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5倍的英文表达是:five times

更多 “5倍的英文表达是:five times” 相关考题
考题 “磁共振波谱”正确的英文表达是A.MagneticResonanceWavesB.MagneticResonanceMicroscopyC.MagneticResonanceCoreD.MagneticResonanceSusceptibilityE.MagneticResonanceSpectroscopy

考题 在中英文混排时,一般中文用中文字体,英文用英文字体,每种中文字体都有相应的英文字体,如书宋的Times字体搭配,中黑同()字体搭配。 A.ArialB.HelveticaC.WingdingsD.ImpactE.Courier

考题 Population experts tell us that by the year 2025, the population in cities in developing nations will increase to five times its present size.()

考题 An unsatified guest will cost you as much as( ) times that guest's annual purchases in terms of lost patronage over five years?A. 100B. 500C. 1,000D. 5,000

考题 “按摩”的英文表达是( )。A.massageB.tuinaC.acupunctureD.acupressure

考题 Word的缺省汉字字体为"宋体",缺省英文字体为"Times New Roman"。此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 将选中文本的英文字体设置为“Times New Roman”,中文字体保持不变。

考题 在浏览器中,默认中文字体是(),英文字体是()。A、楷体B、宋体C、Times New RomanD、Arial

考题 历史上外来建筑文化移入中国都有一个适应过程,其英文表达可用()一词,而当代建筑的一大倾向是“趋同”,英文表达为()。

考题 在Word 2003中,系统默认的英文字体是()。A、WingdingsB、SymbolC、Times New RomanD、Arial

考题 将英文数量词three hundred and sixty-five译成中文是()。

考题 “兑和法”的英文表达是()。A、MixB、StirC、BuildD、Blend

考题 “你好”的英文表达是“HELLO”

考题 单选题Over five times more studies on life satisfaction have been published since 1979 than at any time_____A formallyB agoC previouslyD lately

考题 单选题“总统套间”的英文表达是()。A Deluxe RoomB Presidential SuiteC Suite DoubleD Room

考题 单选题表示“强壮”意思的英文表达是as strong as a()。A horseB lionC cowD tiger

考题 填空题历史上外来建筑文化移入中国都有一个适应过程,其英文表达可用()一词,而当代建筑的一大倾向是“趋同”,英文表达为()。

考题 单选题“按摩”的英文表达是()。A massageB tuinaC acupunctureD acupressure

考题 问答题When David is twice as old as he is now he will be four times as old as his daughter Jane will be in five years time. If in 1990, four years ago, he was four times as old as his daughter, in what year was she born?

考题 单选题比萨饼用英文表达是()A CakeB PizzaC BananaD Beef

考题 多选题在中英文混排时,一般中文用中文字体,英文用英文字体,每种中文字体都有相应的英文字体,如书宋的Times字体搭配,中黑同()字体搭配。AArialBHelveticaCWingdingsDImpactECourier

考题 问答题I went into a furniture shop in order to buy a picture. The sales man told me—“The picture is five times the cost of that ashtray, the chair is 30 times the cost of the ashtray, the table is 4 times the cost of the chair, you can buy the lot for £312.” What was the price of the picture?

考题 问答题How many minutes before midnight is it if one hour ago it was five times as many minutes past 9 pm?

考题 配伍题异型原幼细胞的英文表达方式是()|血小板聚集的英文表达方式是()AANISOBHDWCplatelet clumpsDPCVEBL-ABN

考题 填空题将英文数量词three hundred and sixty-five译成中文是()。

考题 单选题Our factory is much more productive now. This year’s production is five times as much () it was ten years ago.A whatB asC thatD than

考题 配伍题多角度偏振光散射的英文表达方式是()|红细胞碎片的英文表达方式是()AHFRBMAPSSCGRAN#DRBC FragmentsEVCS

考题 单选题What happens when you issue the ping count 5 command?()A ICMP echo requests are sent to in five-millisecond intervals.B ICMP echo requests are sent to until five packets are dropped.C ICMP echo requests are sent to five times.D ICMP echo requests are sent continuously to for five seconds.