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What is good about the flat?

A. It has a large sitting room

B. It has good furniture

C. It has a big kitchen


更多 “ What is good about the flat?A. It has a large sitting roomB. It has good furnitureC. It has a big kitchen ” 相关考题
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考题 –Uncle John has cancer and it has spread throughout his body.–(). A、What a shock.B、It’s impossible.C、He is a good man.D、He must go to the hospital.

考题 What is good at about the flat?A. It is a large sitting room.B. It has a good futuree.C. It has a big ketchen.

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考题 7 .What is good about the flat?A It has a large sitting roomB It has good furnitureC It has a big kitchen

考题 What is good about the flat?A It has a large sitting roomB It has good furnitureC It has a big kitchen

考题 what is good about the flat?A.it has a large sitting room.B.it has good furnitureC.ir has a big kitchen.

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考题 --What about going for a walk? ---()AWhy not? A good ideaBThat’s all rightCSo, do IDWalking is good to you

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考题 单选题--What about going for a walk? ---()A Why not? A good ideaB That’s all rightC So, do ID Walking is good to you

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