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[A] up [B] off [C] down [D] on


更多 “ [A] up [B] off [C] down [D] on ” 相关考题
考题 Statistical cost estimating techniques (based upon history), are called _____ estimates and are a _____ approach.A . Definitive, bottom up.B . Analogy, top down.C . Parametric, bottom up.D . Parametric, top down.E . Analogy, bottom up.

考题 The two plants he had ever worked for have _______ due to foreign competition. (A) shut down(B) shut up(C) shut off(D) shut away

考题 We ____________ the belief that we will have a promising future as long as we work hard. (A) hold up(B) hold to(C) hold down(D) hold off

考题 The idea of becoming a writer had come to me _____ since my childhood in Belleville A.off and onB.to and fromC.over and overD.up and down

考题 \[A\] for\[B\] up\[C\] off\[D\] on

考题 The train pulled ()and all the passengers got(). A.in, offB.up, onC.down, outD.out, off

考题 设置作为主接口的逻辑通道呼叫8次仍未成功为切换到备份接口,每隔60秒检查一次主逻辑通道是否恢复Up,这样的配置应为()。A.backupstate-down8state-up60B.backupstate-down60;backupstate-up8C.backupstate-down8;backupstate-up60D.backupstate-down8;backupstate-uptime60

考题 After issuing the show interfaces terse command, you notice that the status of one interface is "up down". What does this indicate?"() A.Layer 1 on the interface is up but Layer 2 is down.B.Layer 2 on the interface is up but Layer 3 has not been configured.C.The interface is administratively up but the link status is down.D.The interface is up but has been administratively turned off.

考题 On a laptop, special operations like wireless card on/off, volume settings, and screen brightness can generally be controlled via which of the following physical means?() A. Docking station toggle switchesB. FN keysC. RemotesD. Up/down arrows

考题 键盘事件的执行顺序是()。AKey Press、Key Down、Key UpBKey Down、Key Press、Key UpCKey Up、Key Down、Key PressDKey Up、Key Press、Key Down

考题 The radio is too noisy, please().Aturn down itBturn it downCturn off itDturn it up

考题 以下那种情况不会导致自动刹车系统解除预位()。A、正常防滞系统故障B、自动刹车系统故障C、自动刹车选择电门在“OFF”D、速度刹车手柄从“DOWN”位扳至“UP”位

考题 人工放起落架时,应将起落架手柄放在什么位置:().A、任意位置都可以B、”UP(收起)”位C、”OFF(中立)”位D、”DOWN(放下)”位

考题 Anchor()(垂直).A、upB、downC、up and downD、up or down

考题 下面当主接口由up转为down后哪种说法正确?()A、当主接口由up转为down后,立即切换到备份接口。B、当主接口由down转为up后,立即切换回主接口。C、当主接口由up转为down后,等待一定时间后,若主接口状态仍为down,才切换到备份接口。D、当主接口由down转为up后,等待一定时间后,若主接口状态仍为up,才切换回主接口。

考题 Proper lifting technique for heavy items is:()A、to use gloves to pick up the item.B、to squat and lift from the legs.C、to have two people bend down and pick the item up.D、to bend down and lift the item up.

考题 On a laptop, special operations like wireless card on/off, volume settings, and screen brightness can generally be controlled via which of the following physical means?()A、Docking station toggle switchesB、FN keysC、RemotesD、Up/down arrows

考题 当起落架手柄在()时,液压压力被供给到前轮转弯计量活门。A、DOWN位B、UP位C、OFF位

考题 起落架手柄放在什么位置时,可以人工放起落架时()A、任意位置都可以B、“UP(收起)“位C、“OFF(中立)“位D、“DOWN(放下)“位

考题 巡航飞行期间起落架手柄应位于:()。A、“UP”位B、“OFF”位C、“DOWN”位D、“UP”或“0FF”位

考题 起落架控制手柄有哪几个位置()A、UP位B、DOWN位C、OFF位D、A+B

考题 单选题After issuing the show interfaces terse command, you notice that the status of one interface is "up down". What does this indicate?"()A Layer 1 on the interface is up but Layer 2 is down.B Layer 2 on the interface is up but Layer 3 has not been configured.C The interface is administratively up but the link status is down.D The interface is up but has been administratively turned off.

考题 多选题A user is reporting that a PC will suddenly shut down without warning. The PC boots up with no problems, but after using the PC for a short time, the PC turns off. Which of the following components should the technician check?() (Select TWO).ACPU fanBRAMCHard driveDPower supplyEVideo card

考题 单选题The radio is too noisy, please().A turn down itB turn it downC turn off itD turn it up

考题 单选题键盘事件的执行顺序是()。A Key Press、Key Down、Key UpB Key Down、Key Press、Key UpC Key Up、Key Down、Key PressD Key Up、Key Press、Key Down

考题 多选题下面当主接口由up转为down后哪种说法正确?()A当主接口由up转为down后,立即切换到备份接口。B当主接口由down转为up后,立即切换回主接口。C当主接口由up转为down后,等待一定时间后,若主接口状态仍为down,才切换到备份接口。D当主接口由down转为up后,等待一定时间后,若主接口状态仍为up,才切换回主接口。

考题 单选题71 A take off B stand up C take up D stand byA AB BC CD D