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CiscoIDSsensorsformtheeyesandearsofyourCisconetworkintrusiondetection system. Placingsensorscorrectlythroughoutyournetworkiscrucialtosuccessfullyimplementingyour Ciscointrusiondetectionsystem.WhichtwoofthesearecharacteristicsofanIDSsensor?()






更多 “ CiscoIDSsensorsformtheeyesandearsofyourCisconetworkintrusiondetection system. Placingsensorscorrectlythroughoutyournetworkiscrucialtosuccessfullyimplementingyour Ciscointrusiondetectionsystem.WhichtwoofthesearecharacteristicsofanIDSsensor?()A.hasapermissiveinterfacethatisusedtomonitornetworksB.isanactivedeviceinthetrafficpathC.passivelylistenstonetworktrafficD.hasapromiscuousinterfacethatisusedtomonitorthenetwork ” 相关考题
考题 Windows is a GUI-based operating system.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 ●Windows XP is Microsoft's most advanced desktop (70) system.(70) A.operatingB.programmingC.securityD.service

考题 下面程序的运行结果是( )。 public class Test { public static void main (String args[]) { int c=5; System. out. println (C); System. out. println (c++); System. out. println (C); } }A.5 6 6B.5 5 6C.6 7 7D.6 6 6

考题 Only in this way ____ to make improvements in the operating system. A.you can hopeB.you did hopeC.can you hope

考题 Establishing the position classification system is () to the improvement and innovation of the Chinese civil servant system. A、typicalB、fundamentalC、characteristicD、pointless

考题 假设变量sum=0和j=80都是int类型,则下列语句中的正确的是( ).A.if (true) System. out. println("true"); else;B.if (5<>1) System. out. println( "not equal" );C.for (iht j=20;j<<50;j--) System. out. println (j);D.while (j>>=50) sum +=j; j--;

考题 请将下面程序补充完整。public class PowerCalc{public static void main(String[]args){double x=5.0;System. out. println(x+"to the power 4 is"+power(x, 4));System. out. println("7. 5 to the power 5 is"+power(7.5, 5));System. out. println("7.5 to the power 0 is"+power(7.5, 0));System. out. println("10 to the power -2 is"+power(10, -2));}static double【 】 (double x, int n){if(n>1)return x * power(x, n-1);else if(n<0)return 1.0/power(x, -n);elsereturn n==0 ? 1.0:x;}}

考题 假设有String a = "A"; char b ='A'; int c=65,下面选项中正确的是( )。A.if(a == b) {System. out. print("Equal") }B.if(c == b) {System. out. print("Equal") }C.if(a == c) {System. out. print ("Equal") }D.if(c = b) {System. out. print("Equal") }

考题 已知如下代码: switch(m) { case 0: System. out. println("Condition 0 "); case 1: System. out. println("Condition 1 "); case 2: System. out. println("Condition 2 "); case 3: System. out. println("Condition 3 "); break; default: System. out. println("Other Condition"); 当m的值为( )时,可以输出“Condition 2”。A.2B.0,1C.0,1,2D.0,1,2,3

考题 当执行下面代码时,会输出( )。 Boolean b1 = new Boolean(true); Boolean b2 = new Boolean(true); if (b1 == b2) if (bi.equals(b2)) System. out.printin ("a"); else System. out. println ("b"); else if (bi.equals(b2)) System. out.println ("c"); else System. out.printIn("d");A.aB.bC.cD.d

考题 ● (73) manages the other components of a computer system.(73)A.BusB.Application systemC.Operating systemD.Disk

考题 Language is a logical system.()A对B错

考题 Language is a logical system.()

考题 程序: class TestApp{ public static void main (String[] args){ int x=6; if (xl) System. out. println("xl"); else if (x5) System. out .println("x5"); else if (x10) System. out. println("xA、x5B、xlC、x10D、x29

考题 Select a board inapplicable to the ZXMP M600 system.()A、OMDB、OBAC、NCP

考题 A system must be upgraded from AIX 5.1 to 5.2.  Which of the following scheduling processes should be performed? ()A、 Schedule enough down time to backup, upgrade and reboot. B、 Backup, upgrade, then schedule enough down time to reboot the system. C、 Backup, then schedule enough down time to upgrade and reboot the system. D、 No scheduling processes are necessary because no down time is required.

考题 What is the difference between the CUoD and Utility Capacity On Demand?()A、Utility allows for activation of resources by the hour. CUoD allows for permanent access to additional resources installed into the system.B、Utility allows for permanent access to additional resources installed into the system. CuOD allows for activation of resources by the hour.C、Utility allows for activation of resources by the minute. CUoD allows for permanent access to additional resources installed into the system.D、Utility allows for a 30 day usage of additional resources installed into the system. CUoD allows for permanent access to additional resources installed into the system.

考题 There is a problem starting a telnet session on a system.  Which of the following daemons should be checked?()A、tftpd B、inetd C、getty D、rlogind

考题 程序:  class   TestApp{  public  static  void main (String[]  args){     int x=6;     if (xl)  System. out. println("xl");     else if (x5)  System. out .println("x5");     else if (x10)  System. out. println("xSystem. out .println( "x29");     else  System. out.println(“以上都不是”);     }     }  上述程序运行后的结果是哪项?()      A、x5B、xlC、x10D、x29

考题 单选题程序: classTestApp{ public static void main (String[] args){ int X=5: switch (x){ case l: case 2: case 3: System. out.println(“一季度”); break; case 4: case 5: case 6: System. out.println(“二季度”); break;default:System. out.println(“三季度以上”); break; ) } ) 上述程序运行后的结果是哪项?()A 一季度B 二季度C 三季度以上D 无输出

考题 单选题程序:  class    TestApp{  public  static void main (String[]  args){      int X=5:      switch (x){     case l:      case 2:      case 3:  System. out.println(“一季度”);      break;      case 4:      case 5: case 6:  System. out.println(“二季度”);     break;      default:  System. out.println(“三季度以上”);     break;     }     }     }  上述程序运行后的结果是哪项?()A  一季度B 二季度C 三季度以上D 无输出

考题 填空题枚举是从System.()类继承而来的类型。

考题 单选题程序:  class   TestApp{  public  static  void main (String[]  args){     int x=6;     if (xl)  System. out. println("xl");     else if (x5)  System. out .println("x5");     else if (xSystem. out .println( "xA x5B xlC x10D x29

考题 单选题程序: class TestApp{ public static void main (String[] args){ int x=6; if (xl) System. out. println("xl"); else if (x5) System. out .println("x5"); else if (x10) System. out. println("x A x5B xlC x10D x29

考题 单选题A system must be upgraded from AIX 5.1 to 5.2.  Which of the following scheduling processes should be performed? ()A  Schedule enough down time to backup, upgrade and reboot. B  Backup, upgrade, then schedule enough down time to reboot the system. C  Backup, then schedule enough down time to upgrade and reboot the system. D  No scheduling processes are necessary because no down time is required.

考题 判断题Language is a logical system.()A 对B 错

考题 单选题现有:  class Passer f  static final int X=5;  public  static void main (String  []  args)  {      new  Passer().go (x);      System. out .print (x);      }  void go (int x)  {     System. out .print(x++);     }     结果是什么?()A 55B 56C 65D 66