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某一种LCI结果只能分派给一种环境影响类型()A LCA result can only be assigned to one type of environmental impact()

某LCI结果隶属某一特定环境影响类型 The LCI result belongs to one type of environmental impact
更多 “某一种LCI结果只能分派给一种环境影响类型()A LCA result can only be assigned to one type of environmental impact()” 相关考题
考题 LCA是对某一产品系统在生产过程中的环境影响评价。()

考题 Which two statements are true about a job chain?() A. A job chain can contain a nested chain of jobs.B. The jobs in a job chain cannot have more than one dependency.C. A job of the CHAIN type can be run using event-based or time-based schedules.D. The jobs in a job chain can be executed only by using the events generated by the Scheduler

考题 When defining a function activity, what is true about the Result Type?() (Choose two.) A. Result Type is optional.B. Result Type is mandatory.C. Result Type can be changed after it is assigned to the function activity.D. Result Type should belong to the same item type as the function activity

考题 A(71)is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the roles governing the insertion and deletion of its elements. The only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most(72). Such a structure is said to have a last-in/first-out(LIFO)behavior, or protocol.A.stackB.queuesC.pointerD.record

考题 Which statement about IPv6 is true?() A. Addresses are not hierarchical and are assigned at random.B. Only one IPv6 address can exist on a given interface.C. There are 2.7 billion addresses available.D. Broadcasts have been eliminated and replaced with multicasts.

考题 Only one of the job applicants can keyboard as fast as ().AmineBmyselfCIDme

考题 One function of a language can only be expressed by one structure.()A对B错

考题 One function of a language can only be expressed by one structure.()

考题 Which statement is true about IPv6?()A、Only one IPv6 address can be assigned to each interface.B、IPv6 hosts use anycast addresses to assign IP addresses to interfaces.C、Each host can a utoconfigure its address without the aid of a DHCP server.D、Only one IPv6 address is assigned per node.

考题 Which four are attributes of single row functions? ()A、cannot be nestedB、manipulate data itemsC、act on each row returnedD、return one result per rowE、accept only one argument and return only one valueF、accept arguments which can be a column or an expression

考题 以下()有关事件监听器的语句是正确的。A、Multiple listeners can be attached to one componentB、Only one listener can be attached to one componentC、One listener can receive and process the events from multiple componentsD、One listener can receive and process the events from only one component

考题 Which statement about IPv6 is true?()A、Addresses are not hierarchical and are assigned at random.B、Only one IPv6 address can exist on a given interface.C、There are 2.7 billion addresses available.D、Broadcasts have been eliminated and replaced with multicasts.

考题 During initial cluster planning session, a requirement is mandated that application monitoring will  Be used to monitor the production database and three application servers. Since all the application servers rely on the database being active, only one resource group has been planned to manage the starting/stopping of the cluster resources.  How ill the initial design impact the use of application monitoring?()  A、 Only one application server per resource group can be monitored.B、 Process monitoring is part of RSCT and requires no special scripts.C、 Any application can be monitored as long as it has an application server.D、 Having all application servers in one resource group improves recovery time.

考题 When defining a function activity, what is true about the Result Type?() (Choose two.)A、Result Type is optional.B、Result Type is mandatory.C、Result Type can be changed after it is assigned to the function activity.D、Result Type should belong to the same item type as the function activity

考题 Identify three correct statements of a multi-org setup. ()(Choose three.)A、A Government Reporting Entity (GRE)/Legal Entity can point to one and only one Set of Books.B、Inventory Orgs can be associated directly with a GRE/Legal Entity.C、The creation of a Master Inventory organization is mandatory.D、One and only one Operating Unit can be associated with a GRE/Legal Entity.E、One Set of Books can have one or many GRE's/Legal Entities associated with it.

考题 Which three statements are true regarding single-row functions?()A、 They can accept only one argument.B、 They can be nested up to only two levels.C、 They can return multiple values of more than one data type.D、 They can be used in SELECT, WHERE, and ORDER BY clauses.  E、 They can modify the data type of the argument that is referenced.F、 They can accept a column name, expression, variable name, or a user-supplied constant as arguments.

考题 Which two statements are true about a job chain?()A、 A job chain can contain a nested chain of jobsB、 The jobs in a job chain cannot have more than one dependencyC、 A job of the CHAIN type can be run using event-based or time-based schedulesD、 The jobs in a job chain can be executed only by using the events generated by the Scheduler

考题 Which three statements are true regarding the data types in Oracle Database 10g/11g?()A、Only one LONG column can be used per table B、A TIMESTAMP data type column stores only time values with fractional seconds C、The BLOB data type column is used to store binary data in an operating system file D、The minimum column width that can be specified for a VARCHAR2 data type column is one E、The value for a CHAR data type column is blank-padded to the maximum defined column width

考题 Which statement is true regarding the creation of nested plans using Resource Manager?()A、 Only one nested subplan is allowed.B、 The plans can be nested up to four levels.C、 Resource Manager does not support nested plans.D、 Nested plans control only the degree of parallelism but not the CPU.E、 Each nested plan gets a proportion of the CPU resources assigned to its parent group.

考题 You are designing the physical database layout on your host machine. What is the relationship between tablespaces and datafiles in the Oracle database?()A、One tablespace has only one datafileB、Many tablespaces can share one datafileC、One tablespace can have many datafilesD、One datafile can contain many tablespaces

考题 多选题When defining a function activity, what is true about the Result Type?() (Choose two.)AResult Type is optional.BResult Type is mandatory.CResult Type can be changed after it is assigned to the function activity.DResult Type should belong to the same item type as the function activity

考题 多选题Which three statements are true regarding the data types in Oracle Database 10g/11g?()AOnly one LONG column can be used per tableBA TIMESTAMP data type column stores only time values with fractional secondsCThe BLOB data type column is used to store binary data in an operating system fileDThe minimum column width that can be specified for a VARCHAR2 data type column is oneEThe value for a CHAR data type column is blank-padded to the maximum defined column width

考题 多选题Which three statements are true regarding single-row functions?()AThey can accept only one argument.BThey can be nested up to only two levels.CThey can return multiple values of more than one data type.DThey can be used in SELECT, WHERE, and ORDER BY clauses.EThey can modify the data type of the argument that is referenced.FThey can accept a column name, expression, variable name, or a user-supplied constant as arguments.

考题 判断题One function of a language can only be expressed by one structure.()A 对B 错

考题 多选题Which two statements are true regarding single row functions?()AThey accept only a single argumentBThey can be nested only to two levelsCArguments can only be column values or constantsDThey always return a single result row for every row of a queried tableEThey can return a data type value different from the one that is referenced

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about a job chain?()AA job chain can contain a nested chain of jobsBThe jobs in a job chain cannot have more than one dependencyCA job of the CHAIN type can be run using event-based or time-based schedulesDThe jobs in a job chain can be executed only by using the events generated by the Scheduler

考题 多选题Which four are attributes of single row functions? ()Acannot be nestedBmanipulate data itemsCact on each row returnedDreturn one result per rowEaccept only one argument and return only one valueFaccept arguments which can be a column or an expression

考题 单选题During initial cluster planning session, a requirement is mandated that application monitoring will  Be used to monitor the production database and three application servers. Since all the application servers rely on the database being active, only one resource group has been planned to manage the starting/stopping of the cluster resources.  How ill the initial design impact the use of application monitoring?()A  Only one application server per resource group can be monitored.B  Process monitoring is part of RSCT and requires no special scripts.C  Any application can be monitored as long as it has an application server.D  Having all application servers in one resource group improves recovery time.