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sign out登记并离开,签退。符合句意“退出使用的电脑”,故选C。sign in注册;签到。sign up登记;注册。D项to一般不与sign构成短语,且不符合句意。
更多 “单选题_____A inB upC outD to” 相关考题
考题 To our surprise, the stranger____________to be an old friend of my mother' s.A. turned outB. turned upC. set outD. set up

考题 I was trying to ________ him __________, but failed because he didn’t fit into any type I knew. A.check…throughB.size…upC.pick…outD.note…down

考题 Dad wondered where I'd been, and I ________ a story about being at Grandma's A.made outB.made upC.looked outD.looked up

考题 If you don't give ______smoking, you'll never get better.A. offB. upC. outD. in

考题 He cut ______his smoking.A. inB. upC. backD. down

考题 I got . _____very late this morning. I watched too much TV last night.A. inB. upC. together

考题 The boys got ____________ very late this morning. They watched too much TV last night.A. inB. upC. together

考题 How much has the company _________ this year? A.brought inB.brought downC.brought outD.brought up

考题 I am getting a divorce.I can't( )him any longer. A.put up withB.put upC.put outD.put down

考题 Our teacher pointed _____ the seriousness of his mistake. A: atB: upC: outD: to

考题 He () mountain climbing two years ago. A、beginsB、took upC、took outD、liked

考题 Please _______ these names again from the top of the list. A、save upB、meet upC、stress outD、run through

考题 The goods of you are available for () at the below address.A、picking inB、picking upC、picking offD、picking on

考题 We have enclosed our new price list for your review which() effect on Monday.A、 goes inB、goes offC、goes outD、goes into

考题 The old lady _________ on hearing her son’s death.A、broke inB、broke downC、broke outD、broke away


考题 请选择(5)处最佳答案( )。A.insists onB.sums upC.turns outD.puts forward

考题 Water, when boiled, always ______ steam.A. gives inB. gives upC. gives offD. gives away

考题 Make( )copies of important files, and store them on separate locations to protect your information.A.back B.back-up C.back-out D.backgrounD.

考题 To our surprise, the stranger ______ to be an old friend of my mother's.A. turned out B. turned up C. set out D. set up

考题 The Healthcare community was shocked ( )Ricardo Peter's resignation after only one year as president of Healthcorps. A. in B. up C. of D. by

考题 A thief broke__________′when I was leaving for my office.A.in B.up C.out D.off

考题 Some prizes are awarded to technology that, after later review, just doesn’t seem to ______ well.A.turn down B.turn up C.turn out D.turn in

考题 根据邮件列表页面其内容是()A、Opt--inB、Doubleopt—inC、Opt—outD、UCE

考题 all inspections are carried ( )conscientiously to the best of our knowledge and ability.A、inB、toC、outD、away

考题 若为计算机连接简易的话筒,话筒应接在声卡的()接口。A、Mic InB、Line InC、Line OutD、C/W Out

考题 They have sold _____ their whole stock of frozen fish.A、forwardB、upC、outD、short

考题 以下不是“填写”意思的英语单词或词组为()。A、to fill inB、subscriptionC、fill outD、complete