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nothing else      


something else


anything else  




只前没有其他能源可以与汽油相媲美,因此用nothing else。
更多 “单选题______A nothing else B something elseC anything else D none” 相关考题
考题 42. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything

考题 Can you think of anything else to talk about? I don't like this subject ________. A、at allB、ever muchC、anyD、never

考题 5. —His Mr Brown living here?—No,he moved_________ last week.A. to somewhere elseB. somewhere elseC. to else somewhereD. else somewhere

考题 The underlined words "resorted to" mean ______.A. stopped doing somethingB. gave upC. turned to something else for helpD. went on with

考题 若整型变量a的值为2、b的值为3,则下面程序段执行后整型变量c的值为( )。 If a>5 Then If b<4 Thenc=a-b Elsec=b-a Else If b>3 Thenc=a*b Elsec=aMod6 End IfA.2B.-1C.1D.6

考题 6. Do you have _________ to tell me?A. something elseB. else somethingC. else anythingD. anything else

考题 Jane will never marry John because in her eyes he is()her prince charming. A、anything butB、nothing butC、everything butD、something but

考题 – what else do you want? -- ________ else. i think i have got everything ready. A. AnythingB. NothingC. EverythingD. Something

考题 The note-book isn’t mine.It must be ( ). A、somebody’s else'sB、somebody’s elseC、somebody elseD、somebody else’s

考题 “请问您还需要点什么 ”用英语最妥当的表述是( )。A.Do you need anything moreB.Do you need something elseC.Would you like something moreD.Would you like anything more

考题 He must pay $100 ____ go to prison.A: or elseB: and elseC: but elseD: if else

考题 _______________________-A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing

考题 When the teacher attempts to elicit more information from the students by saying "And...","Good. Anything else", etc, he/she is playing the role of a __________. A.prompter B.participant C.manager D.consultant

考题 Would you like to go to a concert this evening?()AOK. Let's go.BYou are welcomeCBut I have nothing else to do.DNot bad.

考题 Would you like to go to a concert this evening?()A、OK. Let's go.B、You are welcomeC、But I have nothing else to do.D、Not bad.

考题 “请问您还需要点什么?”用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、Do you need anything more?B、Do you need something else?C、Would you like something more?D、Would youlikeanythingmore?

考题 在下列语句中,常用于多分支情况的是()。A、ifB、if-elseC、switchD、else-if-else

考题 双分支选择结构常用语句是()。A、ifB、if--elseC、if-else-ifD、else-if-else

考题 Python中,for和while可以有else语句?()A、只有for有else语句B、只有while有else语句C、for,while都有else语句D、for,while都没有else语句

考题 单选题I refuse to accept the blame for something ______ was someone else’s fault.A whoB thatC asD what

考题 单选题Python中,for和while可以有else语句?()A 只有for有else语句B 只有while有else语句C for,while都有else语句D for,while都没有else语句

考题 单选题A: That’ll be $6.75.  B: ______A Enjoy your meal!B Can I get you anything else?C Have a good day!D Here you are. Keep the change.

考题 单选题56. A anything B nothing C something D everythingA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题Would you like to go to a concert this evening?()A OK. Let's go.B You are welcomeC But I have nothing else to do.D Not bad.

考题 单选题以下关于if-else说法正确的是()。A 不可以多个if-else进行嵌套B if-else里面不能在写if判断C if-else只能用一次D 可以多个if-else进行嵌套

考题 单选题______ he is into the video game, it is hard for him to think about anything else—all his attention is on winning the game.A OnceB UnlessC WhetherD Until

考题 单选题Why is it better to use a china cup and a lunch box?A You can burn themB You can use them againC You can throw them awayD You can change them into something else