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In the zoo there are a lot of a_____ ,such as monkeys,tigers and birds.


更多 “ In the zoo there are a lot of a_____ ,such as monkeys,tigers and birds. ” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A.The zoo needed more information about the woman.B.A baby elephant was hurt during the war.C.The woman lived quite near the zoo.

考题 They eat a lot of potatoes. We eat a lot, too. (改为同义句)They eat a lot of potatoes. ____ _____ _____.

考题 The statement “it is all too monkey” (Last line, paragraph l) implies that ________.[A] monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals[B] resenting unfairness is also monkeys’ nature[C] monkeys, like humans, tend to be jealous of each other[D] no animals other than monkeys can develop such emotions

考题 What can we infer from the last paragraph?[A] Monkeys can be trained to develop social emotions.[B] Human indignation evolved from an uncertain source.[C] Animals usually show their feelings openly as humans do.[D] Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild.

考题 (b) Calculate the percentage of maximum capacity at which the zoo will break even during the year ending30 November 2007. You should assume that 50% of the revenue from sales of ticket type ZC is attributableto the zoo. (7 marks)

考题 By selling special coffee at a coffee cafe, the students are ______.A. gaining a lot of experienceB. making a lot of moneyC. having a lot of troubleD. learning a lot of knowledge

考题 That's a_____ perfect picture!A. veryB. muchC. really

考题 The cat family ___ cats, lions, tigers and similar animals.A、involvesB、employsC、excludesD、embraces

考题 Can you give me a_____ description of the thief? A.creativeB.detailedC.mentalD.strange

考题 His family _____ the zoo last week.A、visitB、am visitingC、visitedD、will visit

考题 Biologists are working with the government to create a nature ________to protect the endangered tigers. A.threatB.emergencyC.reserveD.restriction

考题 6.loften eat ________vegetables and sleep________ .A. a lot,a lotB. a lot of,a lotC.a lot of,a lot ofD. a lot,a lot of

考题 19.A.cinemaB.hospitalC.schoolD.zoo

考题 Mocha Monkeys Coffee ( ) very quickly because of its cheap prices and unique drinks. A. expands B. are expanding C. is expanding D. to expand

考题 It is said a lion has escaped()the zoo.AoffBawayCoutDfrom

考题 单选题The text suggests that investigators of monkeys’ social behavior have been especially interested in aggressive behavior among monkeys because ______.A aggression is the most common social behavior among monkeysB successful competition for incentives determines the social order in a monkey groupC situation that elicit aggressive behavior can be studied in a laboratoryD most monkeys are potentially aggressive, yet they live in social units that could not function without control of their aggressive impulses

考题 单选题The text supplies information to answer which of the following questions?A How does the reduction of space affect intragroup aggression among monkeys in an experimental setting?B Do family units within a monkey social group compete with other family units for food?C What are the mechanisms by which the social order of an established group of monkeys controls aggression within that group?D How do monkeys engaged in aggression with other monkeys signal submission?

考题 单选题Such animals as South China tigers are believed ______,for we've had no track of them for ages .A becoming extinctB to become extinctC to have been extinctD having been extinct

考题 单选题A_____ woman was needed to take care of the two small kids while their parents are absent.A energeticB confidentC reliableD sensitive

考题 单选题What should we learn from the passage?A we should catch monkeys in this way.B One mustn’t be greedy.C We should protect monkeys.D Come up with another way to catch monkeys.

考题 单选题Which of the following is an example of symbiosis as it is described in Paragraph 2?A Certain types of tall grass conceal tigers because of the tigers’ striped markings.B Fish called remoras attach themselves to sharks and eat the scraps of the sharks’ meals.C Mistletoe, a type of shrub, grows on trees and harms them by extracting water and nutrients.D Protozoa in the intestines of termites digest the cellulose that the termites eat, and their waste products nourish the termites.

考题 单选题It is said a lion has escaped()the zoo.A offB awayC outD from

考题 单选题We ran all the way to () the bus that was going to the zoo.A takeB getC catch

考题 问答题As glass office and apartment towers have increased in the last decade, so, too, have calls to make them less deadly to birds.

考题 单选题Which of the following best summarizes the findings reported in the text about the effects of food deprivation on monkeys’ behavior?A Food deprivation has no effect on aggression among monkeys.B Food deprivation increases aggression among monkeys because one of the most potent stimuli for eliciting aggression is the competition for incentives.C Food deprivation may increase long-term aggression among monkeys in a laboratory setting, but it produces only temporary increase among monkeys in the wild.D Food deprivation may temporarily increase aggression among monkeys, but it also leads to a decrease in conflict.

考题 单选题--Shall we go to see him right now?一I 'm afraid not. This weekend may be a_____ time.A goodB betterC bestD well

考题 单选题Monkeys haven’t changed their way of doing with nice food because they are _____.A cleverB livelyC greedyD naughty