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Being fat doesn’t necessarily mean you're unhealthy,according to a new study.Researchers at York University in Toronto found that obesity 1 doesnt increase your risk for mortality 2 it's 3 another metabolic risk factor,such as high blood sugar or high levels of bad cholesterol This is 4 most of the literature,Jennifer Kuk,a(n)5 professor of kinesiology at York University,writes in a press 6.She says 7,most studies defined"healthy"obesity 8 having up to one metabolic risk factor--which is an issue,9 conditions like high blood sugar and bad cholesterol increase mortality risk for anyone,skinny or fat.This is likely 10 most studies have reported that healthy'obesity is still 11 higher mortality risk,she says.The study looked at data of 54,089 men and women from five large studies,and 12 them into two groups:those who were obese and had no metabolic risk factors,and those who were obese and had metabolic 13 such as elevated glucose,blood pressure or lipids Researchers then looked at how many people in each group died,and 14 their numbers to the death rate for 15-weight folks who had no metabolic risk factors We found that a person of normal weight 16 no other metabolic nsk factors is Just as likely to die as the person with obesity and no other risk factors,"Kuk says.according to their 17 individuals with metabolically healthy obesity are actually not at an elevated mortality 18 This means that hundreds of thousands of people in North America with metabolically healthy obe sity will be told to lose weight when it's 19 how much benefit they'll actually 20 she concludes



更多 “Being fat doesn’t necessarily mean you're unhealthy,according to a new study.Researchers at York University in Toronto found that obesity 1 doesnt increase your risk for mortality 2 it's 3 another metabolic risk factor,such as high blood sugar or high levels of bad cholesterol This is 4 most of the literature,Jennifer Kuk,a(n)5 professor of kinesiology at York University,writes in a press 6.She says 7,most studies defined"healthy"obesity 8 having up to one metabolic risk factor--which is an issue,9 conditions like high blood sugar and bad cholesterol increase mortality risk for anyone,skinny or fat.This is likely 10 most studies have reported that healthy'obesity is still 11 higher mortality risk,she says.The study looked at data of 54,089 men and women from five large studies,and 12 them into two groups:those who were obese and had no metabolic risk factors,and those who were obese and had metabolic 13 such as elevated glucose,blood pressure or lipids Researchers then looked at how many people in each group died,and 14 their numbers to the death rate for 15-weight folks who had no metabolic risk factors We found that a person of normal weight 16 no other metabolic nsk factors is Just as likely to die as the person with obesity and no other risk factors,"Kuk says.according to their 17 individuals with metabolically healthy obesity are actually not at an elevated mortality 18 This means that hundreds of thousands of people in North America with metabolically healthy obe sity will be told to lose weight when it's 19 how much benefit they'll actually 20 she concludes 14选?A.confused B.combined C.compared D.concluded” 相关考题
考题 Hello, new students! This is a message from the Students Union Committee. We've been at the university for at least a year now, so we can give you some good tips. Don't worry - we remember being new and making a lot of mistakes! And we haven't forgotten feeling a little bit scared. First, as you know, there are no longer any grants. If you borrow money from the government, remember that like all loans, you have to pay it back. Spending all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy. Try to make a budget for each term and stick to it. But if you are struggling to make ends meet, you can get a part-time job-restaurants and bars in the town take lots of students on in the evenings and at weekends. Come and see us for advice. Stop worrying about making new friends. Start to join the sports and hobbies societies - they're cheap and you can begin meeting a lot of people that way. It's a great chance to take up a completely new hobby. Living in a new city a long way from home can be very stressful. One tip, don't forget your parents. After all, they are paying your tuition fees here. You will be very busy working and enjoying yourself, but stop to phone your parents sometimes and don't forget to go home for the weekend from time to time. And remember to take your dirty washing! Finally, remember to work hard and play hard. Go on working steadily towards your first degree (BA or BSc) throughout your three years here - try to keep things in perspective. You'll always find someone in the Student Union office if you need to talk.1). What does the word "scared" mean in the second paragraph?2). What does the word "grants" mean in the third paragraph?3). The sentence "But if you are struggling to make ends meet, ?at weekends" in the third paragraph implies().4). From the fifth paragraph, we can infer that in order to overcome the stress of living faraway from home, ().5). This passage is written for the purpose of ().(1).A、excitedB、frightenedC、worried(2).A、money given by the government to support the students' study, which they needn't pay backB、money from the government which the students need to pay backC、money from the school which is similar to scholarship(3).A、if you are short of money, you can find a part-time job in the restaurants and bars in your spare timeB、if you want to have a better life than others, you can find a part-time job in your spare timeC、restaurants and bars need more hands in the evenings and at weekends(4).A、it's better for new students to talk to their parents over the phone from time to timeB、new students need to do their washing themselvesC、new students should keep themselves as busy as possible so that they will not miss home(5).A、telling new students the problems facing them in the universityB、telling new students how to budget their moneyC、offering new students some advice about their university life

考题 听力原文:M: Have you found a roommate to share your apartment? Your place is so big that it's suitable to look for some one to share the rent bill.W: I'm still looking for someone who fits the bill, but you know it's so difficult.Q: What does the woman mean?(15)A.She met someone who could pay the bill.B.She billed her new roommate for the suit.C.She hasn't found a suitable roommate yet.D.She's looking for someone who can lend her money.

考题 What do you mean he's impossible to talk to?______________ A.He doesn't listen when I try to talk to himB.I won't talk to him anymoreC.Don't worry about me

考题 A million thnakd for being my lawyer________________ A.You're welcomeB.Pay me as soon as possible.C.It's your honor

考题 We’re sorry to tell you that your remittance() yet. A、hasn’t arrivedB、won’t arriveC、doesn’t arrive

考题 - Sally, could you lend me your calculator Mine is not working. -() A、No, I can’t.B、It doesn’t matter.C、Sure, why do you need it

考题 —Mary, can I use your computer now? —(). It doesn’t work. A、That’s all rightB、I’m afraid notC、You’re welcomeD、It doesn’t matter

考题 We' re sorry to tell you that your remittance()yet.A. won't arriveB. hasn't arrivedC. doesn't arrive

考题 ---Excuse me, may I sit here? ---_______ .A、Please sit downB、You ’re welcomeC、Yes, certainly. This seat’s freeD、Yes, it doesn’t matter

考题 When you're promoted to a new job,chere are a lot of relationships that need recalibrating.You have a new boss,new direct reports,and,important.ly,a new set of peers.How can you show you have what it takes to be their equal wilhout appearing arrogant?How do you break out of the mentee/mentor dynamic?And what should you do abouL that one colleague who doesn't take you seriously?1.Congratulations on your promotion-now you need to prove you're worthy of it in the eyes of those who have known you as an underling."Any time you change your role or you get promoted,there's a change in the rules of engagement,"says Amy Jen Su,managing part.ner of Paravis Partners and coauthor of own the Room.She recommends staying focused on the long term.Your peer group"represents a potentially powerful coalition,"she says."They are your sounding boards and sources of support."Michael Watkins,the chairman of Genesis Advisers,a professor at IMD says"You need to fundamentally reset how people see you."2."It's understandable that you may feel vulnerable and insecure,"around your new peers-especially at first,says Watkins."You are stepping up to the big leagues."You may even suffer from a touch of imposter syndrome.But you mustn't let self-doubc get the better of you.And don't assume the worst.It's highly likely that these people"weighed in on your promotion"and believe you are up to the task,adds Jen Su."They see you as qualified and capable and ready for the job."Try not to get consumed by actively"tiying to prove yourself"to your new peer group,she says.3.Be confident-but not overconfident.Othewise you risk being seen as"too big for your boots,"says Watkins.Think about"how you want to be.perceived"by your peers,and"how they will form opinions"of you,says Wackins.Go in with a collaborative mindset."You want to be viewed as a person can work with,"he says.Your goal is to demonstrace that"you're someone with a depth of knowledge but who also wants to learn and help."Project competence."Show conviction;"but be humble about it."Don't,be deferential;be appropriately respectful."4.When you're the new kid on the block,it's"incumbent on you"to reach out to your colleagues and try to get to know them,says Watkins.Upon starting the job,he recommends scheduling"a series of one-on-ones"with your new peers and talk abouc how you will best work together going fonvard."These conversations needn't be confined to conference rooms or cubicles,adds Jen Su.She suggests inviting them out for coffee or lunch-"there's huge value to spending informal time with your colleagues batting ideas around."Your objective is to become a"good thought partner"to your peers."Seek to understand their perspectives,"she says."Ask for their input-not because you need t.heir permission,but because you appreciate their counsel."5.Recasting your professional persona takes time and your colleagues'opinions of you may not shift ovemight.Be preparecl,too,that cerlain Tough cookies on your team might try to test your mettle.whaTever you do,"don't take it personally,"says Jen Su."The more you let this person get under your skin,the more they will poke you."Watkins recommends"cultivating a Thick skin and setting boundaries"of what are you and aren't willing to do."Otherwise you risk getting run over."It's also important that you not lose sight of the relationships that matter most."What your peers think about you is important,but what your boss thinks about you is very important." 4选?A.Be patient B.Build bridges. C.Project professionalism. D.Think positively. E.Tread lightly at first. F.Understand team dynamics. G.What the experts say.

考题 Being fat doesn’t necessarily mean you're unhealthy,according to a new study.Researchers at York University in Toronto found that obesity 1 doesnt increase your risk for mortality 2 it's 3 another metabolic risk factor,such as high blood sugar or high levels of bad cholesterol This is 4 most of the literature,Jennifer Kuk,a(n)5 professor of kinesiology at York University,writes in a press 6.She says 7,most studies defined"healthy"obesity 8 having up to one metabolic risk factor--which is an issue,9 conditions like high blood sugar and bad cholesterol increase mortality risk for anyone,skinny or fat.This is likely 10 most studies have reported that healthy'obesity is still 11 higher mortality risk,she says.The study looked at data of 54,089 men and women from five large studies,and 12 them into two groups:those who were obese and had no metabolic risk factors,and those who were obese and had metabolic 13 such as elevated glucose,blood pressure or lipids Researchers then looked at how many people in each group died,and 14 their numbers to the death rate for 15-weight folks who had no metabolic risk factors We found that a person of normal weight 16 no other metabolic nsk factors is Just as likely to die as the person with obesity and no other risk factors,"Kuk says.according to their 17 individuals with metabolically healthy obesity are actually not at an elevated mortality 18 This means that hundreds of thousands of people in North America with metabolically healthy obe sity will be told to lose weight when it's 19 how much benefit they'll actually 20 she concludes 4选?A.in the case of B.in contact wit C.in contrast with D.in cooperation with

考题 New research has revived one of the longest standing,and biologically fundamental debates in the life sciences Is there a set limit to how long humans can live?The study 1 in the journal Science,suggests that maybe there isn't.It should be noted that this finding contradicts other 2 research by biologists and demographers,as Nature notes lateaus after a certain point for these"super-elderly"2 Researchers examined a population of nearly 4,000 Italians who were 105 years or older.That they found was that mortality risk The risk of death increases when someone 5 gets older,6 as they reach their 80s and 90s But,say Sapienza University's Elisabetta Barbi and University of Roma Tre's Francesco Lagona,after reaching the 7 old age of 105,the 8 of dying 9 the following year essentially drop down to 50%.The researchers 10 the quality of their dataset,asserting that their"estimates are 11 arti facts of aggregation that limited earlier studies and provide the best 12 to date for the existence of extreme-age mortality plateaus in humans.If a mortality plateau really does 13 at higher ages that theoretically means death doesn't have to be an inevitability Not all scientists have 14 that conclusion.For instance,a team from New York’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine analyzed the ages of the worlds oldest people and pegged the maximum length of human 15 at somewhere between 115 and 125 years.(For the curious:The oldest person ever in 16 history was a French lady named Jeanne Calment,who died at 122 years of age in 1997.By analyzing global demographic data,we show that improvements in 17 with age 18 decline after age 100,and that the age at death of the world s oldest person has not increased since th 1990s.Our results strongly suggest that the maximum 19 of humans is fixed and 20 natural constraints,wrote the Albert Einstein researchers in their 2016 report 1选?A.released B.promoted C.published D.presented

考题 New research has revived one of the longest standing,and biologically fundamental debates in the life sciences Is there a set limit to how long humans can live?The study 1 in the journal Science,suggests that maybe there isn't.It should be noted that this finding contradicts other 2 research by biologists and demographers,as Nature notes lateaus after a certain point for these"super-elderly"2 Researchers examined a population of nearly 4,000 Italians who were 105 years or older.That they found was that mortality risk The risk of death increases when someone 5 gets older,6 as they reach their 80s and 90s But,say Sapienza University's Elisabetta Barbi and University of Roma Tre's Francesco Lagona,after reaching the 7 old age of 105,the 8 of dying 9 the following year essentially drop down to 50%.The researchers 10 the quality of their dataset,asserting that their"estimates are 11 arti facts of aggregation that limited earlier studies and provide the best 12 to date for the existence of extreme-age mortality plateaus in humans.If a mortality plateau really does 13 at higher ages that theoretically means death doesn't have to be an inevitability Not all scientists have 14 that conclusion.For instance,a team from New York’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine analyzed the ages of the worlds oldest people and pegged the maximum length of human 15 at somewhere between 115 and 125 years.(For the curious:The oldest person ever in 16 history was a French lady named Jeanne Calment,who died at 122 years of age in 1997.By analyzing global demographic data,we show that improvements in 17 with age 18 decline after age 100,and that the age at death of the world s oldest person has not increased since th 1990s.Our results strongly suggest that the maximum 19 of humans is fixed and 20 natural constraints,wrote the Albert Einstein researchers in their 2016 report 3选?A.particularly B.essentially C.spontaneously D.totally

考题 Being fat doesn’t necessarily mean you're unhealthy,according to a new study.Researchers at York University in Toronto found that obesity 1 doesnt increase your risk for mortality 2 it's 3 another metabolic risk factor,such as high blood sugar or high levels of bad cholesterol This is 4 most of the literature,Jennifer Kuk,a(n)5 professor of kinesiology at York University,writes in a press 6.She says 7,most studies defined"healthy"obesity 8 having up to one metabolic risk factor--which is an issue,9 conditions like high blood sugar and bad cholesterol increase mortality risk for anyone,skinny or fat.This is likely 10 most studies have reported that healthy'obesity is still 11 higher mortality risk,she says.The study looked at data of 54,089 men and women from five large studies,and 12 them into two groups:those who were obese and had no metabolic risk factors,and those who were obese and had metabolic 13 such as elevated glucose,blood pressure or lipids Researchers then looked at how many people in each group died,and 14 their numbers to the death rate for 15-weight folks who had no metabolic risk factors We found that a person of normal weight 16 no other metabolic nsk factors is Just as likely to die as the person with obesity and no other risk factors,"Kuk says.according to their 17 individuals with metabolically healthy obesity are actually not at an elevated mortality 18 This means that hundreds of thousands of people in North America with metabolically healthy obe sity will be told to lose weight when it's 19 how much benefit they'll actually 20 she concludes 1选?A.alone B.along C.only D.merely

考题 New research has revived one of the longest standing,and biologically fundamental debates in the life sciences Is there a set limit to how long humans can live?The study 1 in the journal Science,suggests that maybe there isn't.It should be noted that this finding contradicts other 2 research by biologists and demographers,as Nature notes lateaus after a certain point for these"super-elderly"2 Researchers examined a population of nearly 4,000 Italians who were 105 years or older.That they found was that mortality risk The risk of death increases when someone 5 gets older,6 as they reach their 80s and 90s But,say Sapienza University's Elisabetta Barbi and University of Roma Tre's Francesco Lagona,after reaching the 7 old age of 105,the 8 of dying 9 the following year essentially drop down to 50%.The researchers 10 the quality of their dataset,asserting that their"estimates are 11 arti facts of aggregation that limited earlier studies and provide the best 12 to date for the existence of extreme-age mortality plateaus in humans.If a mortality plateau really does 13 at higher ages that theoretically means death doesn't have to be an inevitability Not all scientists have 14 that conclusion.For instance,a team from New York’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine analyzed the ages of the worlds oldest people and pegged the maximum length of human 15 at somewhere between 115 and 125 years.(For the curious:The oldest person ever in 16 history was a French lady named Jeanne Calment,who died at 122 years of age in 1997.By analyzing global demographic data,we show that improvements in 17 with age 18 decline after age 100,and that the age at death of the world s oldest person has not increased since th 1990s.Our results strongly suggest that the maximum 19 of humans is fixed and 20 natural constraints,wrote the Albert Einstein researchers in their 2016 report 2选?A.Similar B.different C.unique D.preceding

考题 When you're promoted to a new job,chere are a lot of relationships that need recalibrating.You have a new boss,new direct reports,and,important.ly,a new set of peers.How can you show you have what it takes to be their equal wilhout appearing arrogant?How do you break out of the mentee/mentor dynamic?And what should you do abouL that one colleague who doesn't take you seriously?1.Congratulations on your promotion-now you need to prove you're worthy of it in the eyes of those who have known you as an underling."Any time you change your role or you get promoted,there's a change in the rules of engagement,"says Amy Jen Su,managing part.ner of Paravis Partners and coauthor of own the Room.She recommends staying focused on the long term.Your peer group"represents a potentially powerful coalition,"she says."They are your sounding boards and sources of support."Michael Watkins,the chairman of Genesis Advisers,a professor at IMD says"You need to fundamentally reset how people see you."2."It's understandable that you may feel vulnerable and insecure,"around your new peers-especially at first,says Watkins."You are stepping up to the big leagues."You may even suffer from a touch of imposter syndrome.But you mustn't let self-doubc get the better of you.And don't assume the worst.It's highly likely that these people"weighed in on your promotion"and believe you are up to the task,adds Jen Su."They see you as qualified and capable and ready for the job."Try not to get consumed by actively"tiying to prove yourself"to your new peer group,she says.3.Be confident-but not overconfident.Othewise you risk being seen as"too big for your boots,"says Watkins.Think about"how you want to be.perceived"by your peers,and"how they will form opinions"of you,says Wackins.Go in with a collaborative mindset."You want to be viewed as a person can work with,"he says.Your goal is to demonstrace that"you're someone with a depth of knowledge but who also wants to learn and help."Project competence."Show conviction;"but be humble about it."Don't,be deferential;be appropriately respectful."4.When you're the new kid on the block,it's"incumbent on you"to reach out to your colleagues and try to get to know them,says Watkins.Upon starting the job,he recommends scheduling"a series of one-on-ones"with your new peers and talk abouc how you will best work together going fonvard."These conversations needn't be confined to conference rooms or cubicles,adds Jen Su.She suggests inviting them out for coffee or lunch-"there's huge value to spending informal time with your colleagues batting ideas around."Your objective is to become a"good thought partner"to your peers."Seek to understand their perspectives,"she says."Ask for their input-not because you need t.heir permission,but because you appreciate their counsel."5 Recasting your professional persona takes time and your colleagues'opinions of you may not shift ovemight.Be preparecl,too,that cerlain Tough cookies on your team might try to test your mettle.whaTever you do,"don't take it personally,"says Jen Su."The more you let this person get under your skin,the more they will poke you."Watkins recommends"cultivating a Thick skin and setting boundaries"of what are you and aren't willing to do."Otherwise you risk getting run over."It's also important that you not lose sight of the relationships that matter most."What your peers think about you is important,but what your boss thinks about you is very important." 1选?A.Be patient B.Build bridges. C.Project professionalism. D.Think positively. E.Tread lightly at first. F.Understand team dynamics. G.What the experts say.

考题 When you're promoted to a new job,chere are a lot of relationships that need recalibrating.You have a new boss,new direct reports,and,important.ly,a new set of peers.How can you show you have what it takes to be their equal wilhout appearing arrogant?How do you break out of the mentee/mentor dynamic?And what should you do abouL that one colleague who doesn't take you seriously?1.Congratulations on your promotion-now you need to prove you're worthy of it in the eyes of those who have known you as an underling."Any time you change your role or you get promoted,there's a change in the rules of engagement,"says Amy Jen Su,managing part.ner of Paravis Partners and coauthor of own the Room.She recommends staying focused on the long term.Your peer group"represents a potentially powerful coalition,"she says."They are your sounding boards and sources of support."Michael Watkins,the chairman of Genesis Advisers,a professor at IMD says"You need to fundamentally reset how people see you."2."It's understandable that you may feel vulnerable and insecure,"around your new peers-especially at first,says Watkins."You are stepping up to the big leagues."You may even suffer from a touch of imposter syndrome.But you mustn't let self-doubc get the better of you.And don't assume the worst.It's highly likely that these people"weighed in on your promotion"and believe you are up to the task,adds Jen Su."They see you as qualified and capable and ready for the job."Try not to get consumed by actively"tiying to prove yourself"to your new peer group,she says.3.Be confident-but not overconfident.Othewise you risk being seen as"too big for your boots,"says Watkins.Think about"how you want to be.perceived"by your peers,and"how they will form opinions"of you,says Wackins.Go in with a collaborative mindset."You want to be viewed as a person can work with,"he says.Your goal is to demonstrace that"you're someone with a depth of knowledge but who also wants to learn and help."Project competence."Show conviction;"but be humble about it."Don't,be deferential;be appropriately respectful."4.When you're the new kid on the block,it's"incumbent on you"to reach out to your colleagues and try to get to know them,says Watkins.Upon starting the job,he recommends scheduling"a series of one-on-ones"with your new peers and talk abouc how you will best work together going fonvard."These conversations needn't be confined to conference rooms or cubicles,adds Jen Su.She suggests inviting them out for coffee or lunch-"there's huge value to spending informal time with your colleagues batting ideas around."Your objective is to become a"good thought partner"to your peers."Seek to understand their perspectives,"she says."Ask for their input-not because you need t.heir permission,but because you appreciate their counsel."5.Recasting your professional persona takes time and your colleagues'opinions of you may not shift ovemight.Be preparecl,too,that cerlain Tough cookies on your team might try to test your mettle.whaTever you do,"don't take it personally,"says Jen Su."The more you let this person get under your skin,the more they will poke you."Watkins recommends"cultivating a Thick skin and setting boundaries"of what are you and aren't willing to do."Otherwise you risk getting run over."It's also important that you not lose sight of the relationships that matter most."What your peers think about you is important,but what your boss thinks about you is very important." 2选?A.Be patient B.Build bridges. C.Project professionalism. D.Think positively. E.Tread lightly at first. F.Understand team dynamics. G.What the experts say.

考题 Being fat doesn’t necessarily mean you're unhealthy,according to a new study.Researchers at York University in Toronto found that obesity 1 doesnt increase your risk for mortality 2 it's 3 another metabolic risk factor,such as high blood sugar or high levels of bad cholesterol This is 4 most of the literature,Jennifer Kuk,a(n)5 professor of kinesiology at York University,writes in a press 6.She says 7,most studies defined"healthy"obesity 8 having up to one metabolic risk factor--which is an issue,9 conditions like high blood sugar and bad cholesterol increase mortality risk for anyone,skinny or fat.This is likely 10 most studies have reported that healthy'obesity is still 11 higher mortality risk,she says.The study looked at data of 54,089 men and women from five large studies,and 12 them into two groups:those who were obese and had no metabolic risk factors,and those who were obese and had metabolic 13 such as elevated glucose,blood pressure or lipids Researchers then looked at how many people in each group died,and 14 their numbers to the death rate for 15-weight folks who had no metabolic risk factors We found that a person of normal weight 16 no other metabolic nsk factors is Just as likely to die as the person with obesity and no other risk factors,"Kuk says.according to their 17 individuals with metabolically healthy obesity are actually not at an elevated mortality 18 This means that hundreds of thousands of people in North America with metabolically healthy obe sity will be told to lose weight when it's 19 how much benefit they'll actually 20 she concludes 2选?A.if B.unless C.once D.since

考题 When you're promoted to a new job,chere are a lot of relationships that need recalibrating.You have a new boss,new direct reports,and,important.ly,a new set of peers.How can you show you have what it takes to be their equal wilhout appearing arrogant?How do you break out of the mentee/mentor dynamic?And what should you do abouL that one colleague who doesn't take you seriously?1.Congratulations on your promotion-now you need to prove you're worthy of it in the eyes of those who have known you as an underling."Any time you change your role or you get promoted,there's a change in the rules of engagement,"says Amy Jen Su,managing part.ner of Paravis Partners and coauthor of own the Room.She recommends staying focused on the long term.Your peer group"represents a potentially powerful coalition,"she says."They are your sounding boards and sources of support."Michael Watkins,the chairman of Genesis Advisers,a professor at IMD says"You need to fundamentally reset how people see you."2."It's understandable that you may feel vulnerable and insecure,"around your new peers-especially at first,says Watkins."You are stepping up to the big leagues."You may even suffer from a touch of imposter syndrome.But you mustn't let self-doubc get the better of you.And don't assume the worst.It's highly likely that these people"weighed in on your promotion"and believe you are up to the task,adds Jen Su."They see you as qualified and capable and ready for the job."Try not to get consumed by actively"tiying to prove yourself"to your new peer group,she says.3.Be confident-but not overconfident.Othewise you risk being seen as"too big for your boots,"says Watkins.Think about"how you want to be.perceived"by your peers,and"how they will form opinions"of you,says Wackins.Go in with a collaborative mindset."You want to be viewed as a person can work with,"he says.Your goal is to demonstrace that"you're someone with a depth of knowledge but who also wants to learn and help."Project competence."Show conviction;"but be humble about it."Don't,be deferential;be appropriately respectful."4.When you're the new kid on the block,it's"incumbent on you"to reach out to your colleagues and try to get to know them,says Watkins.Upon starting the job,he recommends scheduling"a series of one-on-ones"with your new peers and talk abouc how you will best work together going fonvard."These conversations needn't be confined to conference rooms or cubicles,adds Jen Su.She suggests inviting them out for coffee or lunch-"there's huge value to spending informal time with your colleagues batting ideas around."Your objective is to become a"good thought partner"to your peers."Seek to understand their perspectives,"she says."Ask for their input-not because you need t.heir permission,but because you appreciate their counsel."5.Recasting your professional persona takes time and your colleagues'opinions of you may not shift ovemight.Be preparecl,too,that cerlain Tough cookies on your team might try to test your mettle.whaTever you do,"don't take it personally,"says Jen Su."The more you let this person get under your skin,the more they will poke you."Watkins recommends"cultivating a Thick skin and setting boundaries"of what are you and aren't willing to do."Otherwise you risk getting run over."It's also important that you not lose sight of the relationships that matter most."What your peers think about you is important,but what your boss thinks about you is very important." 3选?A.Be patient B.Build bridges. C.Project professionalism. D.Think positively. E.Tread lightly at first. F.Understand team dynamics. G.What the experts say.

考题 Being fat doesn’t necessarily mean you're unhealthy,according to a new study.Researchers at York University in Toronto found that obesity 1 doesnt increase your risk for mortality 2 it's 3 another metabolic risk factor,such as high blood sugar or high levels of bad cholesterol This is 4 most of the literature,Jennifer Kuk,a(n)5 professor of kinesiology at York University,writes in a press 6.She says 7,most studies defined"healthy"obesity 8 having up to one metabolic risk factor--which is an issue,9 conditions like high blood sugar and bad cholesterol increase mortality risk for anyone,skinny or fat.This is likely 10 most studies have reported that healthy'obesity is still 11 higher mortality risk,she says.The study looked at data of 54,089 men and women from five large studies,and 12 them into two groups:those who were obese and had no metabolic risk factors,and those who were obese and had metabolic 13 such as elevated glucose,blood pressure or lipids Researchers then looked at how many people in each group died,and 14 their numbers to the death rate for 15-weight folks who had no metabolic risk factors We found that a person of normal weight 16 no other metabolic nsk factors is Just as likely to die as the person with obesity and no other risk factors,"Kuk says.according to their 17 individuals with metabolically healthy obesity are actually not at an elevated mortality 18 This means that hundreds of thousands of people in North America with metabolically healthy obe sity will be told to lose weight when it's 19 how much benefit they'll actually 20 she concludes 3选?A.lined with B.coupled with C.marked by D.concerned about

考题 根据下面资料,回答 "Hi there. How′ s it going?" "Oh, fine. Fine. How about this weather, huh?" "Well, I guess we can always use the rain." What is that? This story? Oh, just a little look at small talk. You know, those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day. Maybe you′re waiting for the elevator, or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial. Idle chatter about traffic doesn′t do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives. Pat Oliver, assistant professor on arts, says that, "Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion. It′ s so powerful. It does something to you." "Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary," Oliver says, "If I don′t make small connection with another person, I can′ t work." What causes it? As a rule, you′re either trying to force something into your life, or you′re using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your introduction to more meaning conversation. The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to beat the time. Take the elevator, for instance. Now there′ s prime territory. Nobody knows anyone and there′ s no reason to start a conversation, but invariably, someone does. "Making conversation in such peaceful social settings," according to Oliver, "can confirm your territory. It′s a way of feeling liked and accepted." The topics of small talk don′t matter. In fact, you don′t want anything more taxing than the weather or the traffic. It′ s non-threatening talk in a threatening situation. However, the rules change quickly when you′re with lots of people doing lots of talking. Let′ s say you′ re at a party. Now it′ s time to use small talk as a way of making others feel more comfortable around you, so don′ t look silly standing by the food table alone all night. According to the author, at a big party, small talk is used with the purpose of_____________.A.making both others and yourself feel at ease B.excluding those you don't like from joining you C.keeping your voice low so only your friends can hear you D.comforting those who feel lonely

考题 We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistakes?are about people."Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?When I got that great job,did Jim really feel good about it,as a friend?Or did he envy my luck?"When we look back,doubts?like these can make us feel bad.But when we look back,it′s too late. Why do we go wrong about our friends or our enemies?Sometimes what people say hides their?real meaning.And if we don′t really listen closely we miss the feeling behind the words.Suppose?someone tells you,"You′re a lucky dog."That′s being friendly.But"lucky dog"?There′s a bit?of envy in those words.Maybe he doesn′t see it himself.But bringing in the"dog"puts you down a?little.What he may be saying is that he doesn′t think you deserve your luck. "Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for"is another noise that says one thing and?means another.It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole.But is be?Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn′t important.It′s telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven′t got a date for Saturday night.How can you tell the real meaning behind someone′s words?One way is to take a good look at?the person talking.Do his words fit the way he looks?Does what he says agree with the tone of?voice?His posture?The look in his eyes?Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the?real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake. In the sentence"Maybe he doesn′t see it himself"in paragraph 2,the pronoun"it"refers?toA.being friendly B.a bit of envy C.lucky dog D.your luck

考题 Have you ever argued with your loved ones over simple misunderstandings(误解)?Little wonder. We often believe we′re more skillful in getting our point across than we actually are,according to Boza?Keysar,a professor at the University of Chicago.In his recent study,speakers tried to express their?meanings using unclear sentences.Speakers who thought listeners understood were wrong nearly half the?time.Here′s some good advice to reduce misunderstanding: (1)Don′t trust what you see from the listener.Listeners often nod,look at you or say"uhhuh"to?be polite or move the conversation along.But it′s easy to consider these as signs of understanding. (2)Train the editor(编辑)in your head.If you say,"Beth discusses her problems with her?husband,"it′s not clear whether she′s talking to her husband or about him.Try instead,"Beth?talks to her husband about her problems."or"Beth talks to others about the problems with her?husband." (3)Ask listeners to repeat your message.Introduce your request by saying"I?want to be sure I said?that right."Questions like"How does that sound?"or"Does that make sense?"may also work. (4)Listen well.When on the receiving end,ask questions to be sure you′re on the same?page.After all,it isn′t just the speaker′s job to make his speech understood. In the last paragraph,the words"you′re on the same page"mean that__________A.you're following the speaker closely B.you're reading the same page as the speaker does C.you should know which page the speaker refers to D.your story is written on the same page as the speaker's

考题 We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistakes?are about people."Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?When I got that great job,did Jim really feel good about it,as a friend?Or did he envy my luck?"When we look back,doubts?like these can make us feel bad.But when we look back,it′s too late. Why do we go wrong about our friends or our enemies?Sometimes what people say hides their?real meaning.And if we don′t really listen closely we miss the feeling behind the words.Suppose?someone tells you,"You′re a lucky dog."That′s being friendly.But"lucky dog"?There′s a bit?of envy in those words.Maybe he doesn′t see it himself.But bringing in the"dog"puts you down a?little.What he may be saying is that he doesn′t think you deserve your luck. "Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for"is another noise that says one thing and?means another.It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole.But is be?Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn′t important.It′s telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven′t got a date for Saturday night.How can you tell the real meaning behind someone′s words?One way is to take a good look at?the person talking.Do his words fit the way he looks?Does what he says agree with the tone of?voice?His posture?The look in his eyes?Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the?real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake. According to the author′,the reason why we go wrong about our friends is thatA.we fail to listen carefully when they talk B.people tend to be annoyed when we check what they say C.people usually state one thing but mean another D.we tend to doubt What.our friends say

考题 资料:What if you were told there was a way you may strengthen your cognitive skills and heighten your intelligence, and all you had to do was was learn to strike up basic conversations in another language? It probably sounds great, because if you’re like most you would love to be able to speak a second language. But then, you recall your experience in high school foreign language-boring tote memorization and long hours with little progress-and perhaps it doesn’t sound so good any more. But, what if you were told it would take only 10 days to be on your way to becoming bilingual? Most people recognize the many benefits of learning a foreign language: You can travel to foreign countries and fell comfortable, be a more productive and enticing employee in today’s competitive job market, and immerse yourself in the vast cultures that surround you. But now, the collective evidence from a number of recent studies suggests that the bilingual experience improves the brain’s so-called executive function-a command system that directs the attention processes that we use for planning, solving problems, and performing various other mentally demanding tasks. These processes include the ability to ignore distractions to stay focused, switching attention willfully from one thing to another, and holding information in the mind-like remembering a sequence of directions while driving. Even better, new approaches to learning mean you can learn a new language without the endless repetition, homework, and memorization. One of the most powerful actually trains people to start speaking a new language in as little as 10 days! In fact, it’s so powerful, even the FBI has purchased it! Want to know more about this amazing approach? Click here! According to the passage, which of the following may help you heighten your intelligence?A.Strengthen your cognitive skills. B.Improve your basic conversations. C.Begin to learn a foreign language. D.Talk with others as often as possible.

考题 资料:It’s almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or(for shame!)on a Friday and simply not check your work email again until you return the office during normal working hours。 The constant need to check email is the trade-off the modern workforce has made for the ability to work anytime,anywhere,hanks to smartphones and tablets that keep us always connected。 But three university researchers have found that it’s not just doing a bit of work after hours that cause burnout。The true culprit is actually the constant worrying about off-hour email。 A new study。“Exhausted But Unable to Disconnect,”by Lehigh University’s Liuba Belkin,Virginia Tech’s William Becker and Colorado State University's Samantha Conroy shows that employees are growing exhausted by the expectation that they will always be available,never knowing what kind of work requests will be asked of them off hours。 Typically,companies don’t mean to stress employees out like that。Most companies don't have formal policies that say people must answer work emails after-hours,(except,perhaps,in cases where an employee is on call during specific times)。 But policies and culture tend to be two different things。If supervisors routinely email employees after hours and expect a fast response (often because their supervisors are doing the same to them),then the message is clear: whenever the boss emails,the employee is expected to be available。 The solution is for bosses to tell employees that an after-hours email doesn’t necessarily require a response before the next work day,and to also set some times when after-hours emailing is considered acceptable and prohibited,such as no emails via the dinner hour,on weekends,or after 10 p.m.,the researchers say。 What would you do if you were the policy maker of a company?A.To require an instant respond for after-hour emailing B.To abandon after-hour emailing C.To tell employees that an after-hours email doesn’t necessarily require a response D.To limit the time of after-hour emailing

考题 Sorry. I have taken your sports shoes by mistake.()A、That's rightB、You're welcomeC、It doesn't matterD、All right

考题 单选题A: Hello. There's something wrong with my computer. It doesn't work now.  B: All right. May I have your contact number?  A: ______  B: I mean your telephone number.A What do you want?B Sorry?C Please just forgive me.D Sure. Here you are.