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可以在下面代码段point x处写入的是? //point x public class Interesting{ //do something }

A.String str;

B.static int PI=3.14;

C.public class MyClass{//do other thing…}

D.import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.*;
更多 “可以在下面代码段point x处写入的是? //point x public class Interesting{ //do something }A.String str;B.static int PI=3.14;C.public class MyClass{//do other thing…}D.import java.awt.*;” 相关考题
考题 有如下类定义:class Point{int x_, y_;public:Point():x_(0), y_(0){}Point(int x, int y = 0):x_(x),y_(y){}};若执行语句Point a(2), b[3] , *c[4];则 Point 类的构造函数被调用的次数是A . 2 次B . 3 次C . 4 次D . 5 次

考题 下面程序的输出结果是【】。include include class point{double x; double y; 下面程序的输出结果是【 】。include <iostream.h>include <math.h>class point{double x;double y;public:point(double a, double b){x=a;y=b;}friend double distance(point a, point b) ;};double distance(point a, point b){return sqrt ((a. x-b.x) * (a. x-b.x)+ (a. y-b. y) * (a. y-b. y) );}void main(){point p1(1,2);point p2(5,2);cout<<distance(p1,p2)<<end1;}

考题 有如下类定义:class Point{public:Point(int xx=0,int yy=0):x(xx),y(yy) { }private:int x,y;};class Circle:public Point{public:Circle(int r):radius(r) { }private:int radius;};派生类Circle中数据成员的个数是( )。A、3B、1C、5D、2

考题 阅读下列C++程序和程序说明,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】Point是平面坐标系上的点类,Line是从Point派生出来的直线类。include <iostream.h>class Point{public:Point (int x, int y) ;Point (Point p) ;~Point();void set (double x, double y) ;void print();private:double X,Y;};Point::Point (int x, int y) //Point 构造函数{X=x; Y=y; }Point::Point ( (1) ) //Point 拷贝构造函数{X=p.X; Y=p.Y;}void Point::set (double x, double y){X=x; Y=y; }void Point::print(){cout<<' ('<<X<<","<<Y<<") "<<endl; }Point::~Point(){cout<<"Point 的析构函数被调用! "<<endl;class Line: public Point{public:Line (int x, int y, int k) ;Line (Line s) ;~Line();void set (double x, double y, double k)void print();private:double K;};(2)//Line 构造函数实现{ K=k;}(3)//Line 拷贝构造函数实现{K=s.K;}void Line::set (double x, double y, double k){ (4);K=k;}void Line::print(){cout<<" 直线经过点";(5);cout<<"斜率为: k="<<K<<endl;}Line: :~Line(){cout<<"Line 析构函数被调用! "<<endl;}void main(){Line 11 (1,1,2) ;11 .print();Linel2 (11) ;12.set (3,2,1) ;12.print();}

考题 下面程序的输出结果是【】。 inclde include using namespace std; class point { 下面程序的输出结果是【 】。inclde<iostreamn>include<math>using namespace std;class point{private:double x;double y;public:point(double a,double b){x=a;y=b;}friend double distance(point a,point b);};double distance(point a,point b){return sqrt((a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x)+(a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y));}int main(){point p1(1,2);point p2(5,2);cout<<distalice(p1,p2)<<endl;return 0;}

考题 有如下程序: include using namespace std; class Point{ int x, y; public: Point(i 有如下程序:#include<iostream>using namespace std;class Point{int x, y;public:Point(int x1=0, int y1=0):x(x1), y(y1){}int get(){return x+y;)};class Circle{Point center;int radius;public:Circle(int CX, int cy, int r):center(cx, cy), radius(r){}int get(){return center. get()+radius;}};int main(){circle c(3, 4, 5);cout<<c. get()<<end1;return ():}运行时的输出结果是( )。A) 5B) 7C) 9D) 12A.B.C.D.

考题 下面程序的输出结果是()。includeincludeusing namespace std;class point{p 下面程序的输出结果是( )。 #include<iostream> #include<math.h> using namespace std; class point { private: double x; double y; public: point(double a,double b) { x=a; y=b; } friend double distances(point a,point b); }; double distances(point a,point b) { return sqrt((a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x)+(a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y)); } int main() { point p1(1,2); point p2(5,2); cout<<distances(p1,p2)<<end1; return 0; }A.2B.4C.8D.16

考题 下列程序的执行结果为【 】。include class Point{public:Point(double i, double j) 下列程序的执行结果为【 】。include <iostream. h>class Point{public:Point(double i, double j) { x=i; y=j;}double Area() const { return 0.0;}private:double x, y;};class Rectangle: public Point{public:Rectangle(double i, double j, double k, double 1)double Area() const {return w * h;}private:double w, h;};Rectangle: :Rectangle(double i, double j, double k. double 1): Point(i,j).{w=k, h=1}void fun(Point s){cout<<s. Area()<<end1;}void main( ){Rectangle rec(3.0, 5.2, 15.0. 25.0);fun(rec)}

考题 有如下程序:include using namespace std;class point{int x, y;public:point( int v 有如下程序:#include <iostream>using namespace std;class point{ int x, y;public: point( int vx, int vy ) { X=vx; y=vy; } point() { x=0; y=0; } point operator+ ( point p1 ) { point p; int px = x + p1.x; int py = y+ p1.y; return point( px, py ); } point operator-( point p1 { point p; int px = x - p1.x; int py = y - p1.y; return point( px, py ); } void print() { cout<<x<<","<<y<<end1; }};int main(){ point p1( 10, 10 ), p2( 20, 20 ); p1 = p1 + p2; p1.print(); return ();}执行后的输出结果是( )。A.10, 10B.20, 20C.10, 20D.30, 30

考题 有以下程序:includeusing namespace std;definePl 3.14Class Point{private:int x,y 有以下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; #definePl 3.14 Class Point {private: int x,y; public: Point(int a,intB) {X=a; y:b;} int getx() <return x;} int gety() {return y;}}; class Circle:public Point {priA.314B.157C.78.5D.153.86

考题 有以下程序:includeincludeusing namespace std; class point{private:double 有以下程序: #include<iostream> #include<math> using namespace std; class point { private: double x; double y; public: point(double a,double B) { x=a; y=b; } friend double distance (point a,point B) ;A.1B.5C.4D.6

考题 有如下类定义:class Point{int x__, y__;public:Point(): x_(0), y_(0) {}Point(int x, int y =0): x_(x), y_(y) {}若执行语句Point a(2),b[3], *c[4];则Point 类的构造函数被调用的次数是( )。A.2次B.3次C.4次D.5次

考题 有以下程序:include include using namespace std;class point{private:doubl 有以下程序:#include <iostream>#include <math>using namespace std;class point{private: double x; double y;public: point(double a, double b { x=a; y=b; friend double distance (point a, point b ; };double distance(point a, point b return sqrt((a. x-b. x )*(a. x -b. x )+ (a. x -b. x)*(a. x-b. x));}int main (){ point p1 (1,2); point p2(5,2); cout<<distance (p1, p2)<<end1; return 0;} 程序运行后的输出结果是A.1B.5C.4D.6

考题 有如下程序:include using namespace std;class point{intx,y;public:point( int vx, 有如下程序:#include <iostream>using namespace std;class point{ int x, y;public: point( int vx, int vy ) { x = vx; y = vy; } point ( ) x = 0; y= 0; } point operator+( point p1 ) { point p; int px = x+ p1.x; int py = y + p1.y; return point( px, py ); point operator-( point p1 ) { point p; int px = x -p1.x; int py = y - p1.y; return point ( px, py ); } void print() { cout<<x<<" , "<<y<<end1; }};int main (){ point p1(10, 10 ), p2( 20, 20 ); p1 = p1 - p2; p1.print (); return 0;} 执行后的输出结果是A.10,10B.20,20C.10,20D.30,30

考题 有以下程序:include include using namespace std;class point{private: doub 有以下程序: #include <iostream> #include <math> using namespace std; class point { private: double x; double y; public: point(double a,double b) { x=a; y=b; } friend double distance(point a,point b) ; }; double distance(point a,point b) { return sqrt ((a.x-b.x)* (a.x-b.x)+(a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y)); } int main ( ) { point pl(1,2); point p2 (5, 2); cout<<distance (pl,p2) <<end1; return 0; } 程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.1B.5C.4D.6

考题 有如下程序: include using namespace std; class point {int x,y; public:point( i 有如下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class point { int x, y; public: point( int vx, int vy ) { x = vx; y = vy; } point ( ) { x = 0; y = 0; } point operator+( point pl ) { point p; int px = x + p1.x; int py = y + p1.y; return point( px, py ); } point operator-( point p1 ) { point p; int px = x - p1.x; int py = y - p1.y; return point( px, py ); } void print() { cout<<x<<", "<<y<<end1; } }; int main () { point pl ( 10, 10 ), p2 ( 20, 20 ); p1 = p1 + p2; p1.print (); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是( )。A.10,10B.20,20C.10,20D.30,30

考题 有以下程序:include using namespace std;define PI 3.14class Point{ private:int 有以下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define PI 3.14 class Point { private: int x,y; public: Point(int a,int b) { x=a; y=b; } int getx() { return x; }A.314B.157C.78.5D.153.86

考题 若有以下程序:include using namespace std;class point{private: int x, y;public: 若有以下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class point { private: int x, y; public: point ( ) { x=0; y=0; } void setpoint(int x1,int y1) { x=x1; y=y1;A.12,12B.5,5C.12,5D.5,12

考题 有以下程序:includeincludeusingnamespacestd;classDistance;classpoint{pub 有以下程序: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; class Distance; class point { public: friend class Distance; Point(int a,int B) { x=a; Y=b; } void Print() { cout<<"X= "<<X<<end1; cout<<"Y= "<<Y<<end1; } private: float X,Y; }; class Distance { public: float Dis(Point p,Point q); }; float Distance :: Dis(Point p,Point q) { float result; result=sqrt((p.X-q.X)*(p.X-q.X)+(p.Y-q.Y)*(p.Y-q.Y)); cout<<result<<end1; retUrn result; } int main() { Point p(10,10),q(10,30); Distance d; d.Dis(p,q); return 0; } 运行后的输出结果是( )。A.10B.30C.0D.20

考题 试完成下述程序片段:public class Point(){ int x,y;public Point(int x,int y){ =x; =y;}......} A. Point.x Point.yB.无解C. x1 y1D.this.x this.y

考题 给出下列java源代码:  //Point x  Public class Interesting{}  在源代码//point x处添加()能符合java语法 A、import java.awt.*B、package local.utilC、class MoreInteresting{}D、protected class MoreInteresting{}

考题 给出下面的代码段:public class Base{intw,x,y,z;public Base(inta,intb){x=a;y=b;}public Base(inta,intb,intc,intd){//assignmentx=a,y=bw=d;z=c;}}在代码说明//assignmentx=a,y=b处写入如下哪个代码是正确的?()A、Base(a,b)B、x=a,y=bC、super(a,b)D、this(a,b)

考题 public class ExceptionTest {   class TestException extends Exception {}   public void runTest () throws TestException {}   public void test () /* Point X*/ {   runTest ();   }   }   At point X on line 4, which code can be added to make the code compile?()  A、 Throws Exception.B、 Catch (Exception e).C、 Throws RuntimeException.D、 Catch (TestException e).E、 No code is necessary.

考题 10. class Line {  11. public class Point { public int x,y; }  12. public Point getPoint() { return new Point(); }  13. }  14. class Triangle {  15. public Triangle() {  16. // insert code here  17. }  18. }  Which code, inserted at line 16, correctly retrieves a local instance of a Point object?() A、 Point p = Line.getPoint();B、 Line.Point p = Line.getPoint();C、 Point p = (new Line()).getPoint();D、 Line.Point p = (new Line()).getPoint();

考题 单选题public class ExceptionTest {  class TestException extends Exception {}  public void runTest () throws TestException {}  public void test () /* Point X*/  {  runTest ();  }  }   At point X on line 4, which code can be added to make the code compile?()A  Throws Exception.B  Catch (Exception e).C  Throws RuntimeException.D  Catch (TestException e).E  No code is necessary.

考题 多选题给出下列java源代码:  //Point x  Public class Interesting{}  在源代码//point x处添加()能符合java语法Aimport java.awt.*Bpackage local.utilCclass MoreInteresting{}Dprotected class MoreInteresting{}

考题 单选题10. class Line {  11. public class Point { public int x,y; }  12. public Point getPoint() { return new Point(); }  13. }  14. class Triangle {  15. public Triangle() {  16. // insert code here  17. }  18. }  Which code, inserted at line 16, correctly retrieves a local instance of a Point object?()A  Point p = Line.getPoint();B  Line.Point p = Line.getPoint();C  Point p = (new Line()).getPoint();D  Line.Point p = (new Line()).getPoint();

考题 单选题给出下面的代码段:public class Base{intw,x,y,z;public Base(inta,intb){x=a;y=b;}public Base(inta,intb,intc,intd){//assignmentx=a,y=bw=d;z=c;}}在代码说明//assignmentx=a,y=b处写入如下哪个代码是正确的?()A Base(a,b)B x=a,y=bC super(a,b)D this(a,b)