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更多 “过境的英文表达是transit。()” 相关考题
考题 “快速自旋回波”的英文简写表达是A.GREB.FLAIRC.Turbo-FLASHD.FISPE.FSE

考题 “磁共振波谱”正确的英文表达是A.MagneticResonanceWavesB.MagneticResonanceMicroscopyC.MagneticResonanceCoreD.MagneticResonanceSusceptibilityE.MagneticResonanceSpectroscopy

考题 “按摩”的英文表达是( )。A.massageB.tuinaC.acupunctureD.acupressure

考题 过境旅客的英文翻译是()A.passenger in transitB.transit passengerC.transitmit passengerD.passenger transition

考题 In the Junos OS, what handles transit traffic?() A. Transit traffic is handled by the RE onlyB. Transit traffic is handled by the PFE onlyC. Transit traffic is handled by both the RE and the PFED. Transit traffic is not handled by the RE or the PFE

考题 意大利式有馅烘饼用英文表达是()A、PizzaB、BeefC、CakeD、Apple

考题 英文公示语常使用名词和动名词短语,如“请勿吸烟”的英文表达为No Smoking。

考题 中文的“设计”和英文的“design”表达的是同一个意思。

考题 历史上外来建筑文化移入中国都有一个适应过程,其英文表达可用()一词,而当代建筑的一大倾向是“趋同”,英文表达为()。

考题 In the Junos OS, what handles transit traffic?()A、Transit traffic is handled by the RE onlyB、Transit traffic is handled by the PFE onlyC、Transit traffic is handled by both the RE and the PFED、Transit traffic is not handled by the RE or the PFE

考题 过境贸易(Transit Trade)

考题 What statement about Transit AS is true?()A、Traffic and prefixes originating from Source AS are carried across a Transit AS to reach theirdestination ASB、Traffic and prefixes originating from Transit AS are carried across a Stub AS to their destination ASC、Traffic and prefixes originating from Transit AS are carried across a Stub AS to their Source ASD、None of the above

考题 “兑和法”的英文表达是()。A、MixB、StirC、BuildD、Blend

考题 “你好”的英文表达是“HELLO”

考题 单选题“总统套间”的英文表达是()。A Deluxe RoomB Presidential SuiteC Suite DoubleD Room

考题 单选题在表达“是,好的”的时候应用英文单词()A YesB FineC NoD Good

考题 单选题表示“强壮”意思的英文表达是as strong as a()。A horseB lionC cowD tiger

考题 填空题历史上外来建筑文化移入中国都有一个适应过程,其英文表达可用()一词,而当代建筑的一大倾向是“趋同”,英文表达为()。

考题 单选题“按摩”的英文表达是()。A massageB tuinaC acupunctureD acupressure

考题 多选题“康复”的英文表达可以是()。AhealingBacupunctureCacupressureDrehabilitationEtuina

考题 名词解释题过境贸易(Transit Trade)

考题 多选题“落枕”的英文表达可以是()。AtinnitusBtoothacheCtorticollisDstiff neckEinsomnia

考题 单选题意大利式有馅烘饼用英文表达是()A PizzaB BeefC CakeD Apple

考题 单选题比萨饼用英文表达是()A CakeB PizzaC BananaD Beef

考题 单选题The responsibility of the police force of Public Transit is to _____.A enhance public securityB build a free transit systemC control the number of ridersD ensure a convenient transit system

考题 配伍题异型原幼细胞的英文表达方式是()|血小板聚集的英文表达方式是()AANISOBHDWCplatelet clumpsDPCVEBL-ABN

考题 配伍题多角度偏振光散射的英文表达方式是()|红细胞碎片的英文表达方式是()AHFRBMAPSSCGRAN#DRBC FragmentsEVCS

考题 单选题城市功能分布中,中心商务区的英文表达是( )。A CBDB CBIC CIOD CDB