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更多 “单选题____A filledB wastedC savedD consumed” 相关考题
考题 Hearing that he had the first prize, he _______ with delight. A. filledB. joinedC. beamedD. seamed

考题 The teaching set-up_________ me with fear. A. filledB. pressedC. depletedD. compressed

考题 After his recovery from illness, he ________ his former position. A.C.presumedB.resumedC.assumedD.consumed

考题 We're all ______ to hear that she had got a new job in a company. A. filledB. threatenedC. stilledD. thrilled

考题 Thirty per cent of meals ( )by families in the USA are eaten at one of the big chains. A. consumingB. consumedC. to consumeD. are consumed

考题 Up to now, the program ________ thousands of children who would otherwise have died.A. would saveB. savesC. had savedD. has saved

考题 The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only____, but students became more interested in the lessons.A. saved was teachers’ energyB. was teachers’ energy savedC. teachers’ energy was savedD. was saved teachers’ energy

考题 InBritainpeople______fourmilliontonsofpotatoeseveryyear.A)swallowB)disposeC)consumeD)exhaust

考题 The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _________, but students became more interested in the lessons.A.saved was teachers' energyB.was teachers' energy savedC.teachers' energy was savedD.was saved teachers' energy

考题 Ashehas___ourpatience,we’llnotwaitforhimanylonger.A)tornB)wastedC)exhaustedD)consumed

考题 Ashehasourpatience,we’llnotwaitforhimanylonger.A)exhaustedB)wastedC)tornD)consumed

考题 The music would stop at intervals, then ________ after a while.A assumeB presumeC consumeD resume

考题 Dolphins are said to () many humans. A、saveB、be savingC、be savedD、have saved

考题 Don't run so much. You'll ____ yourself before the game begins.A.exhaustB.exaggerateC.consumeD.constrain

考题 Had I known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy .A.would have been savedB.had been savedC.will be savedD.was saved

考题 A vessel is equipped with cross-connected deep tanks. In which situation should the cross-connection valve be closed?A.The tanks lie above the waterline and are filledB.The tanks are partially filled with dry cargoC.The tanks are partially filled with liquid cargoD.The tanks are filled and lie below the waterline

考题 ______the survivors know more of how to cope with cold water in the sinking of MV Titanic in 1912 countless lives ______.A.Have / could have been savedB.Have / could have savedC.Had / could has savedD.had / could have been saved

考题 4.请选出下面划线部分读音不同的选项A.filled B.recognized C.whispered D.watched

考题 The advantage of rail transport is ()A、Great amount of shippedB、Less damage rationC、Fast speed, exact schedule, and cost savedD、Direct shipping line

考题 By the end of this year, I()enough money for a holidayA、will saveB、will be savingC、will have savedD、will be saved

考题 下列哪个表达法表示滞期非连续计算()A、pe rlike dayB、once on demurrage always on demurrageC、all time savedD、ABC都不对

考题 ()is the management system to control the material consumed reduce inventory in the manufacture company. A、DPRB、LPRC、MRPD、ERP

考题 单选题If active measures are not taken, fossil fuel will be consumed soon in the world.A used up B bring up C headed out D handed down

考题 单选题()is the management system to control the material consumed reduce inventory in the manufacture company.A DPRB LPRC MRPD ERP

考题 单选题What type of Call Admission control in CallManager allows for limits to the bandwidth consumed by active calls?()A regionsB partitionsC locationsD device Pools

考题 单选题68 A taught B consumed C sought D searchedA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题The energy consumed by an AC motor, as strictly reactive power, is ()A used to do mechanical workB used to establish the magnetic field of the motorC lost as heat generated by the windingsD lost in doing work to turn the motor itself

考题 单选题I believe that only in the purifying fire of sacrifice()and the greatness of human soul().A is the dross of selfishness consumed; set freeB the dross of selfishness is consumed; setting freeC is the dross of selfishness consuming; sets free