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更多 “ PIM利用声明(Assert)机制来() A.维护邻居关系B.为特定组播源选择转发器C.维护组播树D.维护RP信息 ” 相关考题
考题 组播协议的关键问题之一就是如何建立一棵适应应用需求的组播树。 (23) 协议使用了反向路径组播机制来构建组播树。 A.PIM.DM B.PIM.SM C.MOSPF D.DVMRP

考题 Whichfragmentisanexampleofinappropriateuseofassertions?() A.assert(!(map.contains(x)));map.add(x);B.if(x0){}else{assert(x==0);}C.publicvoidaMethod(intx){assert(x0);}D.assert(invariantCondition());returnretval;E.switch(x){case1:break;case2:creak;default:assert(x==0);

考题 Given:11. public void go(int x) {Which statement is true?() A.All of the assert statements are used appropriately.B.Only the assert statement on line 12 is used appropriately.C.Only the assert statement on line 15 is used appropriately.D.Only the assert statement on line 18 is used appropriately.E.Only the assert statements on lines 12 and 15 are used appropriately.F.Only the assert statements on lines 12 and 18 are used appropriately.G.Only the assert statements on lines 15 and 18 are used appropriately.

考题 利用operator声明且仅声明了“==”,有什么错误么?

考题 在PIM协议中,ASSERT选择转发器时,首先考虑什么因素()。 A.路由优先级B.度量值C.路由类型D.IP地址

考题 PIM DM中,嫁接(Graft)消息是由() A.主播接受者发给PIM路由器的B.PIM路由器发给PIM路由器的C.PIM路由器发给RP的D.PIM路由器发给组播源

考题 When IP multicast is enabled via PIM, which mode uses the flood and prune metho d? Select the best response.() A. PIM sparse - denseB. Bidir - PIMC. PIM - RPD. PIM - DME. PIM - SM

考题 WhichtypeofdomainsisinterconnectedusingMulticastSourceDiscoveryProtocol?() A.PIM-SMB.PIM-DMC.PIM-SSMD.DVMRP

考题 下面关于PIM的工作模式描述错误的是() A.PIM-SMB.PIM-DMC.PIM-SSMD.PIM-ASM

考题 PIM-SM在共享网段断言的机制需要用到的是() A.register机制B.BSR/RP机制C.Assert机制D.Join/Prune机制

考题 关于PIM-DM描述错误的是() A.PIM-DM成为协议独立组播-密集模式,属于密集模式的组播路由协议B.PIM-DM假设网络中的每个子网都存在至少一个对组播源感兴趣的接收站点C.PIM-DM使用graft嫁接机制主动恢复组播报文的转发D.PIM-DM不存在周期性的扩散和剪枝现象

考题 在PIM 协议中,ASSERT 选择转发器时,首先考虑什么因素() A、 路由优先级B、 度量值C、 路由类型D、 IP 地址

考题 When building an IP multicast domain using PIM which mode assumes that other routers do not want to forward multicast packets for the group?()A、PIM - DMB、PIM - SMC、PIM - RPD、CGMPE、IGMP snooping

考题 Which three statements are true about IP multicast configuration?()A、PIM sparse - dense mode and PIM dense mode require an RP on the network.B、PIM sparse mode and PIM dense mode require an RP on the network.C、PIM sparse mode interfaces are always added to the multicast routing table in a router.D、PIM sparse mode and PIM sparse - dense mode require an RP on the network.E、PIM dense mode interfaces are always added to the multicast routing table in a router.F、PIM sparse - dense mode acts as PIM dense mode if an RP is not known.

考题 测试6的阶乘,断言方法是()?A、Assert.assertSame(720,jc.jieChen(6))B、Assert.assertEquals(720,jc.jieChen(6))C、Assert.assertNull(720,jc.jieChen(6))D、Assert.assertTrue(720,jc.jieChen(6))

考题 23.int z=5;  24.  25. public void stuff1(int x) {  26. assert (x 0);  27. switch(x) {  28. case 2: x= 3;  29. default: assert false; } }  30.  31. private void stuff2(int y) { assert (y  0); }  32.  33. private void stuff3() { assert (stuff4O); } 34.  35. private boolean stuff4() { z = 6; return false; }  Which is true?()  A、 All of the assert statements are used appropriately.B、 Only the assert statement on line 31 is used appropriately.C、 The assert statements on lines 29 and 31 are used appropriately.D、 The assert statements on lines 26 and 29 are used appropriately.E、 The assert statements on lines 29 and 33 are used appropriately.F、 The assert statements on lines 29, 31, and 33 are used appropriately.G、 The assert statements on lines 26, 29, and 31 are used appropriately.

考题 在PIM-DM组网中,关于路由器发送Prune(剪枝)消息,描述正确的有()。A、路由器无本地直连组播接收者时,会向所有PIM邻居发送PruneB、路由器(S,G)表项中出接口列表为空时,会向所有PIM邻居发送Prune消息C、Assert(断言)失败的一方会向获胜一方发送D、路由器接口收到Prune消息后,从此将不在此接口发送相应组播组的报文

考题 When IP multicast is enabled via PIM, which mode uses the flood and prune metho d? Select the best response.()A、PIM sparse - denseB、Bidir - PIMC、PIM - RPD、PIM - DME、PIM - SM

考题 Which two commands are required to enable multicast on a router, knowing that the receivers only support IGMPv2?()A、ip pim rp-addressB、ip pim ssmC、ip pim sparse-modeD、ip pim passive

考题 以太网是利用()机制来解决冲突的。

考题 11. public class Test {  12. public void foo() {  13. assert false;  14. assert false;  15. }  16. public void bar(){  17. while(true){  18. assert false;  19. }  20. assert false;  21. }  22. }  What causes compilation to fail?()  A、 Line 13B、 Line 14C、 Line 18D、 Line 20

考题 单选题23.int z=5;  24.  25. public void stuff1(int x) {  26. assert (x 0);  27. switch(x) {  28. case 2: x= 3;  29. default: assert false; } }  30.  31. private void stuff2(int y) { assert (y  0); }  32.  33. private void stuff3() { assert (stuff4O); } 34.  35. private boolean stuff4() { z = 6; return false; }  Which is true?()A  All of the assert statements are used appropriately.B  Only the assert statement on line 31 is used appropriately.C  The assert statements on lines 29 and 31 are used appropriately.D  The assert statements on lines 26 and 29 are used appropriately.E  The assert statements on lines 29 and 33 are used appropriately.F  The assert statements on lines 29, 31, and 33 are used appropriately.G  The assert statements on lines 26, 29, and 31 are used appropriately.

考题 单选题PIM-SM在共享网段断言的机制需要用到的是()A register机制B BSR/RP机制C Assert机制D Join/Prune机制

考题 单选题PIM利用声明(Assert)机制来()A 维护邻居关系B 为特定组播源选择转发器C 维护组播树D 维护RP信息

考题 单选题public class Test{  public static void main( String[] argv ){  // insert statement here  }  }   Which statement, inserted at line 3, produces the following output?()  Exception in thread “main” java.lang.AssertionError: true at Test.main(Test.java:3)A  assert true;B  assert false;C  assert false : true;D  assert false == true;E  assert false: false;

考题 单选题Which fragment is an example of inappropriate use of assertions? ()A  assert (!(map.contains(x))); map.add(x);B  if (x  0){}else { assert (x==0); }C  public void aMethod(int x) { assert (x  0); }D  assert (invariantCondition()); return retval;E  switch (x) { case 1: break; case 2: creak; default: assert (x == 0);