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生命周期清单分析 (LCI)是编制和量化整个产品系统所有生命周期的各个输入和输出的过程()Life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) is the process of compiling and quantifying all inputs and outputs of the entire product system()

更多 “生命周期清单分析 (LCI)是编制和量化整个产品系统所有生命周期的各个输入和输出的过程()Life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) is the process of compiling and quantifying all inputs and outputs of the entire product system()” 相关考题
考题 Time management is the allocation of time in a project's life cycle through the process of:A.PlanningB.Estimating.C.Scheduling.D.ControllingE.All of the above.

考题 产品生命周期是(product life cycle)观念,简称PLC,是把一个产品的( )历史比作象人的生命周期一样,要经历出生、成长、成熟、老化、死亡等阶段。就产品而言,也就是要经历一个开发、引进、成长、成熟、衰退的阶段。 A.生产B.研发C.销售D.售后

考题 生命周期成本(LCC,Life cycle cost)是指设备或系统从诞生至报废的整个期间所需要的费用总和。它往往( )设备购置费用。A.相等于B.小于C.稍大于D.数倍于

考题 产品生命周期与整个项目生命周期有关,产品生命周期的最后阶段是产品的退出。()

考题 ● Plan Quality is the process of identifying quality requirements and standards for the project and product, and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance.(75) is a method that analyze all the costs incurred over the life of the product by investment in preventing nonconformance to requirements, appraising the product or service for conformance to requirement, and failing to meet requirements.(75)A.Cost-Benefit analysisB.Control chartsC.Quality function deploymentD.Cost of quality analysis

考题 Plan Quality is the process of identifying quality requirements and standards for the project and product and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance ______ is a method that analyze all the costs incurred over the life of the product by investment in preventing nonconformance to requirements, appraising the product or service for conformance to requirement and failing to meet requirements.A.Cost-Benefit analysisB.Control chartsC.Quality function deploymentD.Cost of quality analysis

考题 The following statements have been made about life cycle costing:(i) It focuses on the short-term by identifying costs at the beginning of a product’s life cycle(ii) It identifies all costs which arise in relation to the product each year and then calculates the product’s profitability on an annual basis(iii) It accumulates a product’s costs over its whole life time and works out the overall profitability of a product(iv) It allocates costs to each stage of a product’s life cycle and writes them off at the end of each stageWhich of the above statements is/are correct?A.(i) and (iii)B.(iii) onlyC.(i) and (iv)D.(ii) only

考题 产品生命周期是指(1)的整个过程。

考题 Plan Quality is the process of identifying quality requirements and standards for the project and product, and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance.( ) is a method that analyze all the costs incurred over the life of the product by investment in preventing nonconformance to requirements, appraising the product or service for conformance to requirement, and failing to meet requirements.A.Cost-Benefit analysis B.Control charts C.Quality function deployment D.Cost of quality analysis

考题 产品生命周期(product life cycle),简称PLC,是产品的市场寿命,要经历的周期是( )。A.萌芽、成长、标准、退出 B.产生、无序、有序、平稳 C.产生、发展、扩张、萎缩 D.形成、成长、成熟、衰退

考题 The stages within the development phase of the software life cycle are( ). 软件生命周期开发阶段的阶段是A.design,analysis,implementation,and testing 设计、分析、实现和测试B.analysis,design,implementation,and testing 分析、设计、实现和测试C.analysis,design,testing,and implementation 分析、设计、测试和实现D.design,analysis,testing,and implementation 设计、分析、测试和实现

考题 During the systems analysis phase, greater user involvement usually results in better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users.There are three common team-based approaches that encourage system users to participate actively in various development tasks.1) () is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants. The end product of the approach is a requirements model.2) (请作答此空 ) is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. The approach consists of several phases. The () combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of tbe SDLC.Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. During (), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.3) () attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.A.Object-oriente development 面向对象开发 B.Model-driven development 模型驱动开发 C.RapiD.application development 快速应用开发 D.Commercial Application package 商业套件

考题 During the systems analysis phase, greater user involvement usually results in better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users.There are three common team-based approaches that encourage system users to participate actively in various development tasks.1) () is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants. The end product of the approach is a requirements model.2) () is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. The approach consists of several phases. The () combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of tbe SDLC.Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. During (), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.3) (请作答此空 ) attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.A.Agile methods 敏捷方法 B.The FAST framework 快速框架 C.Reverse Engineering 逆向工程 D.Reengineering 重构

考题 During the systems analysis phase, greater user involvement usually results in better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users.There are three common team-based approaches that encourage system users to participate actively in various development tasks.1) () is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants. The end product of the approach is a requirements model.2) () is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. The approach consists of several phases. The (请作答此空) combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of tbe SDLC.Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. During (), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.3) () attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.A.requirements planning phase 需求计划阶段 B.business process modeling 业务流程建模 C.business process improvement 业务流程优化 D.scope definition phase 范围定义阶段

考题 The life cycle of aproject is a description of the various phases of the project from thebeginning to the end. One of the followings is not a phase of the traditionalproject life cycle, It is( ). A.development B.concept C.system analysis D.implementation

考题 LCC(Life Cycle Cost)是从工艺装备的论证、研制直至报废处理的整个生命周期内的()。A、费用B、成本C、费用总和

考题 产品生命周期是指()、()、()、()的整个过程。

考题 LCI冷却系统中的冷却液为()。A、水B、丙二醇C、水和丙二醇D、丙醇

考题 以下说法不正确的是()。A、生命周期评价,简称LDAB、生命周期评价是指对一个产品系统的生命周期中输入,输出及其潜在环境影响的汇编和评价。C、生命周期评价的四个步骤,目的与范围的确定,清单分析,影响评价,和结果解释。D、生命周期评价是一种用于评估产品在其整个生命周期中,即从原材料的获取,产品的生产直至产品使用后的处置,对环境影响的技术和方法。

考题 生命周期评价的过程首先辨识和量化整个生命周期阶段中能量和物质的消耗以及环境释放,然后评价这些消耗和释放对环境的影响,最后辨识和评价减少这些影响的机会。生命周期评价注重研究系统在生态健康、人类健康和资源消耗领域内的环境影响。

考题 生命周期评价方法的关键和与其他环境评价方法的主要区别,是它从产品的()来评估它对环境的总影响。A、整个生命周期B、整个生产过程C、部分生命周期D、主要生产过程

考题 LCI静态启动系统具有哪些保护?


考题 下列关于清洁生产分析指标的选取原则应从产品生命周期全过程考虑的表述不正确的是()。A、制定清洁生产指标是依据生命周期分析理论,围绕产品生命周期展开清洁生产分析B、生命周期评价方法的主要缺点是非常烦琐,且需数据量很大C、生命周期评价是对一个产品系统的生命周期中输入、输出及其潜在环境影响的汇编和评价D、生命周期评价的结果一般是绝对的,利于不同产品的比较

考题 简述LCI运行程序。

考题 单选题LCI冷却系统中的冷却液为()。A 水B 丙二醇C 水和丙二醇D 丙醇

考题 填空题产品生命周期是指()、()、()、()的整个过程。

考题 单选题生命周期评价方法的关键和与其他环境评价方法的主要区别,是它从产品的()来评估它对环境的总影响。A 整个生命周期B 整个生产过程C 部分生命周期D 主要生产过程