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根据录音中提到的“He should also notice the kind of English, and its structure, that educated people use, and try to imitate it.”,可知应该注意受过良好教育的人使用的英语类型和英语结构,然后试着去模仿它。
Problems for EFL Learners  Even though some EFL learners achieve high score in a certain standard English test such as IELTS or TOEFL, they still have some problems concerning the learning of English. Today I’d like to talk about some of the problems that students face when they follow a course of study through the medium of English--if English is not their mother tongue.
  The problems can be divided into three broad categories: psychological, cultural and linguistic. (1)Some of the common psychological problems really involve fear of the unknown. It’s probably best for a student not to look too far ahead but to concentrate day-by-day on increasing his knowledge and developing his ability. (2)The overseas student in Britain may also suffer from separation from his family and possible homesickness; (3)enjoyment of his activities in Britain and the passage of time are the only real help here.
  Looking now at the cultural problems, (4)we can see that some of them are of a very practical nature, for example, arranging satisfactory accommodation, getting used to British money (or the lack of it), British food and weather. (5)Some of the cultural difficulties are less easy to define: they are bound up with the whole range of alien customs, habits and traditions. (6)Being open-minded and adaptable is the best approach to some of the difficulties listed here.
  The largest category is probably linguistic. Let’s look at this in some detail.
  When foreign learners first have the opportunity to speak to an English-speaking person they may have a shock: they often have great difficulty in understanding.
  Firstly, it seems to students that English people speak very quickly. Secondly, they speak with a variety of accents. Thirdly, different styles of speech are used in different situations.
  What can a student do then to overcome these difficulties? (8)Well, obviously, he can benefit from attending English classes and if a language laboratory is available, use it as much as possible. He should also listen to programmes in English on the radio and TV. Perhaps the most important of all, he should take every available opportunity to meet and speak with native English-speaking people.
  (7)In addition to these problems regarding listening and understanding, the student probably has difficulty in speaking English fluently. He has the ideas, he knows what to say but he doesn’t know how to say it in English. (9)Firstly, he must simplify his language so that he can express himself reasonably clearly; for example, short sentences will be better than long ones. Secondly, he must try to think in English, not translate from his mother tongue. In general, he should practice speaking as much as possible. (10)He should also notice the kind of English, and its structure, that educated people use, and try to imitate it.
  Thank you for your attention.
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