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虽然国内外对合同的定义各不相同,但都有一个共同点:A contract is an agreement, which legally binds the parties concerned.

更多 “虽然国内外对合同的定义各不相同,但都有一个共同点:A contract is an agreement, which legally binds the parties concerned.” 相关考题
考题 A contract is legally binding and must comprise all but one of the following:A legal capacityB mutual assentC approved negotiationsD considerationE legality

考题 A legally binding document offered unilaterally is a _____ .A purchase orderB scope of work descriptionC contract stipulationD level of effort proposalE request for proposal

考题 Which type of process involves the agency holding discussions with each of the offerors, after receipt of their proposals, in the process of arriving at an agreement prior to the award of a contract?A Sealed biddingB Competitive proposalsC Noncompetitive proposalsD Formal bidE Verbal bid

考题 Which of the following is not part of contract administrationA contract awardB performance controlC financial controlD contract closeoutE All of the above are parts of contract administration.

考题 154 Which of the following is not part of contract administrationA. contract awardB. performance controlC. financial controlD. contract closeoutE. All of the above are parts of contract administration

考题 87 Which type of process involves the agency holding discussions with each of the offerors, after receipt of their proposals, in the process of arriving at an agreement prior to the award of a contract?A. Sealed biddingB. Competitive proposalsC. Noncompetitive proposalsD. Formal bidE. Verbal bid

考题 13 A legally binding document offered unilaterally is a _____ .A. purchase orderB scope of work descriptionC. contract stipulationD. level of effort proposalE. request for proposal

考题 95 A legally binding document offered unilaterally is a _____ .A. purchase orderB. scope of work descriptionC. contract stipulationD. level of effort proposalE. request for proposal

考题 对话理解听力原文:W: When I want to borrow money from a hank, what should I do?M: You should create a contract with the bank, stipulating the rate of interest, the repayment date, the amount and timing of any periodic cash interest payments, and other terms of the agreement.Q: Which is not mentioned when creating a contract with the bank?(11)A.Stipulating the rate of interest.B.Stipulating the repayment date.C.Stipulating the amount and timing of any periodic cash interest payments.D.Stipulating the financial sponsor.

考题 (), the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written.A、In witness thereforeB、Under witness herebyC、In witnessess forD、Under witness therefor

考题 By writing out a contract and having both parties sign the contract you are () both parties involvled.A: protectingB: avoidingC: offendingD: harming

考题 船舱虽然也属于金属容器,但目前国内外尚未对舱容积进行静压力修正。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Shipping articles are a contract of agreement between the members of the crew and the ______.A.charterersB.Coast GuardC.MasterD.vessel's owner

考题 The two parties have__________an agreement on the date of talk.A.come across B.come down C.come up D.come to

考题 A service level agreement is an agreement between two or more parties, where one is the customer and the others are ( ). A. service brokers B. service providers C. service auditors D. key customers

考题 虽然世界各民族都有自己相应的文字,但所有各不相同的文字在字体的造型上都遵循了视觉传达清晰、稳定、()、协调、和谐、统一的基本原则。A、工整B、明了C、均衡D、悦目E、易懂

考题 虽然每个域名对应一个IP地址,但并不是每一个IP地址都有一个域名与之对应。

考题 如何理解行政行为的定义?国内外都有哪些解释?

考题 对于航空快件,虽然各公司运输快件的机型各不相同,但各航空公刊对快件的要求必须相同。

考题 Insurance is essentially a contract between two parties, namely the insurer and insured, like the consignor and consignee.

考题 问答题The importance of a contract in an international sales transaction cannot be underestimated. Often it is the only document between the parties to which they may refer for clarification of mutual responsibilities, and resolution of disputes in the event of disagreement. Such a contract may well survive the relationship it defines. So the exporter should avoid viewing the contract merely as a document that initiates transaction and subsequently is filed and forgotten. Contracts must be drafted with an awareness of the background of the law in which the transaction takes place, with a clear conception of the various services it may be called upon to render. It is best to obtain legal advice as to the best set of contractual terms appropriate to the product and type of business.

考题 单选题Shipping articles are a contract of agreement between the members of the crew and the().A charterersB Coast GuardC MasterD vessel's owner

考题 单选题Although the parties are entitled to make their contract in any manner that they like,it is usual for them to adopt one of the standard forms and then()it as they think fit.A amendB repairC improveD clear

考题 问答题如何理解行政行为的定义?国内外都有哪些解释?

考题 判断题Insurance is essentially a contract between two parties, namely the insurer and insured, like the consignor and consignee.A 对B 错

考题 判断题虽然每个域名对应一个IP地址,但并不是每一个IP地址都有一个域名与之对应。A 对B 错

考题 判断题对于航空快件,虽然各公司运输快件的机型各不相同,但各航空公刊对快件的要求必须相同。A 对B 错

考题 填空题Who are the two parties to the agreement?The provider of the website and its ____.