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A block and tackle is rove to advantage.This means that the ______.

A.blocks have been overhauled

B.hauling parts of two tackles are attached

C.hauling part leads through the movable block

D.hauling part leads through the standing block


更多 “ A block and tackle is rove to advantage.This means that the ______.A.blocks have been overhauledB.hauling parts of two tackles are attachedC.hauling part leads through the movable blockD.hauling part leads through the standing block ” 相关考题
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考题 单选题My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique.What does the sentence My vessel is healthy mean?It means;().A My ship has been maintainedB My ship has been paintedC All my crew members have been vaccinatedD All my crew members have no quarantinable diseases

考题 单选题Companycom has been performing scheduled backups of their data to tape using "tar" in a script for over one year with no problems. Recently, the tar command is returning a non zero return code during the backup phase, causing the script to fail. What is the primary cause of this problem?()A The files have grown to over eight gigabytes in sizeB The file systems are corrupt, and fsck should be runC The tape block size has been changed from the defaultD The user’s limit has been changed to less than eight gigabytes

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考题 单选题We have missed the last bus. It means()to walk over the mountain.A to haveB havingC mustD might

考题 单选题A block and tackle is rove to advantage. This means that the().A blocks have been overhauledB hauling parts of two tackles are attachedC hauling part leads through the movable blockD hauling part leads through the standing block

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