think the reason is that friendship, like so many other relationships in the U.S. including marriage, depends on frequent interaction with the other person. If the people involved do not see each other and inter act regularly, the relationship is likely to fade and die.(1)What may an American girl do if she is busy when her friend asks her to go shopping?A、She may keep silent.B、She may put her work aside and go shopping with her friend.C、She may say no, giving reasons.D、she may help you without waiting to be asked.(2)Which of the following statements is true?A、Chinese people don't feel free to ask their friends for help.B、Chinese people always try to help their friends without being asked.C、Americans wouldn't offer help when you ask.D、Americans always say no to their friends.(3)Which of the following sayings can properly describe Chinese friendship?A、A friend in need is a friend indeed.B、Love me, love my dog.C、Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.D、None of the above.(4)According to the passage, why are Americans likely to change their friends several times over the years?A、Because this is their nature.B、Because they don't have best friends all through their lives.C、Because American friendship depends on frequent interaction with the other person.D、Because American friendship is to fade and die.(5)What is the most proper title for this passage?A、Chinese FriendshipB、American FriendshipC、FriendshipD、Friendship in China and America

考题 Can Mary express () in Chinese? A、herselfB、hersC、her

考题 Mary has just returned to the USA after studying in England for three years. She decided to study at a British university rather than an American one because her mother is from England and she wanted to get to know her mother抯 family better. She studied English Literature at Goldsmiths?College, which is in London. She lived with her grandmother while she was studying. The college was recommended by a friend抯 brother who had studied in England for his MBA. Mary told her friends that she was going to return to Europe to work because she had enjoyed her time in England so much.(1). Mary is now in ().A、 EnglandB、FranceC、the USA(2). She studied at () university.A、a ChineseB、an AmericanC、a British(3). Most probably, her grandmother ().A、 worked in the collegeB、lived in LondonC、studied English Literature(4). Her friend’s brother recommended her to ().A、 study in the collegeB、study for her MBAC、work for his company(5). Mary would return to Europe to ().A、 studyB、spend her holidayC、work

考题 Sally is a student of Grade Eight. She always works hard (11 ) her lessons. English is her favorite (12 ). She thinks that it is as (13 ) as Chinese, but it's more difficult (14 ) than Chinese. For example, a lot of English words and expressions are hard to remember.She often carries her walkman with her, and she spends time (15 ) English tapes every day.It (16 )her listening better and better.Sally is (17 ) student in her class. She often helps her classmates (18 ) their lessons after (19 ) her homework. Most of her classmates like t0 (20 ) her when they have ques- tions. They think she is smart and outgoing.( )11.A.inB.atC.forD.of

考题 Critics of Wallerstein's study ______.A. think the number of families studied was too smallB. think that all the factors were consideredC. think that divorce is not painfulD. think that healthy families do not have problems

考题 BToday is Alice's birthday. All her friends are in her home. They're Ann, Tom and Lin Tao. Look! These presents on the table are for her. This new computer is from her father.The beautiful dress is from her mother. The toy car and the toy boat (船) are from Tom and Lin Tao. These flowers are from Ann They're red, green and yellow. Alice is very happy.( )26. Whose birthday is it today?A. Alice'sB. Ann'sC. Tom’sD. Lin Tao’s

考题 Geoffrey ()French before, but he () at university now. A、study didn’t/studiesB、didn’t study/studyC、did not study/studiesD、didn’t studied/studies

考题 Now read the passageand decide if the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). HELPING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS MAKE FRIENDS One study in the United States found that thirty-eight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends. Elisabeth Gareis teaches in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College in New York. She says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detail. But she says these efforts should begin with the college or university, and that these institutions have been working harder. Ms. Gareis suggests that students should be encouraged to take part in different activities, such as taking walks, going on bike rides, field or camping trips, and attending parties, sporting events or film festivals. She says such activities should be held repeatedly throughout the school term to bring students together. She also suggests that foreign students share housing with American students. She says if the new students make friends as they begin school, they will come to feel part of the life and traditions of the university, as well as create long lasting friendships throughout their university career.1. A study showed that 38% foreign students had many close American friends.()2. Universities have been working on improving the relationships between foreign and American students.()3.Ms. Gareis thinks taking part in some activities is a good way to improve the relationship.()4.Ms. Gareis says the activities shouldn’t be held repeatedly throughout the term.()5.Making friends when they begin school is helpful for the students to create long lasting friendships.()

考题 If you _______ hard enough, you _______ the exam. A.study, will passB.have studied, will passC.are studying, will passD.study, pass

考题 What is the “Dinner Party Perfect Match”? A、The hosts invite several friends to dinner.B、The guests come to find their friends.C、The hosts introduced their guests to each other.D、The guests will have interesting conversations together.

考题 Mary's score in the test is the highest in her class; she _____ have studied very hard.A:mayB:shouldC:mustD:ought to

考题 Mary has just returned to the USA after studying in England far three years. She decided to study at a British university rather than an American one because her mother is from England and she wanted to get to know her mother,s family better. She studied English Literature at Goldsmiths’College,which is in London. She lived with her grandmother while she was studying. The college was recommended by a friend's brotherwho had studied in England for his MBA. Mary told her friends that she was going to return to Europe to work because she had enjoyed her time in England so much.1. Mary is now in___A.EnglandB.the USAC.France2. She studied at___untverstty.A.a BritishB.an AmericanC.a Chinese3. Mast probably, her grandmother_________A. worked in the collegeB. studied English LiteratureC. lived in London4. Her friend's brother recommended her to________A. study for her MBAB. study in the collegeC. work for his company5. Mary would return to Europe to_.A. studyB. spend her holidayC. work

考题 Which of the following conditional clause is a real condition________? A.If I had time, I would study FrenchB.If I have time, I will study FrenchC.If I had had time, I would have studied FrenchD.If I should have time, I would study French

考题 Polly goes to a gym twice ( )week with her friends.A. /B. aC. the

考题 She tried to____ the pages together so that her father would have no difficulty in reading them. A、gatherB、engageC、churchD、dawn

考题 II.完形填空. (20分)What is the best way to study? This is a very .important question. Some Chinese students often (11) very hard for long hours. It is a (12) habit, but it is not a better way to study.An efficient(讲率的) student must (13) enough sleep, enough food and enough rest. Ev-ery week you (14) to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It's good (15) your study. When you return to your studies, you'll find yourself (16) than before and you'll learn more.Maybe we can ( 17) that learning English is (18) taking Chinese medicine. We don't mean that it ,s bitter(苦的). We mean that like Chinese medicine, the efficiency of your study (19) slowly but surely. ( 20) slowly but surely every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine.( )11.A.playB.studyC.sleepD.think

考题 BTom, Jim and Sam are good friends. They go to school together(一起)and play together.At school, Tom's favorite subject is math. Jim's favorite subject is Chinese. Sam likes P.E.. It's his favorite subject. They often help each other with their studies.After school, they play sports. They all like soccer very much. They play it for more than one hour every day. They like to watch soccer games,too.They often watch them on TV.Saturday and Sunday are their favorite days. Sometimes(有时) they play soccer all day on weekends.( )26. Sam's favorite subject is_________A. P. E.B. mathC. ChineseD. English

考题 Of all her traits,her honesty is most appreciated among her friends.A:characteristics B:characters C:stunts D:skills

考题 Scientists who study the brain have found out a great deal about how we learn.They have_____21_____that babies learn much more from the sights and sounds around them than we_____22_____before.You can?help your baby by taking advantage of her hunger to learn. From the_____23_____beginning,babies try to imitate the____24______they hear us make.They""read"the_____25_____on our faces and our movements.That is_____26_____it is so important to talk,sing and smile to?your child.Hearing you talk is your baby′s first_____27_____toward becoming a reader,because it_____28_____her?to love language and to learn words. As your child grows older,_____29_____talking with her.Ask her about the things she does.Ask her?about the events and people in the story you_____30_____together.Let her know you are carefully_____31_____what she says.By keeping her in_____32_____and listening,you are_____33_____encouraging your child to think as?she speaks._____34_____,you are showing that you respect her knowledge and her ability to____35______learning. 第(24)题答案A.efforts B.faces C.sounds D.stories

考题 根据以下材料,回答 Rowena and Billy Wrangler are model highschool students. They study hard. They do extreme well on achievement tests.And next year, Rowena will attending Harvard University. Billy, her youngerbrother, hope to go to Cornell. That makes Rowena and Billy different from moststudents are that they don′ t go to school. In fact, they′ ve never been toschool. Since a kindergarten, they have studied at home. Neither Rowena orBilly feels as if they have missed out on nothing by being taught at home. Asmany of the more than one million people who receive home schooling in theUnited States, they feel if they have gotten a good education. 第2处错误___________

考题 You would have passed the test if you ().A、Studied hardB、would study hardC、had studied hardD、Have studied hard

考题 单选题What did Princess Diana think of her visit to Angola?A It had caused embarrassment to the British government.B It had greatly promoted her popularity.C It had brought her closer to the ordinary people.D It had affected her relations with the British government.

考题 单选题Lily doesn’t know ______ she and her friends can do to help the little boy ______ parents have left their hometown for making money.A that; whoseB how; whoC what; whoD what; whose

考题 单选题You would have passed the test if you ().A Studied hardB would study hardC had studied hardD Have studied hard

考题 填空题Many Chinese friends went to the party.→____ many Chinese friends at the party.

考题 单选题My friend Tanya _____ Japanese for six years before she _____ Japan. I’ve just received a letter from her. It says she has been studying Chinese for three months and _____ for China in a month.A had been studying; visited; is leavingB studied; had visited; will live inC has studied; visited; would leaveD was studying; has visited; leaves

考题 单选题According to Ron Yasbin, all the cheating students _____.A should be severely punished for their dishonestyB didn’t have much time to study before the examC could get the highest grades if they had studied hard enoughD could be excused because they were not familiar with the new system