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更多 “1、SET是指()。A.安全电子交易B.安全套接层协议C.安全HTTPD.安全电子技术” 相关考题
考题 在Catalyst6500交换机上将端口3/1~ 3/24的传输速率设置为1Gbps,正确的配置是( )。A) set port speed 3/1-3/24 1000000B) set port speed 3/1-24 1000000C) set port speed 3/1-3/24 1000D) set port speed 3/1-24 1000

考题 设置Catalyst 6500交换机的3/1至3/24端口为全双工通信方式,正确的配置语句是A.set interface duplex 3/1-3/24 fullBB.set interface duplex 3/1-24 fullC.set port duplex 3/1-3/24 fullD.set port duplex 3/1-24 full

考题 设置严格的日期格式的命令是______。A.set date ansiB.set strictdate to 0C.set century onD.set strictdate to 1

考题 下列程序的输出结果是【 】。 includeclass MyClass{public: int number; void set(in 下列程序的输出结果是【 】。include<iostream. h>class MyClass{public:int number;void set(int i);};int number=3;void MyClass: :set (int i){number=i;}void main( ){MyClass my1;int number=10;my1.set(5),cout<<my1, number<<',';my1.set(number);cout<<my1.number<<',';my1.set(: :number);cout<<my1.number<<'.';}

考题 importjava.util.*;classKeyMaster{publicinti;publicKeyMaster(inti){this.i=i;}publicbooleanequals(Objecto){returni==((KeyMaster)o).i;}publicinthashCode(){returni;}}publicclassMapIt{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Setset=newHashSet();KeyMasterk1=newKeyMaster(1);KeyMasterk2=newKeyMaster(2);set.add(k1);set.add(k1);set.add(k2);set.add(k2);System.out.print(set.size()+:”);k2.i=1;System.out.print(set.size()+:”);set.remove(k1);System.out.print(set.size()+:”);set.remove(k2);System.out.print(set.size());}}Whatistheresult?()

考题 Given:Which code, inserted at line 4, guarantees that this program will output [1, 2]()? A.Set set = new TreeSet();B.Set set = new HashSet();C.Set set = new SortedSet();D.List set = new SortedList();E.Set set = new LinkedHashSet();

考题 下列程序段的功能是实现“学生”表中“年龄”字段值加1:Dim Str As String Str=””Docmd.RunSQL Str空白处应填入的程序代码是( )。A.年龄=年龄+1B.Update学生Set年龄=年龄+1C.Set年龄=年龄+1D.Edit学生Set年龄=年龄+1

考题 下列程序段的功能是实现“学生”表中“年龄”字段值加1。 DimStrAsStringStr="_________"Docmd.RunSQLStr空白处应填入的程序代码是( )。A.年龄=年龄+1B.Update学生set年龄=年龄+1C.Set年龄=年龄+1D.Edit学生Set年龄=年龄+1

考题 Which two commands are needed to create and apply an export policy that advertises static routes to OSPF neighbors?() A.edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name set term 1 from protocol static set term 1 then acceptB.edit ospf policy set from protocol static set 1 then acceptC.set protocols OSPF export policy-nameD.set protocols OSPF policy policy-name

考题 YouhaveanExchangeServer2010organizationnamedcontoso.com.YourcompanyisinvestigatingausernamedUser1.YouneedtopreventUser1frompermanentlydeletingtheitemsinhismailbox.Whatshouldyourun()? A.Set-MailboxUser1-LitigationHoldEnabled$trueB.Set-MailboxUser1-ModerationEnabled$trueC.Set-MailboxUser1-RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup$trueD.Set-MailboxUser1-RetentionHoldEnabled$true

考题 YouhaveanExchangeServer2010serverthathasasinglemailboxdatabasenamedDB1.YouneedtomovethetransactionlogfilesofDB1.Whichcmdletshouldyourun()? A.Move-DatabasePathB.Move-MailboxC.Set-ExchangeServerD.Set-MailboxDatabase

考题 “The galantine is set”是指胶冻凝固了。

考题 对以下set集合进行操作"Set(2,0,1)+1+1-1"之后,最终的结果是()A、Set(2,0,1,1)B、Set(2,0,1)C、Set(2,0)D、已上均不正确

考题 对集(Set)进行操作"Set(2,?0,?1)?+?1?+?1?-?1"之后的结果为?()A、Set(2,?0,?1,?1)B、Set(2,?0,?1)C、Set(2,?0)D、已上均不正确。

考题 设置严格的日期格式的命令是()A、set date ansiB、set strictdate to 0C、set century onD、set strictdate to 1

考题 使得吸盘吸取工件,“设置二元输出动作”正确的选项是()。A、Set OUT[1]=TrueB、Set OUT[1]=FalseC、Set OUT[]=TrueD、Set OUT[]=False

考题 AONT 5115芯片方案,将PON口数据镜像到LAN口1的命令是()A、halmgr lp set_lp_mirror 5 1B、halmgr lp set_lp_mirror 4 1C、halmgr lp set_lp_mirror 1 5 1D、halmgr lp set_lp_mirror 1 4 1

考题 AONT 6838 镜像PON口到LAN 1口的命令是()A、halmgr lp set_lp_mirror 5 1B、halmgr lp set_lp_mirror 5 2C、halmgr lp set_lp_mirror 1 5 1D、halmgr lp set_lp_mirror 1 5 2

考题 7353上设置管理vlan及管理模式的tl1命令是A、SET-MGNTB、SET-SIDC、ENT-EQPTD、SET-NE-ALL


考题 Refer to the output shown on switch SW1 below:  VLAN 1 bridge priority set to 8192. VLAN 1 bridge max aging time set to 20.VLAN 1 bridge hello time set to 2. VLAN 1 bridge forward delay set to 15. Switch is now the root switch for active VLAN 1.  What command would you enter to reproduce this output?

考题 A machine has just been installed with AIX, and no system parameters have been changed. In order to enable routing function, which of the following "no" options should be changed?()A、 set bcastping to 1 B、 set ipforwarding to 1 C、 set rfc1323 to 1 D、 set directed_broadcast to 1

考题 1. import java.util.*;  2. public class Example {  3. public static void main(String[] args) {  4. // insert code here  5. set.add(new integer(2));  6. set.add(new integer(l));  7. System.out.println(set);  8. }  9. }  Which code, inserted at line 4, guarantees that this program will output [1,2]? ()A、 Set set = new TreeSet();B、 Set set = new HashSet();C、 Set set = new SortedSet();D、 List set = new SortedList();E、 Set set = new LinkedHashSet();

考题 Which configuration causes RIP-learned routes to be advertised to other RIP neighbors?()A、set protocol rip no-passiveB、top edit policy-options policy-statement demo set term 1 from protocol rip set term 1 then accept top set protocols rip group internal export demoC、set protocols rip advertise in-outD、top edit policy-options policy-statement demo set term 1 from active routes set term 1 then accept top set protocols rip group internal export demo

考题 Which two commands are needed to create and apply an export policy that advertises static routes to OSPF neighbors?()A、edit policy-options policy-statement policy-name set term 1 from protocol static set term 1 then acceptB、edit ospf policy set from protocol static set 1 then acceptC、set protocols OSPF export policy-nameD、set protocols OSPF policy policy-name

考题 单选题A machine has just been installed with AIX, and no system parameters have been changed. In order to enable routing function, which of the following "no" options should be changed?()A  set bcastping to 1 B  set ipforwarding to 1 C  set rfc1323 to 1 D  set directed_broadcast to 1

考题 单选题import java.util.*;  class KeyMaster {  public int i;  public KeyMaster(int i) { this.i = i; }  public boolean equals(Object o) { return i == ((KeyMaster)o).i; }  public int hashCode() { return i; }  }  public class MapIt {  public static void main(String[] args) {  Set set = new HashSet();  KeyMaster k1 = new KeyMaster(1);  KeyMaster k2 = new KeyMaster(2);  set.add(k1); set.add(k1);  set.add(k2); set.add(k2);  System.out.print(set.size() + “:”);  k2.i = 1;  System.out.print(set.size() + “:”);  set.remove(k1);  System.out.print(set.size() + “:”);  set.remove(k2);  System.out.print(set.size()); }  }  What is the result?()A  4:4:2:2B  4:4:3:2C  2:2:1:0D  2:2:0:0E  2:1:0:0F  2:2:1:1G  4:3:2:1

考题 单选题1. import java.util.*;  2. public class Example {  3. public static void main(String[] args) {  4. // insert code here  5. set.add(new integer(2));  6. set.add(new integer(l));  7. System.out.println(set);  8. }  9. }  Which code, inserted at line 4, guarantees that this program will output [1,2]? ()A  Set set = new TreeSet();B  Set set = new HashSet();C  Set set = new SortedSet();D  List set = new SortedList();E  Set set = new LinkedHashSet();