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7、客户的两台路由器通过V.35 电缆背靠背连接在一起,并在V.35 接口上运行了PPP 协议,在其中一台路由器上有如下接口信息: [MSR-Serial0/0]display interface Serial 0/0 Serial6/0 current state: UP Line protocol current state: DOWN 从如上信息可以推测______。

A.两路由器之间的物理连接正常,但PPP 协议协商没有成功

B.PPP 的LCP 协商有可能未通过

C.PPP 验证可能失败了

D.两路由器V.35 接口的IP 地址有可能不在同一网段

更多 “7、客户的两台路由器通过V.35 电缆背靠背连接在一起,并在V.35 接口上运行了PPP 协议,在其中一台路由器上有如下接口信息: [MSR-Serial0/0]display interface Serial 0/0 Serial6/0 current state: UP Line protocol current state: DOWN 从如上信息可以推测______。A.两路由器之间的物理连接正常,但PPP 协议协商没有成功B.PPP 的LCP 协商有可能未通过C.PPP 验证可能失败了D.两路由器V.35 接口的IP 地址有可能不在同一网段” 相关考题
考题 路由器A的配置如下 Quidway#SHOW RUN Now create configuration... Current configuration ! ! interface Ethernet0 ip address ! interface Serial0 encapsulation ppp backup interface Serial 1 ip address ! interface Serial1 encapsulation ppp ip address ! interface Serial2 flowcontrol normal async mode dedicated encapsulation ppp ! Exit Router rip ! End 路由器B的配置如下 Quidway#SHOW RUN Now create configuration... Current configuration ! ! interface Ethernet0 ip address ! interface Serial0 encapsulation ppp backup interface Serial 1 ip address ! interface Serial1 encapsulation ppp ip address ! interface Serial2 flowcontrol normal async mode dedicated encapsulation ppp ! Exit Router rip ! End 下述说法正确的是A、备份功能可以正常使用 B、备份功能不能正常使用 C、两端可以正常互联 D、两端不能正常互联

考题 Which line from the output of the show ip interface command indicates that there is a Layer 1 problem?A.Serial0/1 is up, line protocol is downB.Serial0/1 is down, line protocol is downC.Serial0/1 is up, line protocol is upD.Serial0/1 is administratively down, line protocol is downE.None of the above

考题 While logged into a router you manually shut down the serial 0 interface using the "shutdown" interface configuration command. You then issue the "show interface serial 0" command in exec mode. What could you expect the status of the serial 0 interface to be?()A. Serial 0 is up, line protocol is upB. Serial 0 is up, line protocol is downC. Serial 0 is down, line protocol is downD. Serial 0 is down, line protocol is upE. Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is downF. Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is up

考题 Which line from the output of the show ip interface command indicates a layer 1 problem?() A. Serial0/1 is up, line protocol is downB. Serial0/1 is down, line protocol is downC. Serial0/1 is up, line protocol is upD. Serial0/1 is administratively down, line protocol is down

考题 当学生A用两台Star—R2624路由器在做路由器广域网口连通实验时误将本端口路由器V.35线缆的插头插倒了。结果发现PING直连的路由器不通,请问此时需要查看路由器的状态应该是() A.Serial 0 is up,line protocol is downB.Serial 0 is down,line protocol is downC.Serial 0 is down,line protocol is upD.Serial 0 is administratively down,line protocol is

考题 While logged into a router you manually shut down the serial 0 interface using the "shutdown" interface configuration command. You then issue the "show interface serial 0" command in exec mode. What could you expect the status of the serial 0 interface to be?()A、Serial 0 is up, line protocol is upB、Serial 0 is up, line protocol is downC、Serial 0 is down, line protocol is downD、Serial 0 is down, line protocol is upE、Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is downF、Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is up

考题 可以通过哪些命令查看接口Serial1/0/1的配置信息().A、[Quidway]display current-configurationB、[Quidway-Serial1/0/1]display thisC、[Quidway]view saved-configurationD、[Quidway]show current-configuration

考题 在路由器上运行了show int Ethernet 0命令后,提示Ethernet 0 is up line protocol is down,则表示()A、端口正常B、连接故障,路由器未接到LAN上C、接口故障D、接口被人为地关闭

考题 如果执行了show interface serial 0命令而且出现了消息“Serial line is up,line protocol is up”,对于这条消息的正确解释是什么?()A、链路正在接收和发送数据B、路由器已经正确配置了本地管理接口C、连接处于激活状态

考题 Router# show interfaces serial 0/1 命令的输出显示了如下内容:   Serial0/1 is down, line protocol is down.   线路协议为 down(关闭)的原因最可能是什么()A、Serial0/1 为关闭状态B、路由器未连接电缆C、远程路由器正在使用 serial 0/0 接口D、尚未设置时钟频率

考题 两台空配置的MSR路由器MSR-1、MSR-2通过各自的S1/0接口背靠背互连,各自的GE0/0接口分别连接客户端主机HostA和HostB: HostA----GE0/0--MSR-1--S1/0---------S1/0--MSR-2--GE0/0----HostB 两台MSR 路由器的版本统一为Version 5.20, Release 1618P11,在两台路由器上做了如下的配置: MSR-1 上的配置: [MSR-1]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0 [MSR-1-GigabitEthernet0/0] ip address [MSR-1]interface Serial 1/0 [MSR-1-Serial1/0] link-protocol ppp [MSR-1-Serial1/0]ip address [MSR-1]rip [MSR-1-rip-1]network [MSR-1-rip-1]network              (没有[MSR-1-rip-1]version 2) MSR-2 上的配置: [MSR-2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0 [MSR-2-GigabitEthernet0/0] ip address [MSR-2]interface Serial 1/0 [MSR-2-Serial1/0] link-protocol ppp [MSR-2-Serial1/0]ip address [MSR-2]rip [MSR-2-rip-1]network [MSR-2-rip-1]network使能RIP的网段地址 根据以上配置后,两台路由器之间的广域网接口可以互通,两台主机HostA、HostB 都可以ping 通各自的网关GE0/0 的地址,那么下列哪些说法是正确的?()A、两台路由器之间可以通过RIP学习到彼此的GE0/0网段的路由B、两台路由器之间不能通过RIP学习到彼此的GE0/0网段的路由C、两台路由器之间运行的是RIPv1D、两台路由器之间运行的是RIPv2

考题 路由器S0/0 接口通过帧中继接入网络,在此路由器上看到如下接口信息: [MSR] display interface Serial 0/0 Serial0/0 current state: UP Line protocol current state: UP Internet Address is Primary Link layer protocol is FR IETF LMI DLCI is 0, LMI type is Q.933a, frame relay DTELMI status enquiry sent 91, LMI status received 69 LMI status timeout 22, LMI message discarded 1 那么可知()A、接口封装的LMI类型是Q.933aB、接口使用虚电路号是DLCI 0C、接口的PVC状态已经是UPD、本接口已经发送了91个状态查询报文来查询接口的PVC状态

考题 两台空配置的MSR 路由器通过各自的广域网Serial1/0接口背靠背直连,其互连网段为192.0.0.0/24。同时两台路由器的通过各自的GigabitEthernet0/0连接各自的局域网段用户: HostA----GE0/0--MSR-1--S1/0---------S1/0--MSR-2--GE0/0----HostB 在两台路由器上配置RIPv1,现在两台路由器上都学习到了对端局域网段的RIP路由。那么如下哪些说法是正确的?()A、如果其中一台路由器的局域网段为10.0.0.0/24,那么在另外一台路由器的路由表将学习到10.0.0.0/8的路由B、两台路由器之间交互RIP报文的方式是组播方式C、两台路由器之间的RIP报文基于TCP传输D、可以在两台路由器的广域网接口上配置CHAP验证增强网络安全性

考题 客户的两台路由器通过V.35 电缆背靠背连接在一起,并在V.35 接口上运行了PPP 协议,在其中一台路由器上有如下接口信息: [MSR-Serial0/0] display interface Serial 0/0 Serial6/0 current state: UP Line protocol current state: DOWN 从如上信息可以推测()A、两路由器之间的物理连接正常,但PPP协议协商没有成功B、PPP的LCP协商有可能未通过C、PPP验证可能失败了D、两路由器V.35接口的IP地址有可能不在同一网段

考题 客户路由器S0/0接入帧中继网络,在路由器的接口上有如下显示信息: Serial1/1 current state: UP Line protocol current state: DOWN Internet Address is 接口的协议状态为DOWN,那么据此分析()A、接口可能封装了PPP协议B、物理链路可能有故障C、封装的LMI类型可能与远端不一致D、如果接口封装了帧中继协议,此时PVC的状态应该是DOWN

考题 两台空配置的MSR 路由器MSR-1、MSR-2 通过各自的S1/0 接口背靠背互连,各自的GE0/0 接口分别连接客户端主机HostA 和HostB:HostA----GE0/0--MSR-1--S1/0---------S1/0--MSR-2--GE0/0----HostB 两台MSR 路由器的版本统一为Version 5.20, Release 1618P11,在两台路由器上做了如下的配置: MSR-1 上的配置:[MSR-1] interface GigabitEthernet 0/0 [MSR-1-GigabitEthernet0/0] ip address [MSR-1] interface Serial 1/0 [MSR-1-Serial1/0] link-protocol ppp [MSR-1-Serial1/0] ip address [MSR-1] rip [MSR-1-rip-1] network [MSR-1-rip-1] network MSR-2 上的配置:[MSR-2] interface GigabitEthernet 0/0 [MSR-2-GigabitEthernet0/0] ip address [MSR-2] interface Serial 1/0 [MSR-2-Serial1/0] link-protocol ppp [MSR-2-Serial1/0] ip address [MSR-2] rip [MSR-2-rip-1] network [MSR-2-rip-1] network根据以上配置后,两台路由器之间的广域网接口可以互通,两台主机HostA、HostB 都可以ping 通各自的网关GE0/0 的地址,那么下列哪些说法是正确的?()A、两台路由器之间可以通过RIP学习到彼此的GE0/0网段的路由B、两台路由器之间不能通过RIP学习到彼此的GE0/0网段的路由C、两台路由器之间运行的是RIPv1D、两台路由器之间运行的是RIPv2

考题 两台路由器MSR-1、MSR-2通过GigabitEthernet0/0互连,同时两台路由器之间运行了RIPv2,现在在其中一台路由器MSR-1的GigabitEthernet0/0接口想要只发送RIP报文而不接受RIP协议报文,那么如下哪些实现方式是可行的?()A、在MSR-1的GigabitEthernet0/0接口配置silent-interface GigabitEthernet 0/0B、在MSR-2的GigabitEthernet0/0接口配置silent-interface GigabitEthernet 0/0C、在MSR-1上配置ACL并应用在其GigabitEthernet0/0接口inbound方向D、在MSR-2上配置ACL并应用在其GigabitEthernet0/0接口inbound方向

考题 客户路由器的接口GigabitEthernet0/0 下连接了局域网主机HostA,其IP 地址为192.168.0.2/24;接口Serial6/0 接口连接远端,目前运行正常。现增加ACL 配置如下: firewall enable firewall default permit acl number 3003 rule 0 permit tcp rule 5 permit icmp acl number 2003 rule 0 deny source interface GigabitEthernet0/0 firewall packet-filter 3003 inbound packet-filter 包过滤 firewall packet-filter 2003 outbound ip address interface Serial6/0 link-protocol ppp ip address 假设其他相关配置都正确,那么()A、HostA不能ping通该路由器上的两个接口地址B、HostA不能ping通6.6.6.2,但是可以ping通192.168.0.1C、HostA不能ping通192.168.0.1,但是可以ping通6.6.6.2D、HostA可以Telnet到该路由器上

考题 客户的两台路由器通过V.35 电缆背靠背连接在一起,其中一台路由器上有如下接口信息: [MSR-Serial0/0]display interface Serial 0/0 Serial0/0current state: UP Line protocol current state: UP Description: Serial6/0 Interface The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500, Hold timer is 10(sec) Internet Address is Primary Link layer protocol is PPP LCP opened, IPCP opened 从上述信息可以得知()A、这台路由器已经和远端设备完成了PPP协商,并成功建立了PPP链路B、这台路由器和远端设备之间成功完成了PPP PAP或者CHAP的验证C、在这台路由器上已经可以ping通对端的地址6.6.6.2了D、 接口信息提示,在该接口下还可以配置第二个IP地址

考题 客户路由器S0/0接入帧中继网络,在路由器的接口上有如下显示信息:Serial1/1currentstate:UPLineprotocolcurrentstate:DOWNInternetAddressis3.3.3.2/24接口的协议状态为DOWN,那么据此分析()。A、接口可能封装了PPP协议B、物理链路可能有故障C、封装的LMI类型可能与远端不一致D、如果接口封装了帧中继协议,此时PVC的状态应该是DOWN

考题 客户的两台路由器通过V.35电缆背靠背连接在一起,其中一台路由器上有如下接口信息:[MSR-Serial0/0]displayinterfaceSerial0/0Serial0/0currentstate:UPLineprotocolcurrentstate:UPDescription:Serial6/0InterfaceTheMaximumTransmitUnitis1500,Holdtimeris10(sec)InternetAddressis6.6.6.1/30PrimaryLinklayerprotocolisPPPLCPopened,IPCPopened从上述信息可以得知()。A、这台路由器已经和远端设备完成了PPP协商,并成功建立了PPP链路B、这台路由器和远端设备之间成功完成了PPPPAP或者CHAP的验证C、在这台路由器上已经可以ping通对端的地址6.6.6.2了D、该接口信息提示,在该接口下还可以配置第二个IP地址

考题 客户的两台路由器通过V.35电缆背靠背连接在一起,并在V.35接口上运行了PPP协议,在其中一台路由器上有如下接口信息:[MSR-Serial0/0]displayinterfaceSerial0/0Serial6/0currentstate:UPLineprotocolcurrentstate:DOWN从如上信息可以推测()。A、两路由器之间的物理连接正常,但PPP协议协商没有成功B、PPP的LCP协商有可能未通过C、PPP验证可能失败了D、两路由器V.35接口的IP地址有可能不在同一网段

考题 当学生A用两台Star—R2624路由器在做路由器广域网口连通实验时误将本端口路由器V.35线缆的插头插倒了。结果发现PING直连的路由器不通,请问此时需要查看路由器的状态应该是()A、Serial 0 is up,line protocol is downB、Serial 0 is down,line protocol is downC、Serial 0 is down,line protocol is upD、Serial 0 is administratively down,line protocol is

考题 Which line from the output of the show ip interface command indicates a layer 1 problem?()A、Serial0/1 is up, line protocol is downB、Serial0/1 is down, line protocol is downC、Serial0/1 is up, line protocol is upD、Serial0/1 is administratively down, line protocol is down

考题 多选题可以通过哪些命令查看接口Serial1/0/1的配置信息().A[Quidway]display current-configurationB[Quidway-Serial1/0/1]display thisC[Quidway]view saved-configurationD[Quidway]show current-configuration

考题 单选题While logged into a router you manually shut down the serial 0 interface using the "shutdown" interface configuration command. You then issue the "show interface serial 0" command in exec mode. What could you expect the status of the serial 0 interface to be?()A Serial 0 is up, line protocol is upB Serial 0 is up, line protocol is downC Serial 0 is down, line protocol is downD Serial 0 is down, line protocol is upE Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is downF Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is up

考题 单选题当学生A用两台Star—R2624路由器在做路由器广域网口连通实验时误将本端口路由器V.35线缆的插头插倒了。结果发现PING直连的路由器不通,请问此时需要查看路由器的状态应该是()A Serial 0 is up,line protocol is downB Serial 0 is down,line protocol is downC Serial 0 is down,line protocol is upD Serial 0 is administratively down,line protocol is

考题 单选题Router# show interfaces serial 0/1 命令的输出显示了如下内容:   Serial0/1 is down, line protocol is down.   线路协议为 down(关闭)的原因最可能是什么()A Serial0/1 为关闭状态B 路由器未连接电缆C 远程路由器正在使用 serial 0/0 接口D 尚未设置时钟频率