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GMDSS的主要功能是 ______





更多 “GMDSS的主要功能是 ______A.常规通信B.播发海上安全信息C.现场通信D.遇险船舶的可靠报警” 相关考题
考题 Proper GMDSS watchkeeping includes ______.A.understanding the GMDSS console’s normal operational indicatorsB.maintaining a proper GMDSS radio station logC.responding to and comprehending alarmsD.All of the above

考题 What is the minimum requirement of a GMDSS operator?A.GMDSS operator licenseB.Third officer licenseC.General Radiotelephone Operator license and Radar EndorsementD.General Radiotelephone license or First or Second Class Radiotelegraph license with GMDSS Radio Officer’s endorsement

考题 Which statement concerning GMDSS Radio Operator requirements is FALSE ________.A.Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators at all times while at seaB.Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed Radio Operators at all times while at sea and may elect to carry a GMDSS Radio Maintainer as wellC.Communications involving safety of life at sea do not have to be logged as long as the compulsory vessel was not involved in such communicationsD.While at sea,adjustments to,and the maintaining of,GMDSS equipment may be performed by the GMDSS Radio operator as long as the work is supervised by an onboard licensed GMDSS Radio Maintainer

考题 GMDSS的证书是由_____规定的。A.SOLAS公约B.STCW公约C.无线电规则D.GMDSS系统本身

考题 下面哪一说法不正确______。A.GMDSS仅是一个全球遇险报警系统B.GMDSS能够播发海上安全信息C.驾驶台与驾驶台通信是GMDSS一个功能D.GMDSS能使遇险船舶可靠地报警

考题 船舶电台通常由()主管.A、船长B、大副C、指定的GMDSS操作员D、所有GMDSS操作员

考题 电台各类证书中保管期限为5年的是()A、电台执照、货船无线电安全证书、GMDSS证书B、货船无线电安全证书、电台执照、岸基协议C、GMDSS证书、电台执照、岸基协议D、示位标检测报告、货船无线电安全证书、GMDSS证书

考题 GMDSS设备的产品证书是指电台安装的GMDSS通信设备的产品证书。一般由()负责保管。A、船长B、大副C、三副D、无线电员

考题 航行在A4海区船舶的专职无线电人员,必须持有()适任证书。A、GMDSS通用操作员B、GMDSS限用操作员C、GMDSS无线电电子员D、电报员

考题 GMDSS现场寻位功能是怎样实现的?

考题 哪些是不同航行海区船舶都要配备的GMDSS设备?所述它们的主要功能。


考题 简述GMDSS的基本含义。GMDSS是从何时开始全面实施的?

考题 GMDSS的主要功能是()A、常规通信B、播发海上安全信息C、现场通信D、遇险船舶的可靠报警

考题 下面关于GMDSS哪一说法不正确()。A、GMDSS仅是一个全球遇险报警系统B、GMDSS能够播发海上安全信息C、驾驶台与驾驶台通信是GMDSS一个功能D、GMDSS能使遇险船舶可靠地报警

考题 GMDSS的证书是由()规定的。A、SOLAS公约B、STCW公约C、无线电规则D、GMDSS系统本身

考题 下面哪一说法不正确()。A、GMDSS仅是一个全球遇险报警系统B、GMDSS能够播发海上安全信息C、驾驶台与驾驶台通信是GMDSS一个功能D、GMDSS能使遇险船舶可靠地报警

考题 GMDSS通用操作员适任证书适用于()A、A1海区船舶上的GMDSS无线电操作人员B、A3海区配备双套GMDSS设备的船舶上的无线电操作人员。C、A2海区船舶上的GMDSS无线电操作人员D、A4海区配备双套GMDSS设备的船舶上的无线电操作人员

考题 GMDSS的主要功能有哪些?


考题 多选题GMDSS通用操作员适任证书适用于()AA1海区船舶上的GMDSS无线电操作人员BA3海区配备双套GMDSS设备的船舶上的无线电操作人员。CA2海区船舶上的GMDSS无线电操作人员DA4海区配备双套GMDSS设备的船舶上的无线电操作人员

考题 单选题Proper GMDSS watchkeeping includes().A understanding the GMDSS console's normal operational indicatorsB maintaining a proper GMDSS radio station logC responding to and comprehending alarmsD All of the above

考题 单选题Which statement concerning GMDSS Radio Operator requirements is FALSE().A Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators at all times while at seaB Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed Radio Operators at all times while at sea and may elect to carry a GMDSS Radio Maintainer as wellC Communications involving safety of life at sea do not have to be logged as long as the compulsory vessel was not involved in such communicationsD While at sea,adjustments to,and the maintaining of,GMDSS equipment may be performed by the GMDSS Radio operator as long as the work is supervised by an onboard licensed GMDSS Radio Maintainer

考题 单选题What are the vessel equipment and personnel requirements for GMDSS? ()A Two licensed GMDSS radio operatorsB Equipment carriage requirementsC Distress alerting and responseD All of the above

考题 问答题简述GMDSS的基本含义。GMDSS是从何时开始全面实施的?

考题 问答题GMDSS的主要功能有哪些?

考题 问答题哪些是不同航行海区船舶都要配备的GMDSS设备?所述它们的主要功能。

考题 单选题GMDSS的主要功能是()A 常规通信B 播发海上安全信息C 现场通信D 遇险船舶的可靠报警