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Cold and hot are called______ antonyms.



解析:B选项,gradable antonymy, 等级反义关系, 多为形容词,有程度的区别,对一方的否定并非是对另一方的肯定。 如: good / bad (so-so/average);hot / cold (cool, warm, lukewarm)。综上,B选项正确。
A选项,complementary互补反义关系,成员彼此互补,中间不存在过渡性,是非此即彼的关系,即否定其中一个便意味着对另一个的肯定。alive/ dead, male/ female, 不合题意故排除。
C选项,homophones同音异义词, 不合题意故排除。
D选项,converse antonymy逆向反义关系的一种特殊类型,因为两个成员并不一定构成肯定否定的对立,而是表现在两个实体之间的一种反向关系。buy, sell, 不合题意故排除。
更多 “Cold and hot are called______ antonyms.A.complementary B.gradable C.homophones D.converse” 相关考题
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考题 单选题What's the weather like in your hometown? ()A It‘s a nice place.B I like the food there.C He asks me whether I like the weather.D It‘s cold in winter and hot ins ummer.

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考题 单选题Which of the following disaster recovery sites requires power and cabling to be run before it can be used?()A  Hot siteB  Cold siteC  Warm siteD  Failover site

考题 单选题It’s so cold. I think I will have a cup of hot coffee _____ a cold drink.A thanB no more thanC rather thanD more than

考题 填空题That the denial of one member of two words implies the assertion of the other is the characteristic of c() antonyms.

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考题 单选题Which of the following replication methods provides a disaster recovery system with minimal downtime to normal operations?()A  Cold siteB  Warm siteC  GFSD  Hot site

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考题 单选题We find that some birds _____ twice a year between hot and cold countries.A transferB commuteC migrateD emigrate

考题 单选题A: It’s such a hot day! Can I get you something cold to drink?  B: ______A That’s very kind of you.B With my pleasure.C You can, please.D Thank you for the cold drink.