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European and Japanese regulators do not wish to tell the public about their fast screening methods for sick animals.



The officials declined to say exactly what they would recommend but acknowledged that European and Japanese regulators screen millions of animals using tests that take only three hours—fast enough to stop diseased carcasses from being cut up for food.
更多 “判断题European and Japanese regulators do not wish to tell the public about their fast screening methods for sick animals.A 对B 错” 相关考题
考题 tact is the ability to be polite and careful about what you say or do so that you do not upset or embarrass other people.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Lisa felt bad about forgot to tell Linda about the interview.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 – ()– I think our marketing team is qualified and the after-sales service is fast and effective. A、What does your team do?B、What are the disadvantages?C、What about our strengths?

考题 The Eskimo is perhaps one of the most trusting and considerate of all Indians but seems to be the _______ welfare of his animals.A critical about B indignant at C indifferent to D subject to

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考题 What can we learn about the Mayan calendar?A. It was based on the European calendars.B. It was better than European calendars.C. It was as accurate as European calendars.D. It was copied by European calendars.

考题 Tell me about a city you have visited.You should say:where the city is and when you went therewhat people can see and do in that citywhy that city is special and explain why your visit to that city was memorable.You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.You will have one minute to think about what you're going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

考题 How do the public feel about the current economic situation?A Optimistic.B Confused.C Carefree.D Panicked.

考题 How much oil do you need?—It costs about 50 pounds。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 - Do you have any suggestions about it -() A、After I read it in detail, I will tell you my opinion.B、No, I have no idea.C、Let me give you a hand.

考题 What do you think about Japanese food? ()A. Overall, the diet there is a healthy one-low fat.B. Public environment has been greatly improved.C.I didn't have much time to prepare food, so I ate out a lot.

考题 Do you have any suggestions about it?()A. No, I have no ideaB. Let me give you a handC. After I read it in detail, I will tell you my opinion

考题 ______ can be exercised only on the day when they expire.A.American optionsB.European optionsC.Chinese optionsD.Japanese options

考题 We now know that about ____ of all the kinds of seaweed are animals.A: one fourB: once fourC: once fourthD: one fourth

考题 Do you think you speak English quite fluently? tell me about your English education.

考题 Suppose you are going to study abroad and share an apartment with John,a localstudent.Write him to email to tell him about your living habits,and ask for advice about living there.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name.Use"Li Ming”instead.Do not write your address.

考题 资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuable than the gold in its vaults. Banks enjoy a monopoly over data that has helped them get away with poor services and fend off competitors. In Europe, at least, that is all about to change with a new set of regulations, named PSD2. The rules will compel banks to share data easily with licensed third parties. Bankers in Europe complain that their profits and customer relationships are under threat. However, opening up banks, and the data they store, is good for consumers and competition, New providers will be better placed to offer all sorts of innovative services, such as a one-click option to put unspent monthly income into a pension plan. Nevertheless, some concerns about PSD2 are legitimate. In particular, it is reasonable to wonder about the privacy and security implications of sensitive financial date being shared with third parties. But banks themselves are hardly invulnerable to cyber attacks (网络攻击).And the solutions that the European regulators propose to deal with these worries look promising. Third parties that want to use bank data will need to convince national regulators that their data defenses are solid and are subject to annual regulatory inspections. The gap between writing rules and implementing them is always large. First, consent from customers to provide access to their bank data must be gained explicitly, and the purposes of the data use should be clearly explained. Second, regulators must be very tough both in ensuring that banks open up their infrastructure and in withdrawing the licenses of third parties that break the rules. Third, regulators must also be flexible enough to allow for changes as the market evolves. Since the new entrants will not be licensed to engage in riskier financial activities——such as lending money——it makes sense to regulate them with a lighter touch. But if some Fintech providers do end up becoming systemically important, higher standards of oversight might be necessary. What is the passage mainly about?A.Challenges facing European regulators. B.A new regulation in Europe that opens banks to competition. C.The solutions to the flawed banking system in Europe. D.A looming threat to customers' private bank data.

考题 A:Do you have any suggestions about it? B:()ANo, I have no ideaBLet me give you a handCAfter I read it in detail, will tell you my opinion

考题 A:Do you have any suggestions about it? B:()A、No, I have no ideaB、Let me give you a handC、After I read it in detail, will tell you my opinion

考题 public class Parent {  public int addValue( int a, int b) {     int s;     s = a+b;     return s;     }     }  class Child extends Parent {  }  Which methods can be added into class Child?()   A、 int addValue( int a, int b ){// do something...}B、 public void addValue (){// do something...}C、 public int addValue( int a ){// do something...}D、 public int addValue( int a, int b )throws MyException {//do something...}

考题 多选题public class Parent {  public int addValue( int a, int b) {     int s;     s = a+b;     return s;     }     }  class Child extends Parent {  }  Which methods can be added into class Child?()Aint addValue( int a, int b ){// do something...}Bpublic void addValue (){// do something...}Cpublic int addValue( int a ){// do something...}Dpublic int addValue( int a, int b )throws MyException {//do something...}

考题 问答题Q3: Do you have any experiences of business trips? Can you tell me something about one of them?

考题 单选题A:Do you have any suggestions about it? B:()A No, I have no ideaB Let me give you a handC After I read it in detail, will tell you my opinion

考题 单选题His proposal is()to all of us and you do not need to tell us more about it.A apparentB appearingC approachingD apart

考题 判断题Bremer is concerned about the violence against and the public opposition to American occupation in Iraq.A 对B 错

考题 单选题Can you tell me something about the tallying methods at your port?().A CertainB Be certainC SureD Be sure

考题 单选题It’s really ______ you not to tell your parents about the problems. Do you think you can solve them on your own?A smart ofB smart forC silly ofD silly for