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--Hi, this way, please.
--Ok. I sometimes have no sense of__________when I arrive at the crossroad.



解析:考查名词辨析。direction“方向”,have no sense ofdirection意为“没有方向感”,符合句意.故选A。position“位置”,situation“情况;形势”,condition“状况;状态”,均不符合题意,故排除。
更多 “--Hi, this way, please. --Ok. I sometimes have no sense of__________when I arrive at the crossroad. A.direction B.position C.situation D.condition” 相关考题
考题 –Hi, I’m your roommate, Carey Clark.–() A、This way, please.B、Oh, yes.C、Good.D、Oh, nice to meet you.

考题 – Would you show me some Jasmine tea, please? –() (A) Sorry, I am busy now.(B) No, I would not.(C) Yes, I would.(D) This way, please.

考题 A)完成对话(共5小题,计10分)通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。A: Hi, David! 46 ? B: Hi, Sarah! I am going to see Anna. She is in hospital.A: 47 ? B: She had a traffic accident on her way to school and was hurt.A: 48 . Is there anything serious?B: Yes, there is something wrong with her head.A: Oh, my God! 49 . B: I hope so, too.A: 50 ? B: Sure. Let’s go!46._______________

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考题 Two mineral water, please.()

考题 请这边走。用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、Follow me, please.B、The way, please.C、This way, please.D、Go here, please.

考题 ____liketohaveacoffee? Yes,please. A.AreyouB.WouldyouC.Canyou

考题 –– Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you?–– Mr. Liu: Yes, I'd like a one-way ticket to Manchester 8: 15 tomorrow evening.–– Clerk: Fifteen pounds, please.–– Mr. Liu:____.A: Here it isB: There is the paymentC: Here you areD: Take the payment, please

考题 下列语句的输出结果是______。 (说明:'\b'是退格符)printf("a\bre\'hi\'y\\\bou\n");A.a\bre\'hi\'y\\\bouB.a\bre\'hi\'y\bouC.re'hi'youD.abre'hi'y\bou

考题 4.—Hi,Alice ! Good afternoon!—________.A. Hi; Good afternoonB. Thank you; Good morningC. Hi;Good eveningD. Hi;Good morning

考题 在HF 、HCl、HBr、HI中,按熔、沸点由高到低顺序排列正确的是: A .HF、HCl、HBr、HI B. HI、HBr、HCl、HF C.HCl、HBr、HI、HF D.HF 、HI、HBr、HCl

考题 Hi, welcome back! Have a nice trip?()AOh, fantastic! Fresh air, andBCome on, I've got lots of funCBy the way, I don't like SaturdaysDWell, I'll look forward to your phone call sunshine every day

考题 Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you?()AI miss you.BFine. Thank you. And you?CAre you OK?DThis way, please.

考题 Keep the receipt, please.的意思是:()。

考题 Hi, welcome back! Have a nice trip?()A、Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, andB、Come on, I've got lots of funC、By the way, I don't like SaturdaysD、Well, I'll look forward to your phone call sunshine every day

考题 Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you?()A、I miss you.B、Fine. Thank you. And you?C、Are you OK?D、This way, please.

考题 语句printf("a/bre/’hi/’y///bou/n");的输出结果是(说明:’/b’是退格符)().A、a/bre/’hi/’y///bouB、a/bre/’hi/’y/bouC、re’hi’youD、abre’hi’y/bou

考题 (2012)在HF、HCl、HBr、HI中,按熔、沸点由高到低顺序排列正确的是:()A、HF、HCl、HBr、HIB、HI、HBr、HCl、HFC、HCl、HBr、HI、HFD、HF、HI、HBr、HCl

考题 在HF、HCl、HBr、HI中,按熔、沸点由高到低顺序排列正确的是()。A、HF、HCl、HBr、HIB、HI、HBr、HCl、HFC、HCl、HBr、HI、HFD、HF、HI、HBr、HCl

考题 下列排列顺序中,符合氢卤酸的酸性递增的顺序的是()A、HI,HBr,HCl,HF;B、HF,HCl,HBr,HI;C、HBr,HCl,HF,HI;D、HCl,HF,HI,HBr。

考题 单选题A: I have an appointment with Mr. Lee.  B: Mr. Lee is expecting you now. ______A Go down this road, please.B Please follow the instruction.C Come this way, please.D Your number, please.

考题 单选题Fred: Hi. ______ You look familiar.  Amanda: Yes. We met on campus last week, and you asked me the same question.A What can I help you?B Do you know the way to the campus?C Haven’t we met before?D Do you know Bob?

考题 问答题什么叫HI?HI产生的原因?如何降低饲料HI?

考题 单选题--Hi,this way,please.--Ok.I sometimes have no sense of ________when I arrive at the crossroad.A directionB positionC situationD condition

考题 单选题A: I’d like to speak to the manager, please.  B: ______A Who are you?B Thanks for calling.C Hold the line, please. I’ll see if he is around.D Yes, but the line is busy now.

考题 单选题Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you?()A I miss you.B Fine. Thank you. And you?C Are you OK?D This way, please.

考题 单选题Hi, welcome back! Have a nice trip?()A Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, andB Come on, I've got lots of funC By the way, I don't like SaturdaysD Well, I'll look forward to your phone call sunshine every day