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一、主题名称:绿色生活二、APP介绍:1、 可用性:从身体健康的几个指标:体重、饮食、运动、睡眠等,记录并及时反馈每天的身体状况,并及时作出总结反馈。2、 主要功能:主要功能是即时记录功能,同时可以进行线上分享、提醒等功能,有食谱库、提醒设置、自定义提醒、交流功能3、 主要消费群:热爱健康关注身体状况的所有年龄段人群,操作简洁,如果细分,更多针对喜欢运动的年轻人群三、APP 图标设计(略) 1024*1024图标设计,主要色彩、底板设计四、原型图规划1、框架图进入页 主页面 身材检查 提醒 分享 交流 设置2、交互原型图:如图教材033 图4-4-10五、所需设计的界面及按钮 如原型图所示,需要七个主界面,主页面5个按钮设计、选择按钮、返回按钮、开关按钮
更多 “APP界面设计,掌握app设计的设计规范” 相关考题
考题 不属于腹腔室隔综合征的是 A、腹内压25 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),腹腔灌注压(APP)45 mmHgB、腹内压10 mmHg,APP 60 mmHgC、腹内压30 mmHg,APP 30 mmHgD、腹内压35 mmHg,APP 30 mmHgE、腹内压20 mmHg,APP 60 mmHg

考题 You have a server named Server1 that runs Windows Server 2003 Web Edition Service Pack 2 (SP2).You create a new virtual directory named App1. App1 contains a Web application.Users report that when they enter http://app1 in their Web browsers, they are unable to connect to the Web application.You need to ensure that users can access the Web application when they connect to http://app1.What should you do? ()A. Move the content of the Web application to C:\App1. Change the home directory for App1.B. Move the content of the Web application to C:\App1. Change the application pool for App1.C. Remove the App1 virtual directory. Create a new Web site, and then configure the Web site to use port 8080. In DNS, create a Host record for App1.D. Remove the App1 virtual directory. Create a new Web site, and then configure the Web site to use a host header of App1. In DNS, create a Host record for App1.

考题 一台UNIX主机中有一个名为app的用户程序,app.new为该程序的更新版本,这两个程序的存放目录为/usr/bin。现用户对app进行版本更新,需完成下列操作。(1)改变当前目录到/usr/bin;(2)列出文件app.new的大小;(3)将app改名为app.bak;(4)将app.new复制为app;(5)增加app的执行权限。写出完成这些工作使用的完整命令。

考题 以下有关于APP定向说法正确的是()。A、APP定向是基于用户手机中app的安装情况判断用户对各类app的兴趣与需求B、可以选择按照应用分类或者是具体APP进行定向C、IOS系统不支持APP定向D、如果选择了APP定向,定向效果仅对安卓生效,IOS默认放开定向

考题 大图视频下载样式可以展现的广告位置不包括()A、手百APP列表页B、手百APP底bar列表页C、贴吧APP列表页D、贴吧APP吧列表页

考题 百度视频信息流在百度贴吧APP可以展现在哪些位置()A、贴吧APP首页B、贴吧APP吧列表页C、贴吧APP详情页D、贴吧APP其他频道

考题 关于百度app里面可以投放原生视频广告的具体位置有哪些?()A、百度app列表页B、百度app顶bar列表页C、百度app底bar列表页D、百度app详情页

考题 发布网站后不可能存在的文件夹是()A、App_DataB、App_CodeC、App_ThemesD、bin

考题 创建一个Activity需要继承哪个类?()A、android.ActivityB、app.ActivityC、android.app.ActivityD、android.app.activity

考题 下列关于手机APP的叙述,错误的是()A、APP就是应用软件的意思,是英文application的简称B、APP通常是指运行在智能手机上的应用,多指第三方应用程序C、比较著名的APP商店有APP Store、Google Play Store等D、苹果系统、安卓系统、微软系统的APP格式相同

考题 大图视频下载样式GD合约广告在什么渠道和位置展现:()A、百度App列表页B、百度APP详情页C、贴吧APP首页D、贴吧APP列表页

考题 关于贴吧app里面可以投放原生视频广告的具体位置有哪些?()A、贴吧app首页B、贴吧app开屏广告C、贴吧app详情页D、贴吧app列表页

考题 Django的View中如何取得请求X-App-Code的值?()A、request.META["HTTP_X_APP_CODE"]B、request.HEADERS["X-APP-CODE"]C、request.REQUEST["HTTP_X_APP_CODE"]D、request.REQUEST["X-APP-CODE"]

考题 在升级ONU的固件时候,最好的升级次序是()A、boot app web perB、app bootper webC、web per app bootD、boot app per web

考题 发布网站后不可能存在的文件夹是()A、App—DataB、App-CodeC、App-ThemesD、bin

考题 在用DO命令执行文件时,如果没有指定扩展名,系统寻找目标文件的顺序为()。A、.prg、.app、.fxp、.exeB、.prg,.exe、.app、.fxpC、,exe,.prg,.app,.fxpD、.exe,.app,.fxp,.prg

考题 2019年3月14日电,教育部近日印发的()提出,将全面规范校园APP的管理和使用,开展校园APP专项调研,摸清底数,并与网信部门开展联合行动,治理校园APP乱象。文件明确,将研究制定规范校园APP管理的意见,规范第三方校园APP的引入和自主开发校园APP的建设,探索建立规范校园APP管理的长效机制,促进移动互联网有序健康发展。

考题 你有一台运行Windows 7的计算机,你有一个名为app1.msi的应用程序安装包。你需要执行app1.msi的自定义安装。你该怎么做?()A、创建一个名为app1.mst的转换文件,然后运行Msiexec.exe /i app1.msi /t app1.mst.B、创建一个名为app1.mst的转换文件,然后运行Msinfo32.exe /i app1.msi /t app1.mst.C、创建一个名为app1.msp的更新文件,然后运行 Msiexec.exe /i app1.msi /update app1.msp. D、创建一个名为app1.msp的更新文件,然后运行Msinfo32.exe /i app1.msi /update app1.msp.

考题 You have a server named Server1 that runs Windows Server 2003 Web Edition Service Pack 2 (SP2). You create a new virtual directory named App1. App1 contains a Web application. Users report that when they enter http://app1 in their Web browsers, they are unable to connect to the Web application. You need to ensure that users can access the Web application when they connect to http://app1. What should you do? ()A、Move the content of the Web application to C:/App1. Change the home directory for App1.B、Move the content of the Web application to C:/App1. Change the application pool for App1.C、Remove the App1 virtual directory. Create a new Web site, and then configure the Web site to use port 8080. In DNS, create a Host record for App1.D、Remove the App1 virtual directory. Create a new Web site, and then configure the Web site to use a host header of App1. In DNS, create a Host record for App1.

考题 You have a computer that runs Windows 7. You have an application installation package named app1.msi.You need to perform a customized installation of app1.msi.  What should you do?()A、Create a transform file named app1.mst and then run Msiexec.exe /i app1.msi /t app1.mst.B、Create a transform file named app1.mst and then run Msinfo32.exe /i app1.msi /t app1.mst.C、Create an update file named app1.msp and then run Msiexec.exe /i app1.msi /update app1.msp.D、Create an update file named app1.msp and then run Msinfo32.exe /i app1.msi /update app1.msp.

考题 You need to recommend a solution for deploying and managing App2. What should you recommend?() A、Publish App2 as a RemoteApp program.B、Deploy App2 by using a Group Policy logon script.C、Assign App2 by using Group Policy software distribution.D、Publish App2 by using Group Policy software distribution.

考题 You are creating an ASP.NET Web site. You create a HTTP module named Custom Module, and you register the module in the web.config file.The Custom Module class contains the following code. Public Class Custom Module  Implements IHttpModule     Dim footerContent As String = Footer Content"Public Sub Dispose() Implements IHttpModule.DisposeEnd SubEnd Class  You need to add code to CustomModule to append the footer content to each processed ASP.NET page. Which code segment should you use?()A、Public Sub New(ByVal app As HttpApplication) AddHandler app.EndRequest, AddressOf app_EndRequest  End Sub  Sub app_EndRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)    Dim app As HttpApplication = TryCast(sender, HttpApplication)  app.Response.Write(footerContent)  End Sub B、Public Sub Init(ByVal app As HttpApplication) _  Implements IHttpModule.Init  AddHandler app.EndRequest, AddressOf app_EndRequest  End Sub Sub app_EndRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)  Dim app As HttpApplication = New HttpApplication()  app.Response.Write(footerContent)  End Sub C、Public Sub New()  Dim app As HttpApplication = New HttpApplication()  AddHandler app.EndRequest, AddressOf app_EndRequest End Sub  Sub app_EndRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)  Dim app As HttpApplication = TryCast(sender, HttpApplication)  app.Response.Write(footerContent)  End Sub D、Public Sub Init(ByVal app As HttpApplication) _  Implements IHttpModule.Init  AddHandler app.EndRequest, AddressOf app_EndRequest  End Sub  Sub app_EndRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)  Dim app As HttpApplication = TryCast(sender, HttpApplication)app.Response.Write(footerContent)  End Sub

考题 You deploy applications by using the Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) Full Infrastructure Model You need to recommend a solution to manage the App-V Desktop Client settings. What should you include in the recommendation?()A、The App-V System Deployment SuperFlowB、the App-V Dynamic Suite Composition ToolC、the App-V SequencerD、the App-V Client ADM Template

考题 You plan to deploy an application by using Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) in standalone mode. You need to recommend which App-V components are required for the planned deployment. Which components should you recommend?()A、the App-V ClientB、the App-V Management ServerC、the App-V SequencerD、the App-V Management ConsoleE、the App-V Streaming Server

考题 单选题You deploy applications by using the Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) Full Infrastructure Model You need to recommend a solution to manage the App-V Desktop Client settings. What should you include in the recommendation?()A The App-V System Deployment SuperFlowB the App-V Dynamic Suite Composition ToolC the App-V SequencerD the App-V Client ADM Template

考题 单选题你有一台运行Windows 7的计算机,你有一个名为app1.msi的应用程序安装包。你需要执行app1.msi的自定义安装。你该怎么做?()A 创建一个名为app1.mst的转换文件,然后运行Msiexec.exe /i app1.msi /t app1.mst.B 创建一个名为app1.mst的转换文件,然后运行Msinfo32.exe /i app1.msi /t app1.mst.C 创建一个名为app1.msp的更新文件,然后运行 Msiexec.exe /i app1.msi /update app1.msp. D 创建一个名为app1.msp的更新文件,然后运行Msinfo32.exe /i app1.msi /update app1.msp.

考题 多选题You plan to deploy an application by using Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) in standalone mode. You need to recommend which App-V components are required for the planned deployment. Which components should you recommend?()Athe App-V ClientBthe App-V Management ServerCthe App-V SequencerDthe App-V Management ConsoleEthe App-V Streaming Server

考题 单选题在用DO命令执行文件时,如果没有指定扩展名,系统寻找目标文件的顺序为()。A .prg、.app、.fxp、.exeB .prg,.exe、.app、.fxpC ,exe,.prg,.app,.fxpD .exe,.app,.fxp,.prg