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4、输出如下程序结果,并简要说明程序运行原理: import Netimport random name='小明' time=0 print(name,'上网时间、行为统计:') time += Net.net_play(1.5) time += Net.Watch_videos(2) time += Net.Play_game(3) time += Net.Study(2) Net.times(time)
更多 “4、输出如下程序结果,并简要说明程序运行原理: import Netimport random name='小明' time=0 print(name,'上网时间、行为统计:') time += Net.net_play(1.5) time += Net.Watch_videos(2) time += Net.Play_game(3) time += Net.Study(2) Net.times(time)” 相关考题
The range of time allowed for an activity to be completed in is the _____.A.Planned time (Duration).B.Float time (LS - ES, or LF - EF).C.Critical time (when ES = LS, or EF = LF).D.Scheduled time (LF - ES).E.Event.
John and Mary finished the work ________.
(A) at same time(B) at the same time(C) in same time(D) in the same time
● The range of time allowed for an activity to be completed in is the _____.A Planned time (Duration).B Float time (LS - ES, or LF - EF).C Critical time (when ES = LS, or EF = LF).D Scheduled time (LF - ES).E Event.
下面的程序的运行结果是__________func main() {strs := []string{"one", "two", "three"}for _, s := range strs { go func() { time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) fmt.Printf("%s ", s) }()}time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)}
It was at this time ____ he adopted the pen name “Mark Twain”.A: whenB: thatC: at whichD: where
为使下列程序的正确输出结果为: Now is 2004-7-6 12:12:12 那么应该在程序划线处填入的语句是( )。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class TIME; class DATE { public: DATE(int y=2004,int m=1,int d=1) { year=y; month=m; day=d; } void DateTime(TIME t); private: int year,month, day; }; class TIME { public: TIME(int h=0,int m=0,int s=0) { hour=h; minute=m; second=s; } ______________; //将类 DATE 中成员函数 DateTime 声明为类 TIME 的友元函数 private: int hour,minute, second; }; void DATE: :DateTime(TIME t) { cout<<"Now is "<<year<<'-'<<month<<'-'<<day<< ' '<<t.hour<<":"<<t.minute<<': '<<t.seoond<<'.'<<end1; } int main ( ) { DATE d(2004,7,6); TIME t (12, 12, 12); d. DateTime (t); return 0; }A.friend void DateTime(TIME t);B.friend void DATE::DateTime(TIME 0;C.void DateTime(TIME t);D.friend void DateTime(TIME t);
使用VC6打开考生文件夹下的工程test33_3。此工程包含一个test33_3.cpp,其中定义了表示时间的类Time,但Time类定义并不完整。请按要求完成下列操作,将程序补充完整。(1)定义类Time的私有数据成员hours、minutes和seconds,它们都是int型的数据,分别表示时间的小时、分和秒。请在注释“//**1**”之后添加适当的语句。(2)完成类Time缺省构造函数的定义,该函数将数据成员hours、minutes和seconds的值初始化为0,请在注释“//** 2**”之后添加适当的语句。(3)完成类Time带参构造函数的定义,该函数将数据成员hours、minutes和seconds的值分别初始化为参数h、m和s的值,请在注释“//**3**”之后添加适当的语句。(4)完成类Time中运算符“+”的重载,注意小时、分和秒在相加时的进位问题。请在注释“//**4**”之后添加适当的语句。注意:除在指定位置添加语句之外,请不要改动程序中的其他内容。程序输出结果如下:8:17:11源程序文件test33_3.cpp清单如下:include <iostream.h>class Time{//** 1 **public:Time ( ){//** 2 **seconds=0;}Time(int h, int m, int s){//** 3 **minutes=m;seconds=s;}Time operator +(Time);void gettime();};Time Time::operator +(Time time){//** 4 **s=time.seconds+seconds;m=time.minutes+minutes+s/60;h=time.hours+hours+m/60;Time result(h,m%60,s%60);return result;}void Time::gettime(){cout<<hours<<":"<<minutes<<":"<<seconds<<end1;}void main( ){Time t1(3,20,15),t2(4,56,56),t3;t3=t1+t2;t3.gettime();}
Thefollowingcommandisexecutedtocreatethebaselinetemplate:SQLEXECUTEDBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.CREATE_BASELINE_TEMPLATE(START_TIME=TO_TIESTAMP(SYSDATE+2),END_TIME=TO_TIMESTAMP(SYSDATE+10),BASELINE_NAME=’Mybase4’,TEMPLATE_NAME=’Mytemp4’,EXPIRATION=NULL);Whichstatementistrueabouttheeffectoftheabovecommand?()A.Itcreatesabaselinetemplatethatneverexpires.B.Itproducesanerrorbecausenosnapshotinformationisprovidedtocreatethebaseline.C.ItcreatesabaselinetemplatethatexpiresaftertheAutomaticWorkloadRepository(AWR)retentionperiod.D.ItcreatesarepeatingbaselinetemplatethatrepeatsaftertheAutomaticWorkloadRepository (AWR)retentionperiod.
Mum: Let's go to the seaside some time during the weekend.Daughter: Great. What time?Mum: ______A、Are you ready?B、You name it.C、During the weekend.D、Take your time.
为了使程序的输出的正确结果为: Now is 2004.7.10 10:10:10. 那么应在下列程序划线处填入的正确语句是( )。 那么应在下列程序划线处填入的正确语句是( )。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class TIME; class DATE { public: DATE(int y=2004,int m=1,int d=1) { year=y; month=m; day=d; } friend void DateTime(DATE d, TIME t); private: int year, month, day; }; class TIME { public: TIME(iht h=0, int m=0,int s=0) { hour=h; minute=m; second=s; } friend void DateTime(DATE d,TIME t); private: int hour,minute, second; }; ______________________ //函数 DateTime 的首部 { cout<<"Now is"<<d.year<<'.'<<d.month<<'.'<<d.day<< ' '<<t.hour<<":"<<t.minute<<':'<<t.second<<'.'<<end1; } int main ( ) { DATE d(2004,7,10); TIME t(10, 10, 10); DateTime(d,t); return 0; }A.void DateTime(DATE d,TIME t)B.void TIME::DateTime(DATE d,TIME t) constC.friend void DateTime(DATE d,TIME t)D.void DATE::DateTime(DATE d,TIME t)
软件可用性是指在某个给定时间点上程序能够按照需求执行的概率,其定义为(4)。(MTTF: Mean Time To Failure; MTTR: Mean Time To Repair)A.B.C.D.
使用VC6打开考生文件夹下的工程test15_3。此工程包含一个test15_3.cpp,其中定义了类Time和Timex,Timex公有继承Time,但定义并不完整。请按要求完成下列操作,将程序补充完整。(1)完成类Time构造函数的定义,将数据成员hours和minutes分别初始化为参数new_hours和new_minutes的值。请在注释“//**1**”之后添加适当的语句。(2)完成类Timex的构造函数的定义,注意参数的传递。请在注释“//**2**”之后添加适当的语句。(3)请按时间格式“hour:minute”和“hour:minute:second”分别输出对象time1和time2所表示的时间,注意必须使用已经定义的成员函数。请在注释“//**3**”之后添加适当的语句。输出结果如下:20:3010:45:34注意:除在指定的位置添加语句外,请不要改动程序中的其他语句。源程序文件test15_3.cpp清单如下:include<iostream.h>class Time{public:Time(int new hours,int new_minutes){// ** 1 **}int get_hours();int get_minutes();protected:int hours,minutes;};int Time::get_hours(){return hours;}int Time::get_minutes(){return minutes;}class Timex:public Time{public:Timex(int new hours,int new_minutes,int new_seconds);int get_seconds();protected:int seconds;};// ** 2 **{seconds=new_seconds;}int Timex::get_seconds(){return seconds;}void main(){Time time1(20,30);Timex time2(10,45,34);// ** 3 **}
假设今天是2006年4月1日星期六,请问以下javascript代码输出结果是:( )var time = new Date( );document.write(time.getMonth( ));
设有如下变量声明Dim timel As Date,为变量time1正确赋值的表达式是A.time1=#11:34:04#B.time1=Format(Time,"yy:mm:dd")C.time1=#"11:34:04"#D.fime1=Format("hh:mm:ss",Time)
—— ________ I had! —— You really suffered a lot. A. What a time B. What time C. How a time D. how time
变量v_time=’23-MAY-00’, 如下那条语句返回值为’01-JAN-00’?()A、select round(v_time,’DAY’) from dualB、select round(v_time,’YEAR’) from dualC、select round(v_time,’MONTH’) from dualD、A select round(to_char(v_time,’yyyy’)) from dual
Which of the following is the definition of CAS latency?()A、 CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the clock cycle time.B、 CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the clock cycle time.C、 CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the data burst transfer time.D、 CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the data burst transfer time.
问答题Practice 5 Discussion—about 5 minutes. In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, and example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. For two candidates Flexible Working Time Your company wants a flexible working time. You are asked to discuss about it. Discuss the situation and decide: ● Is it practical or not ● name the advantages and disadvantages For three candidates Flexible Work Time Your company wants a flexible working time. You are asked to discuss about it. Discuss the situation and decide: ● Is it practical or not ● name the advantages and disadvantages ● If needed, cite the accurate example to fight for/against it.
单选题Why can’t we use time carelessly?A
Because time is too expensiveB
Because time will get backC
Because we are too poorD
Because time never returns
单选题Which of the following is the definition of CAS latency?()A
CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the clock cycle time.B
CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the clock cycle time.C
CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the data burst transfer time.D
CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the data burst transfer time.
单选题Write down your name, ()(登船时间)and personal effects, please.A
leaving timeB
boarding timeC
departing timeD
arriving time
单选题______the number in full-time employment fell by 2 million, the number of people inpart-time work doubled to over 4 million.A
单选题变量v_time=’23-MAY-00’, 如下那条语句返回值为’01-JAN-00’?()A
select round(v_time,’DAY’) from dualB
select round(v_time,’YEAR’) from dualC
select round(v_time,’MONTH’) from dualD
A select round(to_char(v_time,’yyyy’)) from dual