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Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems? ()(Choose three.)

A. PIN photodiodes

B. zero-chirped lasers

C. Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers

D. dispersion compensating fiber

E. dispersion compensating Bragg grating


更多 “ Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems? ()(Choose three.) A. PIN photodiodesB. zero-chirped lasersC. Erbium-doped fiber amplifiersD. dispersion compensating fiberE. dispersion compensating Bragg grating ” 相关考题
考题 Which three actions are allowed in event details? ()(Choose three.) A.SendB.RaiseC.DeleteD.ReceiveE.Acknowledge

考题 Which three contexts can be used as matching conditions in a source NAT configuration? ()(Choose three.) A. routing-instanceB. zoneC. interfaceD. policyE. rule-set

考题 What are three factors that limit the maximum distance of an amplified optical signal without regeneration? ()(Choose three.) A. fiber dispersionB. signal attenuationC. transmitter powerD. amplifier bandwidthE. receiver dispersion tolerance

考题 What three in combination are factors that can cause four-wave mixing in fiber-optic cables? ()(Choose three.) A. low optical powerB. high optical powerC. few optical channelsD. many optical channelsE. low chromatic dispersionF. high chromatic dispersionG. too much power differential in the optical channels

考题 Which three statements correctly describe the Cisco Validated Designs program? ()(Choose three.) A. includes three design levelsB. incorporates products and technologies into enterprise, service provider, and commercial systemsC. extends the value of designs through a sustained development planD. does not factor customer input design processE. facilitates faster and more reliable customer deploymentsF. incorporates a narrow range of technologies and products

考题 Which are valid modes for a switch port used as a VLAN trunk (Choose three.)()。 A.transparentB.autoC.onD.desirableE.blockingF.forwarding

考题 Which three Layer 2 encapsulation types would be used on a WAN rather than a LAN (Choose three.)()。 A.HDLCB.EthernetC.Token RingD.PPPE.FDDIF.Frame Relay

考题 What are three factors that limit the maximum distance of an amplified optical signal without regeneration? ()(Choose three.)A、fiber dispersionB、signal attenuationC、transmitter powerD、amplifier bandwidthE、receiver dispersion tolerance

考题 Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems?()A、 PIN photodiodesB、 zero-chirped lasersC、 Erbium-doped fiber amplifiersD、 dispersion compensating fiberE、 dispersion compensating Bragg grating

考题 What three in combination are factors that can cause four-wave mixing in fiber-optic cables? ()(Choose three.)A、low optical powerB、high optical powerC、few optical channelsD、many optical channelsE、low chromatic dispersionF、high chromatic dispersionG、too much power differential in the optical channels

考题 Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems? ()(Choose three.)A、PIN photodiodesB、zero-chirped lasersC、Erbium-doped fiber amplifiersD、dispersion compensating fiberE、dispersion compensating Bragg grating

考题 Which are valid modes for a switch port used as a VLAN trunk (Choose three.)()。A、transparentB、autoC、onD、desirableE、blockingF、forwarding

考题 Which three applications are disabled for compression by default?() (Choose three.)A、FTPB、SSHC、UDPD、HTTPSE、Traceroute

考题 Which three Layer 2 encapsulation types would be used on a WAN rather than a LAN? (Choose three.)()A、HDLCB、EthernetC、Token RingD、PPPE、FDDIF、Frame Relay

考题 Which three statements correctly describe the Cisco Validated Designs program? ()(Choose three.)A、includes three design levelsB、incorporates products and technologies into enterprise, service provider, and commercial systemsC、extends the value of designs through a sustained development planD、does not factor customer input design processE、facilitates faster and more reliable customer deploymentsF、incorporates a narrow range of technologies and products

考题 As a Cisco Network Engineer, you have to master the knowledge of the Cisco validated Design (CVD) program. Which three of the following descriptions are appropriate about the CVD program?() (Choose three.)A、It incorporates a narrow range of technologies and products.B、It facilitates faster and more reliable customer deployments.C、It extends the value of designs through a sustained development plan.D、It incorporates products and technologies into enterprise, service provider, and commercial systems.

考题 Which three contexts can be used as matching conditions in a source NAT configuration? ()(Choose three.)A、routing-instanceB、zoneC、interfaceD、policyE、rule-set

考题 多选题As a Cisco Network Engineer, you have to master the knowledge of the Cisco validated Design (CVD) program. Which three of the following descriptions are appropriate about the CVD program?() (Choose three.)AIt incorporates a narrow range of technologies and products.BIt facilitates faster and more reliable customer deployments.CIt extends the value of designs through a sustained development plan.DIt incorporates products and technologies into enterprise, service provider, and commercial systems.

考题 多选题Which three applications are disabled for compression by default?() (Choose three.)AFTPBSSHCUDPDHTTPSETraceroute

考题 多选题Which three contexts can be used as matching conditions in a source NAT configuration? ()(Choose three.)Arouting-instanceBzoneCinterfaceDpolicyErule-set

考题 多选题Which three Layer 2 encapsulation types would be used on a WAN rather than a LAN? (Choose three.)()AHDLCBEthernetCToken RingDPPPEFDDIFFrame Relay

考题 多选题Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems? ()(Choose three.)APIN photodiodesBzero-chirped lasersCErbium-doped fiber amplifiersDdispersion compensating fiberEdispersion compensating Bragg grating

考题 多选题What are three factors that limit the maximum distance of an amplified optical signal without regeneration? ()(Choose three.)Afiber dispersionBsignal attenuationCtransmitter powerDamplifier bandwidthEreceiver dispersion tolerance

考题 多选题Which three statements correctly describe the Cisco Validated Designs program? ()(Choose three.)Aincludes three design levelsBincorporates products and technologies into enterprise, service provider, and commercial systemsCextends the value of designs through a sustained development planDdoes not factor customer input design processEfacilitates faster and more reliable customer deploymentsFincorporates a narrow range of technologies and products

考题 多选题Which are valid modes for a switch port used as a VLAN trunk? (Choose three.)()AtransparentBautoConDdesirableEblockingFforwarding

考题 多选题What three in combination are factors that can cause four-wave mixing in fiber-optic cables? ()(Choose three.)Alow optical powerBhigh optical powerCfew optical channelsDmany optical channelsElow chromatic dispersionFhigh chromatic dispersionGtoo much power differential in the optical channels

考题 多选题Which three technologies are used to reduce chromatic dispersion accumulation in fiber-optic transmission systems?()APIN photodiodesBzero-chirped lasersCErbium-doped fiber amplifiersDdispersion compensating fiberEdispersion compensating Bragg grating