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下列代码的输出结果是什么? public static void main(String[] args) { String a = "110"; String b = "110"; String c = new String("110"); String d = new String(a); System.out.println(a == b); System.out.println(a == c); System.out.println(c == d); }
A.true false false
B.true true true
C.true true false
更多 “下列代码的输出结果是什么? public static void main(String[] args) { String a = "110"; String b = "110"; String c = new String("110"); String d = new String(a); System.out.println(a == b); System.out.println(a == c); System.out.println(c == d); }A.true false falseB.true true trueC.true true falseD.编译错误” 相关考题
下列程序的运行结果是【 】。public class Test {public static void main (String args[]) {String s1="hello!";System.out.println (s1.toUpperCase());}}
下面程序执行后的输出结果为( )。 public class fun { public static void main(String args[]) { String greets="How are you!"; String s=greets.substring(0,3); System.out.println(S); } }A.HowB.are.C.youD.how ate you!
( 17 )阅读下面程序public class OperatorsAndExpressions {void equalsMethod1(){String s1=new String("how are you");String s2=new String("how are you");System.out.println(s1==s2);}public static void main(String args[]){OperatorsAndExpressions perAndExp=new OperatorsAndExpressions();// 用于复合类型数据的 “ == ” 运算符OperAndExp. equalsMethod1();}}程序运行结果是A ) ==B ) trueC ) falseD ) equal
下列程序段运行的结果为 public class Test{ static void print(String s,int i){ System.out.println("String:"+s+",int:"+i); } static void print(int i,String s){ System.out.println("int:"+i+",String:"+s); } public static void main(String[]args){ print(99,"Int first"); } }A.String:String first,int:11B.int:11,String:Int firstC.String:String first,int99D.int:99,String:Int first
下面程序的输出结果为( )。 public class Test { public static void main (String args[]) { String X="ABCD"; String Y="EFG"; X=X.substring (X.length()-Y.length()); System.out.println(X); } }A.ABCB.BCDC.EFGD.ABCDEFG
下列语句输出结果为( )。 public class test\ { public static void main (String args[]) { String s1=new String("How"); String s2=new String("How"); System.out.println(!(s1.equals(s2))); } }A.falseB.trueC.0D.1
下列程序段运行的结果为 public class Test{ static void print(String s,int i){ System.out.println("String:"+s+",int:"+i); } static void print(int i, String s){ System.out.println("int:"+i+",String:"+s); } public static void main(String [] args){ print(99,"Int first"); } }A.String:Stringfirst,int:11B.int:11,String:Int firstC.String:String first,int:99D.int:99,String:int first
下列程序的执行结果是______。 public class Test9 { public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = new String("I am a girl"); String s2 = new String("I am a girl"); System.out.println (s1.equal (s2)); } }A.trueB.假C.I amgirlD.都不正确
阅读下面程序 public class OperatorsAndExpressions{ void equalsMethodl(){ String s1=new String("how are you"); String s2=new String("how are you"); System.out.println(s1==s2); } public static void main(String args[]){ OperatorsAndExpressionsOperAndExp=new OperatorsAndExpressions(); //用于复合类型数据的“==”运算符 OperAndExp.equalsMethod1(); } } 程序运行结果是A.=B.trueC.falseD.equal
阅读下面程序 public class OperatorsAndExpressions { void equalsMethodl() { String s1=new String("how are you"); String s2=new String("how are you"); System.out.println(s1==s2); } public static void main(String args[]) { OperatorsAndExpressions perAndExp=new OperatorsAndExpressions(); //用于复合类型数据的“==”运算符 OperAndExp.equalsMethodl(); } } 程序运行的结果是A. ==B.trueC.falseD.equal
下列程序的执行结果是 public class Testff{ public static void main(String args[]){ String sl=new String("I am boy"); String s2=new String("I am boy"); System.out.println(sl==s2); } }A.真B.假C.I am boyD.都不正确
下列代码的执行结果是( )。 public class Test{ public static void main String args[]){ String s1=new String("welcome"); String s2=new String("welcome"); System.out.println(s1==s2); System.out.println(s1.equals(s2)); } }A.false,falseB.false,trueC.true,trueD.true,false
public class Something {public static void main(String[] args) {Something s = new Something();System.out.println("s.doSomething() returns " + doSomething());}public String doSomething() {return "Do something ...";}}看上去很完美。
阅读下面程序 public class OperatorsAndExpressions { void equalsMethodl(){ String s1=new String("how are you"); String s2=new String("how are you"); System.out.println(s1==s2); } public static void main(String args[]){ OperatorsAndExpressions perAndExp=new OperatorsAndExpressions(); OperAndExp.equalsMethod1(); } } 程序运行结果是( )。A. ==B.trueC.假D.equal
下列语句输出结果为( )。 public class test { public static void main(StringArgsl[]) { String s1=new String("How"); String s2=new String("How"); System.out.println(!(s1==s2)); } }A.falseB.trueC.1D.0
下列代码段的执行结果是( )。 public class Test { public static void main(String args[ ]) { String s1= new String("hello"); String s2= new String("hello"); System.out.println(s1==s2); System.out.println(s1.equal(s2)); } }A.true falseB.true trueC.false trueD.false false
有如下代码段 public class OperatorAndExceptions { public static void main(String args[ ] { int i=10,j=15; System.out.println(i==j); String s1 = new String("how are you!"); String s2=new String("how are you!"); System.out.println(s1==s2); } } 其输出为( )。A.true falseB.true trueC.false trueD.false false
下列程序段的输出是( )。 public class Test { public static void main (String args[ ]) { String ss1 = new String("hello"); String ss2 = new String("hello"); System.out.println(ssl == ss2); System.out.println (ssequals(ss2)); } }A.true, falseB.true, trueC.false, trueD.false, false
下列代码的执行结果是______。 public class ex55 { public static void main(String args[] ) { String s1=new String("hello"); String s2=new String("hello"); System.out.print (s1==s2); System.out.print (","); System.out.println (s1.equals (s2)); } }A.true, falseB.true, trueC.false, trueD.false, false
执行以下代码,输出结果的结果是? () public class Test{ public String[] ss = new String[5]; public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println(ss[1]); } } A、 nullB、 -1C、 编译时出错D、 运行时报错
Public class test ( Public static void stringReplace (String text) ( Text = text.replace (‘j’ , ‘i’); ) public static void bufferReplace (StringBuffer text) ( text = text.append (“C”) ) public static void main (String args[]} ( String textString = new String (“java”); StringBuffer text BufferString = new StringBuffer (“java”); stringReplace (textString); BufferReplace (textBuffer); System.out.printLn (textString + textBuffer); ) ) What is the output?()
Which code fragments will succeed in printing the last argument given on the command line to the standard output, and exit gracefully with no output if no arguments are given?() CODE FRAGMENT a: public static void main(String args[]) { if (args.length != 0) System.out.println(args[args.length-1]); } CODE FRAGMENT b: public static void main(String args[]) { try { System.out.println(args[args.length]); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {} } CODE FRAGMENT c: public static void main(String args[]) { int ix = args.length; String last = args[ix]; if (ix != 0) System.out.println(last); } CODE FRAGMENT d: public static void main(String args[]) { int ix = args.length-1; if (ix 0) System.out.println(args[ix]); } CODE FRAGMENT e: public static void main(String args[]) { try { System.out.println(args[args.length-1]); }catch (NullPointerException e) {} } A、Code fragment a.B、Code fragment b.C、Code fragment c.D、Code fragment d.E、Code fragment e.
单选题public class Item { private String desc; public String getDescription() { return desc; } public void setDescription(String d) { desc = d; } public static void modifyDesc(Item item, String desc) { item = new Item(); item.setDescription(desc); } public static void main(String[] args) { Item it = new Item(); it.setDescription(”Gobstopper”); Item it2 = new Item(); it2.setDescription(”Fizzylifting”); modifyDesc(it, “Scrumdiddlyumptious”); System.out.println(it.getDescription()); System.out.println(it2.getDescription()); } } What is the outcome of the code? ()A
Compilation fails.B
Gobstopper FizzyliftingC
Gobstopper ScrumdiddlyumptiousD
Scrumdiddlyumptious FizzylifltngE
Scrumdiddlyumptious Scrumdiddlyumptious
单选题Which code fragments will succeed in printing the last argument given on the command line to the standard output, and exit gracefully with no output if no arguments are given?() CODE FRAGMENT a: public static void main(String args[]) { if (args.length != 0) System.out.println(args[args.length-1]); } CODE FRAGMENT b: public static void main(String args[]) { try { System.out.println(args[args.length]); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {} } CODE FRAGMENT c: public static void main(String args[]) { int ix = args.length; String last = args[ix]; if (ix != 0) System.out.println(last); } CODE FRAGMENT d: public static void main(String args[]) { int ix = args.length-1; if (ix 0) System.out.println(args[ix]); } CODE FRAGMENT e: public static void main(String args[]) { try { System.out.println(args[args.length-1]); }catch (NullPointerException e) {} }A
Code fragment a.B
Code fragment b.C
Code fragment c.D
Code fragment d.E
Code fragment e.
单选题现有: class Tree { private static String tree = "tree "; String getTree () { return tree; } } class Elm extends Tree { private static String tree = "elm "; public static void main (String [] args) { new Elm() .go (new Tree()) ; } } void go (Tree t) { String s = t.getTree () +Elm.tree + tree + (new Elm() .getTree ()) ; System.out.println (s) ;} 结果为:()A
elm elm elm elmB
tree elm elm elmC
tree elm elm treeD
tree elm tree elm
单选题final class Tree { private static String tree = "tree "; String getTree() { return tree; } } class Elm extends Tree { private static String tree = "elm "; public static void main(String [] args) { new Elm().go(new Tree()); } void go(Tree t) { String s = t.getTree()+Elm.tree+tree+(new Elm().getTree()); System.out.println(s); } } 结果为:()A
elm elm elm elmB
tree elm elm elmC
tree elm tree elmD
填空题Public class test ( Public static void stringReplace (String text) ( Text = text.replace (‘j’ , ‘i’); ) public static void bufferReplace (StringBuffer text) ( text = text.append (“C”) ) public static void main (String args[]} ( String textString = new String (“java”); StringBuffer text BufferString = new StringBuffer (“java”); stringReplace (textString); BufferReplace (textBuffer); System.out.printLn (textString + textBuffer); ) ) What is the output?()
单选题执行以下代码,输出结果的结果是? () public class Test{ public String[] ss = new String[5]; public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println(ss[1]); } }A