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On the south and the east coasts of Block Island are circles with a dot in the center and labeled CUP. This is a ______.

A.conspicuous object

B.steep depression in the surrounding hills that resembles a cup

C.domed structure useful for navigation

D.calling-up-point used for traffic control


更多 “ On the south and the east coasts of Block Island are circles with a dot in the center and labeled CUP. This is a ______.A.conspicuous objectB.steep depression in the surrounding hills that resembles a cupC.domed structure useful for navigationD.calling-up-point used for traffic control ” 相关考题
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考题 单选题class Parent {     String one, two;  public Parent(String a, String b){     one = a;     two = b;    }  public void print(){ System.out.println(one); }    }  public class Child extends Parent {     public Child(String a, String b){     super(a,b);     }  public void print(){  System.out.println(one + " to " + two);     }  public static void main(String arg[]){     Parent p = new Parent("south", "north");     Parent t = new Child("east", "west");     p.print();     t.print();     }     }  Which of the following is correct?()A  Cause error during compilation. B  south     east C  south to north     east to west    D  south to north     east    E  south     east to west