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38、武术的发源地是哪个国家?() Which country is the home of martial art()?

A.日本 Janpan

B.朝鲜 North Korea

C.中国 China

D.泰国 Thailand

中国 China
更多 “38、武术的发源地是哪个国家?() Which country is the home of martial art()?A.日本 JanpanB.朝鲜 North KoreaC.中国 ChinaD.泰国 Thailand” 相关考题
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考题 Which is not the reason for the startling of the visiting teacher in an Asian country?A、The students were too noisy and naughty.B、The art teacher was too strict.C、The teaching methods were very different from the ways of teaching in her own country.D、She feels uncomfortable in the new place.

考题 Which description does not fit an art lesson in a Western country?A、Children draw the same pictures as that on the blackboard.B、Each child draws a different picture.C、Children listen while the teacher lectures.D、Children watch TV in class.

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考题 近代宪法的发源地是哪个国家?() A.美国B.日本C.英国D.德国

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考题 通过浏览()站点,可以得到世界各地的足球信息。 A.www.agfahomE.comB.homE.earthlinE.netC.www.dailysoccer.comD.www.fine-art.com

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考题 __determines a good meal varies from country to country.A.What B.That C.It D.Which

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考题 泉州是()武术的发源地,具有薪传不息、独树一帜的武术文化。A、南少林B、北少林C、普陀山

考题 ()武术的发源地,泉州具有薪传不息、独树一帜的武术文化。A、南少林B、北少林C、普陀山

考题 单选题武术散打起于哪个国家()A 中国B 美国C 韩国D 日本

考题 单选题近代宪法的发源地是哪个国家?A 美国B 英国C 法国D 德国

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考题 单选题In which of the following aspect can the “sea turtles” make contributions to their homeland?A They return home with knowledge and contracts to set up new businesses.B They help companies in their home country operate in their host country.C They work harder for less pay.D They help to achieve a lower unemployment rate.

考题 单选题下列哪个国家是拉丁舞和拉丁音乐的发源地?()A 中国B 英国C 美国D 古巴