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24、Both __________(销售合同) and __________(形式发票) function as the documents to confirm the order.





更多 “24、Both __________(销售合同) and __________(形式发票) function as the documents to confirm the order.A.S/CB.PIC.PED.C/C” 相关考题
考题 You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 network. You need to store secured files for your company's accounting and legal departments on a Windows 2000 Professional computer.You want to accomplish the following goals:1. Enable users in both departments to access their own files from the network2. Enable users in the accounting department to view the legal accounting department's documents3. Prevent users in the legal department from being able to view the accounting department's documents4. Enable managers within the company to access and modify both the accounting and the legal department's filesYou take the following actions:1. Create two shared folders named Accounting and Legal2. Create three groups named Accounting, Legal, and Management3. Allow the Accounting group modify permission on the Accounting folder4. Allow the Legal group modify permission on the Legal folders.5. Allow the Management group modify permission on both the Accounting and Legal folders.Which result or results do these actions produce? (Choose all that apply)A.Users in both departments can access to their own files from the network.B.Users in the accounting department can view the legal department's documents.C.Users in the legal department cannot view the accounting department's documents.D.Company managers can access and modify both departments' files.

考题 销售管理子系统向会计信息系统提供()。A、各种生产统计数据B、定货合同、材料发票、入库单、领料单等C、设备购置、更新改造、大修理计划、固定资产卡片等基础数据D、客户资料及销售合同、销售发票运单等

考题 非股权投资的形式有( )。 A技术授权合同B管理合同C生产市场销售合同D生产市场销售合同

考题 收款数据流程中,将销售发票文 A收款单号B报价单号C合同号D发票号

考题 听力原文:We have to inform. you that the documents you presented have been received without the original.(7)A.The documents presented by you are original.B.The documents we received are not original.C.You are requested to present other documents.D.The documents presented to us are in order.

考题 听力原文:M: Well, what other documents shall I hand in to your bank besides bills of lading?W: A sight draft, an insurance policy, and a collection order which contains instructions on collection operation to our bank.Q: What are they talking about???(18)A.Presentation of bill of exchange for payment.B.Documents required for a collection operation.C.Application for a letter of credit.D.What are contained in a collection order.

考题 设A是一个类的类名,下面函数的参数的引用形式是( )。A.function(A p)B.function(A p)C.function(A *p)D.function(constA)

考题 Which of the following is a required GMDSS function?A.Transmit and receive location signalsB.Transmit and receive general communicationsC.Both of theseD.None of these

考题 Configuration management is focused on the specification of both the deliverables and the processes;while( )is focused on identifying,documenting,and approving or rejecting changes to the project documents,deliverables,or baselines.A.cost management B.change management C.configuration management D.capacity management

考题 关于土地增值税的清算,下列税法错误的是( )。  A.已全额开具商品房销售发票的,按发票所载全额确认收入 B.未全额开具商品房销售发票的,按销售合同全额确认收入 C.销售合同所载商品房面积与实际测量不一致并在清算前已补或退房款的,在计算土增时应予调整 D.未开具商品房销售发票的,按实际收取的金额确认收入。

考题 销售发票中如果有合同号,则可以与合同执行单进行结算。

考题 自产自销产品的业务及单据流应为:()。A、新建项目-新建合同-销售订单-销售发货单-销售出库单-销售发票B、新建合同-新建项目-销售订单-销售发货单-销售出库单-销售发票C、新建项目-新建合同-销售发货单-销售订单-销售出库单-销售发票D、新建合同-新建项目-销售发货单-销售订单-销售出库单-销售发票

考题 销售与运营计划分析报表的实际销售取值范围是()A、销售(外销)订单B、应收合同C、费用发票D、销售出库单

考题 关于销售发票的发票号,以下说法正确的有()A、采用增值税发票号B、系统自动给出连续编号C、采用销售合同号D、用客户代码代替E、采用群码方式编码

考题 销售与收款子系统在输入销售合同数据时,可以参考已经录入的()文件。输入销售发票数据时,也可以参考已经录入()文件。A、销售合同、销售发票B、报价单、销售发票C、报价单、销售合同D、销售发票、客户资料

考题 在JavaScript中,以下代码能产生输出的是()A、document.write()B、window.write()C、document.confirm()D、write “The Undefined Function”

考题 信用管理控制的单据有哪些?()A、销售合同B、销售订单C、销售出库D、销售发票

考题 以下关于PI的说法错误的是()A、形式发票可以当做销售合同B、形式发票没有法律效力C、买方可以用形式发票申请外汇许可、进口许可和开立信用证D、形式发票是一种数量化的报价

考题 在酒店中,须由店长保管的印章有哪些()?A、酒店法人章、人事专用章、销售专用章、发票专用章B、酒店法人章、酒店公章、销售专用章、发票专用章C、酒店法人章、人事专用章、合同专用章、发票专用章D、酒店公章、合同专用章、销售专用章、发票专用章

考题 Which one of the following @Function to all "response"and "response to response"documents of parent documents?()A、@Responses      B、@AllChildren    C、@AllResponses  D、@AllDescendants 

考题 hans is designing the reviews application. the application will include two forms :review and response, in the view ,the response documents do not appear under the review documents from which they were created, what could be causing this to happen .()A、inheritance in the review form was disabled B、shared values were enabled on both forms  C、shared field values and field definitions were enabled D、show response documents in a hierarchy was not enabled

考题 Which result or results do these actions produce?()A、Users in both departments can access their files from the network.B、Users in the accounting department can view the legal department’s documents.C、Users in the legal department cannot view the accounting department’s documents.D、Company managers can access and modify both departments’ files.

考题 You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 network. You need to store secured files for your company’s Accounting and Legal departments on a Windows 2000 Professional computer. You want to accomplish the following goals:  • Enable users in both departments to access their own files from the network  • Enable users in the Accounting department to view the Legal department’s documents  • Prevent users in the Legal department from being able to view the Accounting department’s    documents  • Enable managers within the company to access and modify both the Accounting and the Legal   department’s files You take the following actions:   • Create two shared folders named Accounting and Legal  • Create three groups named Accounting, Legal, and Management  • Allow the Accounting group Modify permission on the Accounting folder  • Allow the Accounting group Read permissions on the Legal folders.  • Allow the Management group Modify permission on both the Accounting and Legal folders.   Which result or results do these actions produce?()A、Users in both departments can access to their own files from the network.B、Users in the Accounting department can view the Legal department’s documents.C、Users in the Legal department cannot view the Accounting department’s documents.D、Company managers can access and modify both departments’ files.

考题 单选题Which one of the following @Function to all "response"and "response to response"documents of parent documents?()A @Responses      B @AllChildren    C @AllResponses  D @AllDescendants 

考题 单选题以下关于PI的说法错误的是()A 形式发票可以当做销售合同B 形式发票没有法律效力C 买方可以用形式发票申请外汇许可、进口许可和开立信用证D 形式发票是一种数量化的报价

考题 多选题关于销售发票的发票号,以下说法正确的有()A采用增值税发票号B系统自动给出连续编号C采用销售合同号D用客户代码代替E采用群码方式编码

考题 单选题销售与收款子系统在输入销售合同数据时,可以参考已经录入的()文件。输入销售发票数据时,也可以参考已经录入()文件。A 销售合同、销售发票B 报价单、销售发票C 报价单、销售合同D 销售发票、客户资料

考题 多选题信用管理控制的单据有哪些?()A销售合同B销售订单C销售出库D销售发票