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Piston No2 of main engine has been removed, and it will be () by noon tomorrow.









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更多 “单选题Piston No2 of main engine has been removed, and it will be () by noon tomorrow.A liftedB reassembledC dismountedD disassembled” 相关考题
考题 Equipment not ______ official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop.A conforming to B consistent with C predominant over D providing for

考题 In an engine with a pot-shaped piston, some lubricating oil from the main bearing will pass along a drilled passage in the crankshaft to the bottom end bearing and then up a connection rod to theA.crossheadB.crankpinC.crank journalD.gudgeon pin

考题 After a fire has been extinguished in a closed space, personnel may safely enter the space whenA.smoke density has been decreased sufficiently to see the bulkhead opposite the compartment's entranceB.a lifeline and explosion proof flash light are usedC.all smoke and toxic fumes are removed and an adequate oxygen supply is presentD.overhaul has been completed to remove any possible source of re-ignition

考题 Your vessel has a midships engine room and the cargo is concentrated in the end holds.The vessel is ______.A.sagging with tensile stress on main deckB.sagging with compressive stress on main deckC.hogging with tensile stress on main deckD.hogging with compressive stress on main deck

考题 Which of the following commands will repair boot sector blocks after a virus has been removed?()A、chkdskB、formatC、fixmbrD、sfc

考题 单选题Worn main bearings in a diesel engine can result in ()A decreased compression pressureB increased lube oil pressureC lower lube oil temperatureD excessive leakage past the piston rings

考题 单选题Your vessel has a midships engine room and the cargo is concentrated in the end holds.The vessel is().A sagging with tensile stress on main deckB sagging with compressive stress on main deckC hogging with tensile stress on main deckD hogging with compressive stress on main deck

考题 单选题Telescopic pipes to the piston of a large slow-speed main propulsion diesel engine are designed to prevent ().A excessive crankcase pressureB excessive lube oil temperatureC contamination of the lube oil by waterD contamination of the cooling water by lube oil

考题 单选题Leaking oil seals on a diesel engine turbocharger can cause()A the engine to run after the fuel has been securedB the engine to over-speedC a fireD all of the above

考题 单选题Scuffed cylinder liner wearing surfaces in a diesel engines can result from ()A starting the engine while hotB knurling the piston skirtC operating the engine overheatedD scuff resistant piston rings

考题 单选题() can be found on most medium to large merchant vessels even if the main engine is either a steam turbine or 2-stroke crosshead engine.A The medium speed 4-stroke trunk piston engineB The low speed 2-stroke crosshead engineC The medium speed 2-stroke crosshead engineD The low speed 4-stroke trunk piston engine

考题 单选题The opening of an exhaust valve on a modem, large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine may be actuated by ().A direct action of cam shaftB compressed air pressureC hydraulic “push rods”D direct action of the main piston moving down

考题 单选题In an engine with a pot-shaped piston, some lubricating oil from the main bearing will pass along a drilled passage in the crankshaft to the bottom end bearing and then up a connection rod to the ().A crossheadB crankpinC crank journalD gudgeon pin

考题 单选题In an engine with a pot-shaped piston, some lubricating oil from the main bearing will pass along a () in the crankshaft to the bottom end bearing andthen up a connection rod to the gudgeon pin.A telescopic pipesB large boreC drilled passageD tied rod

考题 单选题Engine room fires have been started by neglected oil leaks dripping on to hot pipes or exhaust manifolds () insulation has not been replaced after maintenance.A whichB whenC whoseD what

考题 单选题(Piston area)X(Piston stroke)K(numbers of the cylinders)=engine()A brake horsepowerB displacementC cylinder volumeD cylinder clearance

考题 单选题The main function of tie rods in the construction of large, low speed diesel engines is to().A stiffen the bedplate in way of the main bearings to increase the engines longitudinal strengthB accept most of the tensile loading that results from the firing forces developed during operationC mount the engine frame securely to the hull to prevent shaft coupling misalignmentD connect the crosshead solidly to the piston rod

考题 单选题The burning of the fuel adds more heat to the air charge, causing it to expand and force the engine piston to do work on the crankshaftWhat does “it” mean in this sentence?()A the burningB the fuelC the air chargeD the engine piston

考题 单选题Scuffed cylinder liner surfaces in a diesel engine can result form()A starting the engine hotB knurling the piston skirtC operating an overheated engineD using scuff resistant piston rings

考题 单选题In a diesel engine, when the fuel is injected into the cylinder,()A the piston is just coming upward from the bottom dead centerB the piston has moved about one-fifth of the way upC the piston has moved most of the way up and almost reached the TDCD the piston has just past the TDC

考题 单选题After a fire has been extinguished in a closed space, personnel may safely enter the space when ().A smoke density has been decreased sufficiently to see the bulkhead opposite the compartments entranceB a lifeline and explosion proof flash light are usedC all smoke and toxic fumes are removed and an adequate oxygen supply is presentD overhaul has been completed to remove any possible source of re-ignition

考题 单选题If a diesel engine has been stopped because of piston seizure due to severe overheating, the crankcase()A inspection covers should not be opened until the engine has cooledB ventilation system should be continued in operation for one hour for coolingC scavenge pump should be immediately secured to prevent loss of lube oilD explosion covers should be opened slightly to provide extra ventilation

考题 单选题In heavy marine engine the practice is to drive the engine on()which has previously been stored in starting air reservoirs.A electric motorB hydraulic motorC compressed airD turning gear

考题 单选题The function of diesel engine piston compression rings is to ().A prevent piston side thrustB prevent engine friction lossesC transmit heat from the piston to the cylinder linerD remove oil from the cylinder combustion space

考题 单选题About the jacket water, that of the auxiliary engines usually() is circulated by pumps, and the main engine usually ()A an engine-driven;as wellB an engine-driven;has an independent pumpC an independent;as wellD an independent;has an engine-driven pump

考题 单选题A possible cause for an individual piston to knock when at TDC on a slow-speed, two-stroke/cycle main propulsion diesel engine could be due to ()A early fuel injectionB excessive bearing play within the running gearC overloading of the cylinderD all of the above

考题 单选题If sludge accumulates on the underside of a diesel engine piston, it will()A cause blow-byB chemically attack the piston skirtC form an emulsion of lube oil and waterD raise the piston temperature