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Which of the following is NOT true about many people who experience mental health problems?

They can get over them or learn to live with them.


They don’t receive the right kind of help.


They are kept away from their families and friends.


They receive unfair treatment from the professionals who should care for them.


录音中讲到“幸运的是,大多数出现精神问题的人可以克服掉或学着与它们共存(get over them or learn to live with them)。不幸的是许多有精神问题的人不能接受到正确的帮助(don’t receive the right kind of help)。事实上,许多有精神问题的人受到他们的家人,朋友和专业人员的回避或歧视,这些人本应该照顾他们的”,由此可见只有D项错误。
  The word “mental” is seen almost exclusively in negative terms — as a term of abuse in the playground, at work and even in the family. But we are all “mental” beings — in the same way as we are all “physical” beings. And mental health is just as important as physical health. If we are to grow and to flourish, we need to accept that we are “mental” beings with emotional and spiritual needs, as well as physical ones.
  Good mental health isn’t just the absence of mental health problems. If we have good mental health, we can develop emotionally, creatively, intellectually and spiritually. We can initiate, develop and sustain mutually satisfying personal relationships. We can face problems, resolve them and learn from them. We can also use and enjoy solitude, play and have fun, and laugh both at ourselves and at the world. What is more, we are confident, assertive, aware of others, and empathetic with them.
  Mental health problems range from the worries and grief we all experience as part of everyday life, to the most bleak, suicidal depression or complete loss of touch with everyday reality. On average one in four of us will experience a mental health problem in the course of a year. These problems can cause real and lasting damage, both to the individual and to the community. Fortunately the majority of people who experience mental health problems can get over them or learn to live with them especially if they get help early on. Unfortunately many people experiencing a mental health problem don’t receive the right kind of help and some don’t receive any help at all. In fact many people with mental health problems are shunned or discriminated against by their families, friends and the professionals who are supposed to be caring for them.
更多 “单选题Which of the following is NOT true about many people who experience mental health problems?A They can get over them or learn to live with them.B They don’t receive the right kind of help.C They are kept away from their families and friends.D They receive unfair treatment from the professionals who should care for them.” 相关考题
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