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The article sketched the major events of the decade.



更多 “The article sketched the major events of the decade.A:described B:offered C:outlined D:presented” 相关考题
考题 16 Which of the following events between the balance sheet date and the date the financial statements areauthorised for issue must be adjusted in the financial statements?1 Declaration of equity dividends.2 Decline in market value of investments.3 The announcement of changes in tax rates.4 The announcement of a major restructuring.A 1A 1 onlyB 2 and 4C 3 onlyD None of them

考题 when you are reading an article, your purpose is to find the general idea of the article. then which reading strategy will you employ () A. SkimmingB. Identifying and understanding argumentC. Identifying attitudes and making inferencesD. Scanning

考题 When we talk about “parts of speech”, we know that a describing word we use to describe a noun is a/an ______; a word that can be used instead of a noun is a/an _______; a word used in front of a countable or uncountable noun is a/an ___________.A、pronoun, article, adjectiveB、article, adjective, pronounC、adjective, article, pronounD、adjective, pronoun, article

考题 many migrants poured into australia during the 1 850s.as a result,the australian population increased by 50%in that decade. ()

考题 Tell me, Meng.What’s your major? ( ) A、My major problem is lack of confidence.B、Mr.Wang is the major.C、I’m majoring in English.D、I am not a major.

考题 你在创建一个名为 Article.master 的母版页。Article.master 作为你 Web 站点上文章的模板。这个母版页用如下的页声明:现在,你需要创建一个用此母版页作为模板的内容页面,并且要求用一个母版页就可以支持所有设备访问你的站点,你该使用下面那个代码段?() A. %@ Page Language=C# Theme=article%B. %@ Page Language=C# MasterPageFile=~/article.master%C. %@ Page Language=C# ie:MasterPageFile=~/article.master%D. %@Page Language=C# all:MasterPageFile=~/article.master%

考题 听力原文:Other aspects of operational risk include major failure of information technology systems or events such as major fires or other disasters.(6)A.Information technology system can cause operational risk.B.A major fire can be a cause of operational risk.C.The most important types of operational risk involve breakdowns in internal controls and corporate governance.D.Other aspects of operational risk include firing its dealers, lending officers or other staff exceeding their authority or conducting business in an unethical or risky manner.

考题 The company ___ several major changes in the last decade. A. attributedB. distributedC. underwentD. undertook

考题 CSS选择器名:p.article:first-letter表示( ) A.所有class为article的元素的首字母B.所有class为article的段落C.所有class为article的段落的首单词D.所有class为article的段落的首字母

考题 易燃物品的英文翻译是( )A.inflammableB.explosiveC.corrosiveD.fammable article article article artible

考题 The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each ___ one major point in contrast with the other.A.makes B.made C.is to make D.making

考题 You create a master page named Article.master. Article.master serves as the template for articles on your Web site. The master page uses the following page directives. %@ Master Language="C#" Src="~/article.master.cs" Inherits="article" % You need to create a content page that uses the master page as a template. In addition, you need to use a single master page for all devices that access the Web site. Which code segment should you use? ()A、%@ Page Language="C#" Theme="article"%B、%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%C、%@ Page Language="C#" ie:MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%D、%@Page Language="C#" all:MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%

考题 你在创建一个名为 Article.master 的母版页。Article.master 作为你 Web 站点上文章的模板。这个母版页用如下的页声明:%@ Master Language="C#" Src="~/article.master.cs" Inherits="article" %现在,你需要创建一个用此母版页作为模板的内容页面,并且要求用一个母版页就可以支持所有设备访问你的站点,你该使用下面那个代码段?()A、%@ Page Language="C#" Theme="article"%B、%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%C、%@ Page Language="C#" ie:MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%D、%@Page Language="C#" all:MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%

考题 You are developing an application that receives events asynchronously.You create a WqlEventQuery instance to specify the events and event conditions to which the application must respond.You also create a ManagementEventWatcher instance to subscribe to events matching the query.You need to identify the other actions you must perform before the application can receive events asynchronously.Which two actions should you perform?()A、Start listening for events by calling the Start method of the ManagementEventWatcher.B、Set up a listener for events by using the EventArrived event of the ManagementEventWatcher.C、Use the WaitForNextEvent method of the ManagementEventWatcher to wait for the events.D、Create an event handler class that has a method that receives an ObjectReadyEventArgs parameter.E、Set up a listener for events by using the Stopped event of the ManagementEventWatcher.

考题 You create a master page named Article.master. Article.master serves as the template for articles on your Web site. The master page uses the following page directives. %@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="article.master.vb" Inherits="article" % You need to create a content page that uses the master page as a template. In addition, you need to use a single master page for all devices that access the Web site. Which code segment should you use? ()A、%@ Page Language="VB" Theme="article"%B、%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%C、%@ Page Language="VB" ie:MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%D、%@Page Language="VB" all:MasterPageFile="~/article.master"%

考题 The article that can burn easily is()A、inflammable articleB、flammable articleC、explosive articleD、radioactive article

考题 单选题The nation’s fledgling economy struggled because the investment from other countries into its major industries was lacking from most of them.A because the investment from other countries into its major industries was lacking from most of themB because few other countries were willing to invest in its major industriesC due to the fact that few other countries would have invested in its major industriesD because of the lack of investment from few other countries in its major industriesE for the lack of investment in its major industries from other countries

考题 单选题Most parents encourage their children to take an active part in social events,()those events do not interfere with their studies.A lestB thoughC unlessD provided

考题 单选题Major earthquakes are among nature’s most devastating events, causing an _____ loss of life and property.A unmentionableB unprofitableC insurmountableD incalculable

考题 单选题The result of Holmes-Rahe’s medical research tells us _____.A the way you handle major events may cause stressB what should be done to avoid stressC what kind of event would cause stressD how to cope with sudden changes in life

考题 单选题In 1964 ______ of Henry Osaka Tanner’s paintings was shown at the Smithsonian Institution.A was a major collectionB that a major collectionC a collection was majorD a major collection

考题 单选题You want to schedule a job to rebuild all indexes on the SALES table after the completion of a bulk load operation. The bulk load operation must also be a scheduled job that executes as soon as the first file that contains data arrives on the system. How would you create these jobs?()A Create both jobs by using events raised by the schedulerB Create both jobs by using events raised by the applicationC Create a job to rebuild indexes by using events arised by the application and then create another job to perform bulk load by using events raised by the schedulerD Create a job to rebuild indexes by using events arised by the Scheduller and then create another job to perform bulk load by using events raised by the application

考题 单选题You create a master page named Article.master. Article.master serves as the template for articles on your Web site. The master page uses the following page directives. You need to create a content page that uses the master page as a template. In addition, you need to use a single master page for all devices that access the Web site. Which code segment should you use? ()A %@ Page Language=VB Theme=article%B %@ Page Language=VB MasterPageFile=~/article.master%C %@ Page Language=VB ie:MasterPageFile=~/article.master%D %@Page Language=VB all:MasterPageFile=~/article.master%

考题 问答题The extract below comes from an article which appeared in a magazine called Society Today. You read the extract and have strong feelings about its contents, and decide to write an article, in which you respond to the points made and express your own views.  You should write the article in no fewer than 120 words. Now write your letter on the answer sheet.

考题 单选题你在创建一个名为 Article.master 的母版页。Article.master 作为你 Web 站点上文章的模板。这个母版页用如下的页声明:现在,你需要创建一个用此母版页作为模板的内容页面,并且要求用一个母版页就可以支持所有设备访问你的站点,你该使用下面那个代码段?()A %@ Page Language=C# Theme=article%B %@ Page Language=C# MasterPageFile=~/article.master%C %@ Page Language=C# ie:MasterPageFile=~/article.master%D %@Page Language=C# all:MasterPageFile=~/article.master%

考题 单选题The score of the Holmes-Rahe test shows _____.A bow much pressure you are underB how positive events can change your lifeC how stressful a major event can beD how you can deal with life changing events

考题 单选题Which point is Mr. Pat NOT concerned about?A Coverage of environmental oppositionB The article's figure of 75%C Technical terminology related to the projectD The article's doubts about solar power output