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以下内容在同一个源程序中: class A { int a; A(int a) { this.a=a; } int add() { return a+10; } } class TestA { public static void f(A t) { System.out.println(t.add()); } public static void main(String[] args) { f(new A() { int add() { return a+20; } } ); } } 则()。





更多 “以下内容在同一个源程序中: class A { int a; A(int a) { this.a=a; } int add() { return a+10; } } class TestA { public static void f(A t) { System.out.println(t.add()); } public static void main(String[] args) { f(new A() { int add() { return a+20; } } ); } } 则()。A.程序的运行结果为输出0B.程序的运行结果为输出10C.程序的运行结果为输出20D.程序不能编译通过” 相关考题
考题 class A{public int getNumber(int a){return a+1;}}class B extends A{public int getNumber(int a, char c){return a+2;}public static void main(String[] args){B b=new B();System.out.println(b.getNumber(0));}}what is the result?()A.compilation succeeds and 1 is printedB.compilation succeeds and 2 is printedC.compilation succeeds and 3 is printedD.An error at this program cause compilation to fail

考题 下列程序段的输出结果是【 】。public class Test {void printValue(int m) {do {System.out.println("The value is"+m);}while (--m>10);}public static void main (String args[]) {int i=10;Test t= new Test();t.printValue(i);}}

考题 能将程序补充完整的选项是( )。class Person{ private int a; public int change(int m){ return m; }}public class Teacher extends Person{ public int b; public static void main(String arg[]) { Person p = new Person(); Teacher t = new Teacher(); int i; ______ }} B.A.i=mB.i=bC. i=p.aD.i=p. change(50)

考题 能将程序补充完整的选项是______。 class Person{ private int a; phblic int change(int m){return m;} } public class Teacher extends Person{ public int b; public static void main(String arg[ ]){ Person p=new Person( ); Teacher t=new Teacher( ); int i; ______; } }A.i=mB.i=bC.i=p.aD.i=p.change(50)

考题 下列程序段运行的结果为 public class Test{ static void print(String s,int i){ System.out.println("String:"+s+",int:"+i); } static void print(int i,String s){ System.out.println("int:"+i+",String:"+s); } public static void main(String[]args){ print(99,"Int first"); } }A.String:String first,int:11B.int:11,String:Int firstC.String:String first,int99D.int:99,String:Int first

考题 执行下面的程序段,输出结果为______。public class Q{public static void main(String argvr)){int anar[]=new int[5];System.out.println(anar[0]);}}

考题 下列程序的功能是为变量赋值,程序运行后,输出i=51。请改动main方法中的错误,使程序能够正确编译、运行并输出正确的结果。注意:不改动程序结构。class A{private int a;public void setA (int x){a=x;}public int getA(){return a;}}public class MethodTest{public static void main(String args[]){A a=A();a.getA(51);int i=a.getA();System.out.println ("i="+i);}}

考题 下面程序的输出结果是什么? class C1{ static int j=0; public void method(int a){ j++; } } class Test extends C1{ public int method(){ return j++; } public void result(){ method(j); System.out.println(j+method()); } public static void main(String args[]){ new TeA.0B.1C.2D.3

考题 下面程序段的输出结果是 class Base { int i; Base() { add(1); } void add(int v) { i+=v; } void print() { System.out.println(i); } } class Extension extends Base { Extension() { add(2); } void add(int v) { i+=v*2; } } public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { bogo(new Extension()); } static void bogo(Baseb){ b.add(8); b.print(); } }A.9B.18C.20D.22

考题 下列程序段运行的结果为 public class Test{ static void print(String s,int i){ System.out.println("String:"+s+",int:"+i); } static void print(int i, String s){ System.out.println("int:"+i+",String:"+s); } public static void main(String [] args){ print(99,"Int first"); } }A.String:Stringfirst,int:11B.int:11,String:Int firstC.String:String first,int:99D.int:99,String:int first

考题 如下程序是为变量i赋值。若程序的输出结果是180。请将程序补充完整。注意:不改动程序结构,不得增行或删行。class Base{int i;Base(){add(10);}void add(int v){i+=v;}void print(){System.out.println(i);}}class Extension extends Base{Extension(){add(______);}void add(int v){i+=v*2;}}public class ConstructTest3{public static void main(String args[]){bogo(new Extension());}static void bogo(Base b){b.add(60);b.print();}}

考题 下列程序段中,正确的是______。 ①class MvClass { int var = 100; static int getVar() { return var; } } ②public class MyClass { final int date; void MyClass (int d) { date = d; } } ③public class MyMain { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println(Myclass1.date); } } class MyClass1 { int data = 10; } ④class IamAbstract { final int f; double d; abstrct void method(); }A.②④B.①③C.②D.以上都不对

考题 执行下面程序,显示的结果为( )。 public class Test { public static void main (String args[]) { Test t=newTest(); System.out.println (Loverload ("2","3")); } int overload (intx,int y) {return x+y;} String overload (String x,Stnng y){return x+y;} }A.2B.3C.5D.23

考题 interface A{int x = 0;}class B{int x =1;}class C extends B implements A {public void pX(){System.out.println(x);}public static void main(String[] args) {new C().pX();}}

考题 本题利用递归方法求前n个自然数的和(n=lO)。 public class javal{ public static void main(String[]args){ int sum=add(10): System.out.println("1+2+…+9+10="+ sum); } public static int add( ){ if(n= =l){ ; } else ; } }

考题 下面程序段的输出结果为 package test; public class A { int x=20; static int y=6; public static void main(String args[]) { Class B b=new Class B(); b.go(10); System.out.println(”x=”+b.x); } } class Class B { int x; void go(int y) { ClassA a=new ClassA(); x=a.y; } }A.x=10B.x=20C.x=6D.编译不通过

考题 以下程序的输出结果为:public class test {public static void main(String args[]) {int s=0;for (int k=0;ks+=method(2,k)-1;System.out.println(s);}public static int method(int n,int m) {if (m==0)return 1;elsereturn n*method(n,m-1、;}}A. 2048B. 1024C. 2036D.2000

考题 现有  class Parser extends Utils {  public static void main (String  []  args)  {  try  {  System.out.print (new Parser () .getlnt ("42"))       }  catch (Exception e) {  System.out.println ("Exc") ;  }      }  int getlnt (String arg)  throws Exception  {     return Integer.parselnt (arg) ;      }      }  class Utils {  int getlnt ()  {  return 42;  }     }  结果是什么?()      A、 42ExcB、 ExcC、 42D、编译失败

考题 interface DeclareStuff{  public static final int EASY = 3;  void doStuff(int t); }  public class TestDeclare implements DeclareStuff {  public static void main(String [] args) {  int x=5;  new TestDeclare().doStuff(++x);  }  void doStuff(int s) {  s += EASY + ++s;  System.out.println(”s “ + s);  }  }  What is the result?() A、 s 14B、 s 16C、 s 10D、 Compilation fails.E、 An exception is thrown at runtime.

考题 class Top {  static int x = 1;  public Top(int y) { x *= 3; }  }  class Middle extends Top {  public Middle() { x += 1; }  public static void main(String [] args) {  Middle m = new Middle();  System.out.println(x);  }  }  结果为:() A、1B、2C、3D、编译失败

考题 public class Test {  public int aMethod() {  static int i = 0;  i++;  return i;  }  public static void main (String args[]) {  Test test = new Test();  test.aMethod();  int j = test.aMethod();  System.out.println(j);  }  }  What is the result?()  A、 0B、 1C、 2D、 Compilation fails.

考题 public class Yikes {  public static void go(Long n) {System.out.println(”Long “);}  public static void go(Short n) {System.out.println(”Short “);}  public static void go(int n) {System.out.println(”int “);}  public static void main(String [] args) {  short y= 6;  long z= 7;  go(y);  go(z);  }  }  What is the result?() A、 int LongB、 Short LongC、 Compilation fails.D、 An exception is thrown at runtime.

考题 单选题public class Test {  public static void add3 (Integer i) {  int val = i.intValue();  val += 3;  i = new Integer(val); }  public static void main(String args[]) {  Integer i = new Integer(0);  add3(i);  System.out.println(i.intValue());  }  }   What is the result? ()A  0B  3C  Compilation fails.D  An exception is thrown at runtime.

考题 多选题Which are syntactically valid statement at// point x?()     class Person {     private int a;  public int change(int m){  return m;  }     }  public class Teacher extends Person {     public int b;  public static void main(String arg[]){     Person p = new Person();     Teacher t = new Teacher();    int i;  // point x     }    }Ai = m;Bi = b;Ci = p.a;Di = p.change(30);Ei = t.b.

考题 单选题public class Test {  public int aMethod() {  static int i = 0;  i++;  return i;  }  public static void main (String args[]) {  Test test = new Test();  test.aMethod();  int j = test.aMethod();  System.out.println(j);  }  }  What is the result?()A  0B  1C  2D  Compilation fails.

考题 单选题class Parser extends Utils {  public static void main (String [] args) {  try { System.out.print(new Parser().getInt("42"));  } catch (NumberFormatException n) {  System.out.println("NFExc "); }  }  int getInt(String arg) throws NumberFormatException {  return Integer.parseInt(arg);  }  }  class Utils {  int getInt(String arg) { return 42; }  }  结果为:()A 42B NFExcC 42NFExcD 编译失败

考题 单选题What will be written to the standard output when the following program is run?()   class Base {  int i;  Base() {   add(1);   }   void add(int v) {  i += v;  }   void print() {  System.out.println(i);  }   }   class Extension extends Base {  Extension() {  add(2);  }   void add(int v) {  i += v*2;  }  }   public class Qd073 {   public static void main(String args[]) {  bogo(new Extension());  }   static void bogo(Base b) {  b.add(8);  b.print();   }   }A 9B 18C 20D 21E 22

考题 单选题public class Yikes {  public static void go(Long n) {System.out.println(”Long “);}  public static void go(Short n) {System.out.println(”Short “);}  public static void go(int n) {System.out.println(”int “);}  public static void main(String [] args) {  short y= 6;  long z= 7;  go(y);  go(z);  }  }  What is the result?()A  int LongB  Short LongC  Compilation fails.D  An exception is thrown at runtime.