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It is not necessary to declare ______ in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.

A.Jaundice by fever

B.Acute skin rash or eruption with or without fever

C.Jaundice by fever



更多 “ It is not necessary to declare ______ in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.A.Jaundice by feverB.Acute skin rash or eruption with or without feverC.Jaundice by feverD.Duodenitis ” 相关考题
考题 One of the sailors found it necessary to ____ the captain ____ the nearest island by radio.A. declare … to contactB. propose … contactC. insist … to contactD. wish … contact


考题 第三组:Ship recycling contributes to sustainable development and is the environmentally friendly way of disposing of ships with virtually every part of the hull, machinery, equipment, fittings and even furniture being re-used. However, while the principle of ship recycling is a sound one, the reported status of working practices and environmental standards in recycling facilities often leaves much to be desired. Such growing concerns about environmental safety, health and welfare matters in the ship recycling industry have resulted in a growing belief that an international instrument to regulate the ship recycling process is urgently needed.Having become aware of the need to reduce the environmental, occupational health and safety risks related to ship recycling, as well as the need to secure the smooth withdrawal of ships that have reached the end of their operating lives, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has taken action to develop a realistic and effective solution to the problem of ship recycling, which will take into account the particular characteristics of international maritime transport and the economic realities.Which statement of the following is true?A.Ship recycling is sustainableB.Ship recycling is very friendly to our environmentC.Ship recycling is the best way to dispose the machinery, equipment, fittings and even furniture on boardD.Ship recycling brings many problems concerning environmental safety, health and______occupational safety

考题 say something about maritime agencies and the staff related to the ship.

考题 Maritime Declaration of Health is to be rendered to ______ by the master of ship arriving from port outside the territory.A.Immigration OfficerB.Customs OfficerC.Quarantine OfficerD.Ship's Agent

考题 It is not necessary to declare ______ in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.A.fever accompanied by prostration or persisting for several daysB.fever attended with glandular swellingC.acute skin rashD.glycosuria

考题 Maritime Administration personnel may be allowed in the pilothouse upon the responsibility of the ______.A.Chief OfficerB.NavigatorC.most senior person present from the Maritime AdministrationD.officer in charge of the watch

考题 The Safety of Life at Sea Convention was developed by the ______.A.IMDG conferenceB.American Bureau of ShippingC.International Maritime OrganizationD.American Institute of Maritime Shipping

考题 The international body responsible for drafting the convention prohibiting marine pollution (MARPOL) is the ______.A.Maritime Advisory CouncilB.International Maritime OrganizationC.International Association of ShippingD.Association of Seafaring Nations

考题 In accordance with Maritime Health Declaration,______ is not an infectious disease.A.choleraB.typhus feverC.yellow feverD.venereal disease

考题 Maritime Declaration of Health is generally prepared by the Master ______.A.when his vessel is arriving at a foreign portB.when his vessel is leaving a foreign portC.after his vessel has left a foreign portD.after his vessel has arrived at a port

考题 There is a ______ when one or more vessels are towing or pushing another vessel or vessels,provided that they are all involved in commercial activities and not in a salvage operation.A.private safetyB.private maritime adventureC.common safetyD.common maritime adventure

考题 The Owners _______ to have secured and carry on board the necessary certificates to comply with Safety and Health Regulations and all current requirements in all ports of call.A.EnsureB.AssureC.WarrantD.Insure

考题 共用题干 Health Education1 Health education is the part of health care that is concerned with promoting healthy behavior. A per-son's behavior may be the main cause of a health problem,but it can also be the main solution.This is true for the teenager who smokes, the mother with the poorly nourished(营养)child ,and the butcher(屠夫,卖肉 的人)who gets a cut on his finger. By changing their behavior these individuals can solve and prevent many of their own problems.2 Health education does not replace other health services,but it is needed to promote the proper use of these services. One example of this is immunization(免疫):scientists have made many vaccines(疫苗) to prevent diseases,but this achievement is of no value unless people to go receive the immunization.3 Health education encourages behavior that promotes health,prevents illness,cures disease,and contributes to recovery.The needs and interests of individuals,families,groups,organizations,and commu-nities are at the heart of health education programs.Thus there are many opportunities for practicing health education.4 Health education is not the same thing as health information.Correct information is certainly a basic part of health education,but health education must also address the other factors that affect health behavior such as availability(可获性)of resources,effectiveness of community leadership,social support from family members.and levels of sell一help skills.Health education theretore uses a variety ot metnous to neip peopie understand their own situations and choose actions that will improve their healta? tieaitn eciucation is incom- plete unless it encourages involvement and choice by the people themselves.5 Also,in health education we do not blame people it they do not behave in a neaitny way.Often un- healthy behavior is not the fault of the individual.In health education we must work with families,communities,and even regional and national authorities to make sure that resources and support are avaiianie to enable each individual to lead a healthy life. Paragraph 3___________A: Addressing a Variety of Behavior-affecting FactorsB: Importance of ImmunizationC:Relationship With tither Health servicesD:Creation of Necessary Conditions for Healthy Behavior E:Encouraging Unhealthy BehaviorF:Encouragement of Behavior Good for Your Health

考题 共用题干 Health Promotion1 World health will improve only if the people themselves become involved in planning, implementing,and having a say about their own health and health care.But involvement will not just happen.2 How serious are we about involving individuals,families,and communities?Are we prepared一mentally and professionally(专业上)一to listen to their concerns,to learn from them what they feel is important,to share with them appropriate information,to encourage and support them?In many cases,so far,the answer is"No".We can go on and on developing plans:nothing will happen unless all health workers,all health managers,and key professionals(专业人员)in other areas come to realize what is at stake. To overcome these particular stumbling一blocks(障碍物),I see three major requirements.3 First,health workers must understand that the concept of primary health care involves new roles for them , and a new outlook(观点).Not only should we be concerned with disease prevention and control,we must also be concerned with health promotion and care, and not least with development in general一and with people.Our health technologies must be based on what the people themselves want and need.4 Second,health workers must accept their new roles.More yet:they must be keen to try them out,to broaden their scope and to innovate(创新)in the partnership(合伙人、合作关系)approach. Their main concern must be to find ways of helping individuals and communities become self-dependent.5 This brings me to my third point:health workers must have the necessary skills to perform these new roles effectively and to make efficient use of existing knowledge.This calls for a training force fully familiar with previous experience and keen to provide the kind and quality of professional preparation needed.It also calls for full support from health manaqers for such traininq. Paragraph 3________A:Acceptance of New RolesB: Lack of Health TechnologiesC: Urgent Need to Improve the Current SituationD: Importance of Taking a New OutlookE: Support of the PeopleF: Demand for Necessary Skills

考题 共用题干 Health Promotion1 World health will improve only if the people themselves become involved in planning, implementing,and having a say about their own health and health care.But involvement will not just happen.2 How serious are we about involving individuals,families,and communities?Are we prepared一mentally and professionally(专业上)一to listen to their concerns,to learn from them what they feel is important,to share with them appropriate information,to encourage and support them?In many cases,so far,the answer is"No".We can go on and on developing plans:nothing will happen unless all health workers,all health managers,and key professionals(专业人员)in other areas come to realize what is at stake. To overcome these particular stumbling一blocks(障碍物),I see three major requirements.3 First,health workers must understand that the concept of primary health care involves new roles for them , and a new outlook(观点).Not only should we be concerned with disease prevention and control,we must also be concerned with health promotion and care, and not least with development in general一and with people.Our health technologies must be based on what the people themselves want and need.4 Second,health workers must accept their new roles.More yet:they must be keen to try them out,to broaden their scope and to innovate(创新)in the partnership(合伙人、合作关系)approach. Their main concern must be to find ways of helping individuals and communities become self-dependent.5 This brings me to my third point:health workers must have the necessary skills to perform these new roles effectively and to make efficient use of existing knowledge.This calls for a training force fully familiar with previous experience and keen to provide the kind and quality of professional preparation needed.It also calls for full support from health manaqers for such traininq. The concept of primary health care involves new roles for__________.A: some stumbling-blocksB: dependent on othersC: the necessary skillsD: self-dependentE: developing plansF: health workers

考题 共用题干 Health Promotion1 World health will improve only if the people themselves become involved in planning, implementing,and having a say about their own health and health care.But involvement will not just happen.2 How serious are we about involving individuals,families,and communities?Are we prepared一mentally and professionally(专业上)一to listen to their concerns,to learn from them what they feel is important,to share with them appropriate information,to encourage and support them?In many cases,so far,the answer is"No".We can go on and on developing plans:nothing will happen unless all health workers,all health managers,and key professionals(专业人员)in other areas come to realize what is at stake. To overcome these particular stumbling一blocks(障碍物),I see three major requirements.3 First,health workers must understand that the concept of primary health care involves new roles for them , and a new outlook(观点).Not only should we be concerned with disease prevention and control,we must also be concerned with health promotion and care, and not least with development in general一and with people.Our health technologies must be based on what the people themselves want and need.4 Second,health workers must accept their new roles.More yet:they must be keen to try them out,to broaden their scope and to innovate(创新)in the partnership(合伙人、合作关系)approach. Their main concern must be to find ways of helping individuals and communities become self-dependent.5 This brings me to my third point:health workers must have the necessary skills to perform these new roles effectively and to make efficient use of existing knowledge.This calls for a training force fully familiar with previous experience and keen to provide the kind and quality of professional preparation needed.It also calls for full support from health manaqers for such traininq. Without the involvement of the people,there is no point in endlessly________.A: some stumbling-blocksB: dependent on othersC: the necessary skillsD: self-dependentE: developing plansF: health workers

考题 共用题干 Health Education1.Health education is the part of health care that is concerned with promoting healthy behavior. A person's behavior may be the main cause of a health problem,but it can also be the main solution. This is true for the teenager who smokes, the mother with the poorly nourished(营养) child, and the butcher(屠夫,卖肉的人)who gets a cut on his finger. By changing their behavior these individuals can solve and prevent many of their own problems.2.Health education does not replace other health services,but it is needed to promote the proper use of these services. One example of this is immunization(免疫):scientists have made many vaccines(疫苗)to prevent diseases,but this achievement is of no value unless people go to receive immunization.3.Health education encourages behavior that promotes health,prevent illness,cures disease and contributes to recovery. The needs and interests of individuals,families,groups,organizations,and communities are at the heart of health education programs.Thus there are many opportunities for practicing health education.4.Health education is not the same thing as health information.Correct information is certainly a basic part of health education,but health education must also address the other factors that affect health behavior such as availability(可获性)of resources, effectiveness of community leadership, social support from family members,and levels of self-help skills.Health education therefore uses a variety of methods to help people understand their own situations and choose actions that will improvetheir health. Health education is incomplete unless it encourages involvement and choice by the people themselves.5.Also,in health education we do not blame people if they do not behave in a healthy way. Often unhealthy behavior is not the fault of the individual.In health education we must work withfamilies,communities,and even regional authorities to make sure that resources and support are available to enable each individual to lead a healthy life.Paragraph 3______A:Importance of immunization.B:Relationship with other health services.C:Creation of necessary conditions for healthy behavior.D:Encouraging unhealthy behavior.E:Encouragement of behavior good for your health. F: Addressing a variety of behavior-affecting factors.

考题 共用题干 Health Education1.Health education is the part of health care that is concerned with promoting healthy behavior. A person's behavior may be the main cause of a health problem,but it can also be the main solution. This is true for the teenager who smokes, the mother with the poorly nourished(营养) child, and the butcher(屠夫,卖肉的人)who gets a cut on his finger. By changing their behavior these individuals can solve and prevent many of their own problems.2.Health education does not replace other health services,but it is needed to promote the proper use of these services. One example of this is immunization(免疫):scientists have made many vaccines(疫苗)to prevent diseases,but this achievement is of no value unless people go to receive immunization.3.Health education encourages behavior that promotes health,prevent illness,cures disease and contributes to recovery. The needs and interests of individuals,families,groups,organizations,and communities are at the heart of health education programs.Thus there are many opportunities for practicing health education.4.Health education is not the same thing as health information.Correct information is certainly a basic part of health education,but health education must also address the other factors that affect health behavior such as availability(可获性)of resources, effectiveness of community leadership, social support from family members,and levels of self-help skills.Health education therefore uses a variety of methods to help people understand their own situations and choose actions that will improvetheir health. Health education is incomplete unless it encourages involvement and choice by the people themselves.5.Also,in health education we do not blame people if they do not behave in a healthy way. Often unhealthy behavior is not the fault of the individual.In health education we must work withfamilies,communities,and even regional authorities to make sure that resources and support are available to enable each individual to lead a healthy life.Individuals should be provided with necessary conditions for______.A:disease preventionB:health educationC:healthy behaviorD:unhealthy behaviorE:other health servicesF: many vaccines

考题 public class NamedCounter {  private final String name;  private int count;  public NamedCounter(String name) { this.name = name; }  public String getName() { return name; }  public void increment() { coount++; }  public int getCount() { return count; } public void reset() { count = 0; } }  Which three changes should be made to adapt this class to be used safely by multiple threads? ()A、 declare reset() using the synchronized keywordB、 declare getName() using the synchronized keywordC、 declare getCount() using the synchronized keywordD、 declare the constructor using the synchronized keywordE、 declare increment() using the synchronized keyword

考题 单选题It is not necessary to declare()in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.A Jaundice by feverB Acute skin rash or eruption with or without feverC Duodenitis

考题 单选题It is not necessary to declare()in the Health List.A AppendicitisB CholeraC PlagueD Typhus fever

考题 单选题()up Maritime Declaration of Health.A WriteB FillingC FilledD Fill

考题 单选题To whom should the master render the Maritime Declaration of Health when the ship arrives at a port outside the territory?().A Health doctorB Health officerC Health surgeonD Health person

考题 单选题It is not necessary to declare()in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.A fever accompanied by prostration or persisting for several daysB fever attended with glandular swellingC acute skin rashD glycosuria

考题 单选题Class C EPIRBs are().A manually activated and operate on maritime (VHF) channelsB automatically activated and operate on maritime (VHF) channelsC manually operated and detected by satelliteD automatically operated and detected by satellite

考题 单选题The Safety of Life at Sea Convention was developed by the().A IMDG conferenceB American Bureau of ShippingC International Maritime OrganizationD American Institute of Maritime Shipping