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VHDL文本编辑中编译时出现如下的报错信息:Error: VHDL syntax error: signal declaration must have ‘;’,but found begin instead. 其错误原因是()





更多 “VHDL文本编辑中编译时出现如下的报错信息:Error: VHDL syntax error: signal declaration must have ‘;’,but found begin instead. 其错误原因是()A.错将设计文件存入了根目录,并将其设定成工程B.信号声明缺少分号C.设计文件的文件名与实体名不一致D.程序中缺少关键词” 相关考题
考题 每个C程序文件在编译时可能出现有警告性错误,其对应的标识符为 error。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 VHDL的信号(SIGNAL)是一种数值容器,不仅可以容纳当前值,也可以保持( )。 A.历史值B.不变C.动态变化D.状态

考题 VHDL文本编辑中编译时出现如下的报错信息Error: VHDL syntax error: signal declaration must have ‘;’,but found begin instead. 其错误原因是( )。 A.信号声明缺少分号。B.错将设计文件存入了根目录,并将其设定成工程。C.设计文件的文件名与实体名不一致。D.程序中缺少关键词。

考题 常用的硬件描述语言有() A.VHDL、Verilog、c语言B.ABEL、c++C.VHDL、Verilog、ABELD.汇编语言、ABEL、VHDL

考题 GCC提供编译过程中所有有用的报警信息,则在编译时应加入选项:() A.-wB.-WallC.-werrorD.-error

考题 请使用VC6或使用【答题】菜单打开考生文件夹projl下的工程projl,该工程含有一个源程序文件pn,jl.cpp。其中位于每个注释“//ERROR 木}}水found}}水木”之后的一行语句存在错误。请改正这些错误,使程序的输出结果为: The value is 10 注意:只修改注释“//ERROR **** found****”的下一行语句,不要改动程序中的其他内容。 //pmjl.cpp includeiostream using namespace std; class MyClass{ int value; public: //ERROR********found********* void MyClass(int val):value(val){} int GetValueconst{return value;} void SetValue(int val); }; //ERROR********found******** inline void SetValue(int val){value=val;} int main MyClass obj(O); obj.SetValue(10); //ERROR********found********下列语句功能是输出obj的成员value的值 tout”The value is”obj.valueendl: return 0; }

考题 xampp安装后,在ie输入地址后,页面出现Object not found!和Error 40怎么回事???

考题 VBA中不能进行错误处理的语句是( )。A.On Error Goto标号B.On Error Then标号C.On Error ResumeNextD.On Error Goto 0

考题 有谁知道为什么我在mysql中创建存储过程无法定义变量啊!在里面一定义就报错。 定义DECLARE a int 报错信息:ERROR1064:YouhaveanerrorinyourSQLsyntax;checkthemanualthatcorrespondstoyourMySQLserverversionfortherightsyntaxtousenear'  DECLAREaINT';

考题 VBA中不能进行错误处理的语句是( )。 A.On Error Got0标号B.On Error Then标号 VBA中不能进行错误处理的语句是( )。A.On Error Got0标号B.On Error Then标号C.On Error Resume NextD.On Error Got0 0

考题 VBA中不能进行错误处理的语句结构是A.On Error Then 标号B.On Error Goto 标号SXB VBA中不能进行错误处理的语句结构是A.On Error Then 标号B.On Error Goto 标号C.On Error Resume NextD.On Error Goto 0

考题 每个C程序文件在编译时可能出现有警告性错误,其对应的标识符为error。()A对B错

考题 Which the statement is true?()A、 The Error class is a Runtime Exception.B、 No exceptions are subclasses of Error.C、 Any statement that may throw an Error must be enclosed in a try block.D、 any statement that may throw an Exception must be enclosed in a try block.E、 Any statement that may throw an Runtime Exception must be enclosed in a try block.

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考题 在VHDL程序中,以下4个部分,()可以有顺序执行语句。A、结构体(ARCHITECTURE)B、进程(PROCESS)中的关键词BEGIN前C、进程(PROCESS)中的关键词BEGIN后D、程序包(PACKAGE)


考题 结构体中的变量应在VHDL程序中()部分给予说明。A、结构体对应的实体的端口表中B、结构体中关键词BEGIN前C、结构体中关键词BEGIN后D、程序包(PACKAGE)

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考题 判断题每个C程序文件在编译时可能出现有警告性错误,其对应的标识符为error。()A 对B 错

考题 多选题在VHDL程序中,以下4个部分,()可以有顺序执行语句。A结构体(ARCHITECTURE)B进程(PROCESS)中的关键词BEGIN前C进程(PROCESS)中的关键词BEGIN后D程序包(PACKAGE)

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考题 多选题A MySQL replication slave is set up as follows: User all InnoDB tables Receives ROW-based binary logs Has the read-only option The replication slave has been found in an error state. You check the MySQL error log file and find the following entries: 2013-08-27 13:55:44 9056 [ERROR] Slave SQL: Could not execute Write_rows event on table test.tl; Duplicate entry ‘3’ for key’PRIMARY’ , Error_code: 1062; handler error HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY; the event’s master log 56_master-bin.000003, end_log_pas 653, Error_code: 1062 2013-08-27 13:55:44 9056 [Warning] Salve: Duplicate entry ‘3’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ Error_code: 1062 2013-08-27 13:55:44 9056 [ERROR] Error running query, slave SQL thread aborted. Fix the problem, and restart the slave SQL thread with “SLAVE START”, We stopped at log ‘56_masterbin.000003’ position 496 What are two possible causes for this error to occur?()AThe slave was created with mysqldump –u root –p – skip-lock-table—all-databases /data/data.sqlBThe slave user does have INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE permission and cannot execute the write_rows functionCFor tables with UNIQUE keys, statement-based replication must be used maintain integrityDThe root user on the slave has executed FLUSH LOGS, causing the relay-log to doublewriteEThe applications have the SUPER privilege, which allows them to update rows

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考题 单选题If the gyrocompass error is east,what describes the error and the correction to be made to gyrocompass headings to obtain true headings?()A The readings are too low (small numerically) and the amount of the error must be added to the compass to obtain trueB The readings are too low and the amount of the error must be subtracted from the compass to obtain trueC The readings are too high (large numerically) and the amount of the error must be added to the compass to obtain trueD The readings are too high and the amount of the error must be subtracted from the compass to obtain true

考题 多选题协议错误情况可以分成哪些:()ATransfer Syntax ErrorBAbstract Syntax ErrorCLogical ErrorDUnknown Error

考题 单选题结构体中的变量应在VHDL程序中()部分给予说明。A 结构体对应的实体的端口表中B 结构体中关键词BEGIN前C 结构体中关键词BEGIN后D 程序包(PACKAGE)