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25、Angle() 表示角度

更多 “25、Angle() 表示角度” 相关考题
考题 With a given load on the cargo hook,the thrust on a cargo boom ______.A.increases as the angle to the horizontal increasesB.increases as the angle to the horizontal decreasesC.is greatest at an angle of 45° and decreases as the boom is raised or loweredD.is least at an angle of 45° and increases as the boom is raised or lowered

考题 ______is an angle at which a cargo settles in the hold of a ship,between the horizontal and the slope made by a bulk cargo such as grain or iron ore.A.Angle of lollB.Angle of inclinationC.Angle of reposeD.Angle of list

考题 Mariners proceeding across the main routes are recommended to do so at______.A.as wide an angle as practicableB.as wide an angle so practicableC.like wide an angle as practicableD.like wide as angle so practicable

考题 Angle错分类最为简单,常以上下颌第一磨牙的咬合关系为纲进行划分。伴有下颌前伸面型的是哪一类Angle错 A.AngleⅠ类错 B.AngleⅡ类错 C.AngleⅡ类错1分类 D.AngleⅡ类错2分类 E.AngleⅢ类错

考题 A.AngleⅢ类错 B.AngleⅠ类错 C.AngleⅡ类2分类错 D.AngleⅡ类1分类错 E.AngleⅢ类错,亚类在远中错关系之外又有上颌切牙的舌侧倾斜,Angle分类为

考题 A.AngleⅠ类错 B.AngleⅡ类1分类错 C.AngleⅡ类2分类错 D.AngleⅢ类错 E.AngleⅢ类错,亚类单侧的近中错Angle错分类为

考题 When the derrick changes its ()(角度), its lifting capacity changes correspondingly.A、angelB、lengthC、heightD、angle

考题 耻骨弓角度(angle of pubic arch)

考题 在国标中规定使用“pitch angle”来表示。()。A、浆距角B、倾角C、安装角D、偏航角

考题 下列命令选项是Taper(锥化)命令的基本参数是()。A、Angle(角度)B、Axis(轴)C、Amount(数量)D、Curve(曲度)E、以上都是

考题 在EditPreferenceGeneral(编辑预置一般)对话框中可设定Constrain Angle(角度限制)的数值,其默认的内定角度值是()A、0度B、10度C、15度D、45度

考题 在远中错牙合关系之外又有上颌切牙的唇向倾斜,Angle分类为()。A、AngleⅠ类错牙合B、AngleⅡ类1分类错牙合C、AngleⅡ类2分类错牙合D、AngleⅢ类错牙合E、AngleⅢ类错牙合,亚类

考题 单侧的近中错牙合,Angle错牙合分类为()。A、AngleⅠ类错牙合B、AngleⅡ类1分类错牙合C、AngleⅡ类2分类错牙合D、AngleⅢ类错牙合E、AngleⅢ类错牙合,亚类

考题 下列选项中能使圆柱分段从而进行弯曲的弯曲功能是()。A、Angle(角度)B、Axis(轴)C、direction(方向)D、Curve(曲度)

考题 下列命令选项中不是Bend(弯曲)命令的基本参数是()。A、Angle(角度)B、Axis(轴)C、direcyion(方向)D、Curve(曲度)

考题 在国家标准中规定,使用“pitch angle”来表示()。

考题 在Edit Preference General(编辑预置一般)对话框中可设定Constrain Angle(角度限制)的数值,其默认的内定角度值是:()A、0度B、10度C、15度D、45度

考题 在Edit Preference General(编辑预置一般)对话框中可设定Constrain Angle(角度限制)的数值,它是用来:()A、设定旋转工具的角度B、设定坐标轴的角度C、设定缩放工具的角度D、设定移动工具的角度

考题 单选题The actual rudder angle reading is()A the rudder angle indicator readingB the desired rudder angle readingC the measured rudder angle readingD the intended rudder angle reading

考题 单选题在EditPreferenceGeneral(编辑预置一般)对话框中可设定Constrain Angle(角度限制)的数值,其默认的内定角度值是()A 0度B 10度C 15度D 45度

考题 单选题下列有关倾斜工具(Shear Tool)的叙述哪些是不正确的()A 利用倾斜工具使图形发生倾斜前,应先确定倾斜的基准点B 用鼠标拖拉一个矩形倾斜的过程中,按住Alt(Win)/Option(MaC.键,原来的矩形保持位置不变,新复制的矩形相对于原来的矩形倾斜了一个角度C 在倾斜工具的对话框中,ShearAngle(倾斜角度)和Axis(轴)中的Angle(角度)定义的角度必须完全相同D 精确定义倾斜的角度,需打开倾斜工具的对话框,设定Shear Angle(倾斜角度)和Axis(轴)中的Angle(角度)

考题 单选题If the measures of the angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 2:3:4, what is the measure of the smallest angle of the triangle?A 20B 25C 30D 40E 45

考题 多选题在选择两个对象进行角度标注时,如果标注的角度不合你的需要,那么你可以:()A在标注角度对话框中点击Alternate Angle图标,来反向角度标注B重新标注,反向选择两个对象C当放置角度标注时,右键单击选择Alternate Angle

考题 单选题With a given load on the cargo hook,the thrust on a cargo boom().A increases as the angle to the horizontal increasesB increases as the angle to the horizontal decreasesC is greatest at an angle of 45° and decreases as the boom is raised or loweredD is least at an angle of 45° and increases as the boom is raised or lowered

考题 单选题With a given load on the cargo hook,tension in a single span topping lift().A increases as the boom's angle to the horizontal increasesB is at a maximum when the boom is at a 45° angle to the horizontalC increases as the boom's angle to the horizontal decreasesD decreases as the boom's angle to the horizontal decreases

考题 单选题Mariners proceeding across the main routes are recommended to do so at().A as wide an angle as practicableB as wide an angle so practicableC like wide an angle as practicableD like wide as angle so practicable

考题 单选题在Edit Preference General(编辑预置一般)对话框中可设定Constrain Angle(角度限制)的数值,它是用来:()A 设定旋转工具的角度B 设定坐标轴的角度C 设定缩放工具的角度D 设定移动工具的角度

考题 名词解释题耻骨弓角度(angle of pubic arch)